
Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: Noxarion on May 17, 2014, 16:15:33

Title: Noxarion's Introduction
Post by: Noxarion on May 17, 2014, 16:15:33
Hey everyone, I've been in the clan for almost a month now but I didn't really introduce myself yet. My real name is Jermaine I'm 20 years old and I live in the southern part of the Netherlands near the German and Belgium border. My hobby is gaming and one day I hope to turn this hobby into a job by becomming a professional gamer, so far I think my best chance to become that is through the game League of Legends or LoL as most of you know it. I'm also really interested in some History subjects like WOII and even tho I don't believe in god I find the believes history rather interesting especialy the old temples/churches etc.. Apart from that I'm also really interested in the supernatural (Ghosts, Superpowers etc..). I also like listening to music, I don't really have a favourite music genre I like alot of different music (I don't like soul, jazz and alot of modern day pop music). My favourite solo artist has to be Eminem or Tupac I like how they really rap about the feelings they have (for the most part atleast) I think that it's important to make music through your feelings when writing a rap/pop/rock song. One day I hope to visit indonesia the country where my grandmother comes from to see how people live there and to eat the different types of food (I really like food especialy the Asian food). One day I hope to make a world trip to taste the different types of food and experience the supernatural from the different areas. I'm most interested in the UK hauntings cause I see alot about those. Well that's a bit of information about me. :)
Title: Re: Noxarion's Introduction
Post by: Happi on May 17, 2014, 19:24:50
Nice to meet you, hope you can achieve your real life goals, waiting to see you live on lcs ^^
Title: Re: Noxarion's Introduction
Post by: Emma on May 17, 2014, 19:54:32
about time Nox! (I'm afraid you will always be Nox, not Jermaine, to me)
Title: Re: Noxarion's Introduction
Post by: Only Lilly on May 17, 2014, 21:13:43
You have certianly made a huge impact on Consentus in a positive way

I hope you have found a home with us 
Title: Re: Noxarion's Introduction
Post by: Aaron on May 17, 2014, 23:24:35
Welcome to Consentus.
Hope you enjoy your stay and very nice too meet you
Title: Re: Noxarion's Introduction
Post by: Stee on May 18, 2014, 00:22:40
Welcome to Consentus ;) Hope you enjoy it here :sun:
Title: Re: Noxarion's Introduction
Post by: Mike on May 18, 2014, 09:49:37
Awesome to get to know some background about you! I also have an interest in ghosts. :p
Title: Re: Noxarion's Introduction
Post by: Slayer Wolf on May 18, 2014, 14:23:09
Hey nox, Welkom in consentus :) Je zal het leuk hebben bij ons :D
translation: Hey nox, Welcome to Consentus :) you'll have a great time with us :)

btw, Nice background story buddy :)
Title: Re: Noxarion's Introduction
Post by: Winter on May 22, 2014, 14:04:15
Welcome to Consentus Jermaine. :)