°ï¦ï°¯¯¯¯°ï¦ï°¯¯¯¯°ï¦ï°¯¯¯°ï¦ï°¯¯¯°ï¦ï°¯¯¯¯°ï¦ï°¯¯¯¯°ï¦ï°¯¯¯¯°ï¦ï°||¸,•°´´°•,¸||¸,•°´´°•Pearz Introduction•°´´°•,¸||¸,•°´´°•,¸||___________________________________________________Hello Everyone,
This is just a little post so everyone can get to know me.
¸ . •´ ¸ .•*´ ¨) ¸ .• * ¨)
( ¸ .•´ ( ¸ .•<---<<< Real Life Introduction >>>--->My name is Brady and I am a 19 year old college student studying
chemical engineering at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.
As you can probably tell by this I enjoy math and physics,but I
also have a soft spot for good literature. I am gay, enjoy sports,
watching random shows on netflix and have proudly seen every
episode of Naruto *Original & Shippuden*
¸ . •´ ¸ .•*´ ¨) ¸ .• * ¨)
( ¸ .•´ ( ¸ .•<---<<< Runescape Introduction <---<<<~Backstory>>>--->I started playing Runescape in 2006 at the age of 8 with a group of3 friends from elementary school. My first account was named "Mizog30" and it's highest skill was and still is 46 woodcutting. After my friends stopped playing I created a new account in middle school named "Pokeman99222" this account i played on for around a year before creating my first skiller my first skillers name was "k1ng H3rald" this account was a f2p skiller which I eventually failed upon getting membership. After I failed this account I longed to have another skiller so I created the account I have now.
~ Pearz>>>--->The account originally called "Teary Eyez" was created in June of 2014 and is now called what my name is now "Pearz". I was a f2p skiller until November of 2014 still only playing on and off (I still only have 11 days play time.) While being a f2p skiller I began to train dungeoneering and eventually achieved 99 only 3 days after becoming a Runescape member for the first time on this account;on January 1st 2015. Currently I am just doing some general skilling to gain total levels and have no idea what my next 99 will be.
¸ . •´ ¸ .•*´ ¨) ¸ .• * ¨)
( ¸ .•´ ( ¸ .•>>>---> Current Stats <---<<<
¸ . •´ ¸ .•*´ ¨) ¸ .• * ¨)
( ¸ .•´ ( ¸ .•Random List of Favorite Things:>>>---> Favorite Color ~ Purple
>>>---> Favorite Season ~ Winter
>>>---> Favorite Weather ~ Rain
>>>---> Favorite Artist ~ Beyonce
>>>---> Favorite Book ~ Kafka on the Shore
>>>---> Favorite Anime ~ Naruto
>>>---> Favorite Show ~ American Horror Story
>>>---> Favorite Food ~ Broccoli Soup
>>>---> Favorite Skill ~ Dungeoneering
>>>---> Favorite D&D ~ Stealing Creation
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