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Nic's Introduction! (:
« on: March 27, 2013, 08:19:43 »
Hello Consentus Clan,

First off I'll start by introducing myself, my goals, my interests etc. I'll then move on to my Runescape introduction. :)

Short summary of myself :)

I'm Nic, I'm 20 years old and I live in British Columbia, Canada(The West,.. for anyone who is unsure!). I kind of put off writing this for the first few days as I've been sick, and I felt I wasn't really up to writing something long and boring!(Kidding).
I enjoy playing ice hockey and soccer(A.K.A Football for you Brits ;) ), I like to get out from time to time and have some fun whether it's going to the beach, camping, or even just a simple movie. I spend a lot of time at home; I'm not the "go out, get drunk, party" type of person. I'm currently taking online courses and working two part time jobs.
I've lived here all my life, I've travelled a little bit throughout Western Canada, and the coast line down through Washington, Oregon, California etc. I'm hoping to travel to eastern area of North America, specifically New York, and work my way down to Florida. Someday I'd love to come over to the UK, and see the rest of the world. :)

Long Term Goals

I'm working towards getting my degree in business management; I'd love to make my own company one day. I'm also putting some thought into joining the Canadian Armed Forces & most recently applying for Jagex.
I'm very interested in learning new languages, traveling is a big thing to me, I'd love to pursue that in the future, and being fluent in multiple languages will help.


Favorite books, movies, shows, music, food, games

Favorite Books
 - I don't enjoy reading; however my favorite would be Pretty Little Liars.
Favorite Movies
- I have so many favorites; I've seen way too many movies! I'd say a few of the most recent ones that I enjoyed though are Skyfall, Taken 2, The Proposal, American Reunion, and the Twilight Series. I typically like all kinds of movies except Sci-Fi, and I don't find horror's that interesting.
Favorite Tv Shows
- Pretty Little Liars
 - House
 - Two and a half men (Both Charlie & Ashton)
 - Hawaii Five-o
I'm also really into Ice Hockey & I enjoy watching some soccer (football) from time to time!

Favorite Music
- I like almost all kinds of music except dubstep, metal, techno, screamo. My favorite artist would be Taylor Swift, and I enjoy many others (to name a few, Nickelback, Ke$ha, Luke Bryan, Cher Lloyd).
Favorite Food
- I like many types of food; however I have also been told I'm quite picky! I like to try everything once; my favorite would be some sort of chicken and nice pasta. *Yum* :P

Favorite Games
- I'm honestly not a "big" gamer, Runescape is pretty much the only game that can really interest me. I do however have other games on my laptop such as Cod series, Skyrim, Swat 4, and Americas Army. I have a PlayStation 3, I've got a bunch more games for that Cod, Battlefield, Skyrim, and my most favorite,.. Nhl<3


I'd say that I'm a very honest type of person, I've been through a lot in the past that has changed the way my present and future has headed. I'd say I'm one of the nicest and most caring people you will ever meet, but if you screw me over once, you can't expect that to stick around. I'll do anything I can to put others before myself, so if anyone needs help or advice, or just someone that's willing to listen to you, I'm here.


I started playing Runescape back in classic on another account, my early memories of this game was heading to Al Kharid mining pit(the one with scorpions) and getting absolutely lost and frustrated,... I quit the game, and returned a few months later. I then decided to make this current account, I've played it ever since.

I use to play in world 103 for a long time, had met some amazing people there, times were definitely different,... I worked towards 99 Fletching for money, this was back when people didn't even think about 99's, we just did them for fun/to be able to do the highest level content in that skill.

After getting 99 Fletching, skill capes had come out, and I began to take a bigger interest in the game, I started getting 99's more commonly starting with Cooking, Firemaking, Magic, Woodcutting, Thieving, Crafting, and then Hunter.  I then took a break, and only came on for holiday events.

My next big memory, was meeting a girl named Katie while playing, we became fairly close, and literally spent 24/7 together, I was bad... started skipping school to play Runescape etc. (She was 3 hours ahead of me, so I'd always leave at lunch, and come play lol) Anyway we were together for 3 years, and in that 3 years I became a clan owner, which I managed during that whole time, I also maxed out in 09.

After Maxing out I kind of went through a stage where I didn't feel like playing much anymore, we had broken up, I found interests irl, started working, and went back to school to graduate. :) I later returned to Runescape, and I basically log in just for the social aspect, saying hello to friends, clan mates, etc. It's always nice to meet new people.

In the current game I play world 87 mainly, I've been Firemaking a lot while I'm doing course work, watching movies/tv shows, and just talking. I'm currently 138/200m Firemaking exp, I always tell people I'm not going for 200m, as I don't want to end up changing my mind, but if I keep going the direction I am, I'll get there eventually.  I'm also working towards my remaining Dungeoneering experience via Sinkholes & Daily challenges; I'm currently 197/200m experience.

Why I wanted to be a part of the Consentus Family

I met Lilly back about 12-18 months ago, I'm not exactly sure, I was in search of a clan,  but I some stuff tying me back from joining, we've kept in contact over the time, and she mentioned Runefest 2013 to me, and I thought to myself, I'd love to go there, gives me an opportunity to head over to London or wherever they choose to hold it this year, and meet new people! The only problem was I'd be going alone, so she mentioned that I could come hang out with Consentus, meet the clan, and hang out with you all at Runefest, so that was a definite, YES to me. :)

I've visited the clan chat over the months there and there, and I really love how well the clan works together, it has a bond unlike most clans, you guys are AWESOME! I look forward to meeting you all in game in the next few weeks, and hopefully make a few new friends here. :)

I'm looking at moving to Cambridge in the future, need to figure out work visas and all that, but once it's all sorted, I look forward to attending some of the irl events.

Shout out

I just wanted to thank Lilly for being such a good friend, and from the looks of things an amazing leader, I'm very thankful that I've got your friendship, and extremely pleased you showed me your clan. :)

So if any of you managed to read this far, well done to you, I'd definitely give you a hug. I know it's extremely long, but I figured It was easiest to wrap it all up in a single post.

Thanks for letting me be a part of this family, I'll post a few irl pictures below. :)

Nic :)

Real Life Pictures

Airport, Kelowna, Bc - August 2012

LaFayette Hotel, San Diego, California - September 2012

Home - March 2013

Home - March 2013

Charity Hockey game, first time playing as a player - December 2012

Hockey practice - 2011

Hockey game - 2010

All serious and stuffs;) - 2012

I'll add more photo's at a later time. Thank you for reading my long ass introduction.  :o


Offline Cammy

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Re: Nic's Introduction! (:
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2013, 08:41:46 »
nice to know a bit about you, welcome! :D



Re: Nic's Introduction! (:
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2013, 09:55:06 »
Wow, epic introduction!
Nice to meet you Nic :)


Offline Aghast

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Re: Nic's Introduction! (:
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2013, 10:18:08 »
Dat bluee. ;)

Nice to see a fellow hockey enthusiast. Seeing from where you're from, you like the Vancouver diving team? ;)

Welcome to Consentus, enjoy your stay with us! :D



Re: Nic's Introduction! (:
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2013, 10:48:38 »
Dat bluee. ;)

Nice to see a fellow hockey enthusiast. Seeing from where you're from, you like the Vancouver diving team? ;)

Welcome to Consentus, enjoy your stay with us! :D

Thanks.  Yes, I definitely do enjoy hockey,... Not much a fan of diving,... I do however like the Canucks;) Unfortunately my team hasn't been doing the best up until the last few days. Even at that,.. some pretty low scoring/unsure moments.

Wow, epic introduction!
Nice to meet you Nic :)

Thanks Ben, nice to meet you too. :)

nice to know a bit about you, welcome! :D

Thank you. :)



Re: Nic's Introduction! (:
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2013, 11:01:37 »
very cute.
great to get to know u a bit more!
ps run from lilly, shes scarrry ;)

and OMG SKYRIM AND PS3<3 dude u rock already :P



Re: Nic's Introduction! (:
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2013, 11:16:18 »
very cute.
great to get to know u a bit more!
ps run from lilly, shes scarrry ;)

and OMG SKYRIM AND PS3<3 dude u rock already :P

Hehe thank you  :cheer:
I'm glad I'm on her good side then! I don't want to see the scary side hehe.
I'm assuming you're a Ps3/Skyrim fan already... :P I don't really play much Skyrim anymore, but I do go on the Ps3 from time to time, mainly for movies, but I definitely do get on and play a game or two here and there with friends.



Re: Nic's Introduction! (:
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2013, 11:19:35 »
pfft scary side, nah. shes always scary, shes THE crazy purple cat lady, come on ;)

and oh heck yes, i love my ps3. when im afking on rs doing cwars i live on skyrim atm, or need for speed shift, or assassins creed, dying for #3 tbh >.<
AshyMays is my name taggy thing on psn, feel free to add me, just say who u r, or it might get ignored! :P




Re: Nic's Introduction! (:
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2013, 11:22:37 »
pfft scary side, nah. shes always scary, shes THE crazy purple cat lady, come on ;)

and oh heck yes, i love my ps3. when im afking on rs doing cwars i live on skyrim atm, or need for speed shift, or assassins creed, dying for #3 tbh >.<
AshyMays is my name taggy thing on psn, feel free to add me, just say who u r, or it might get ignored! :P


I'll go on and send a invite now then, sounds like you must have a Comp Cape,... Icky Cwars lol, I don't blame you for afking it! I don't think I'll ever get my trim, only play for fun, definitely don't want to spend the next 100 day or so playing Castle Wars! :P



Re: Nic's Introduction! (:
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2013, 11:34:13 »
they will hopefully be altering the cwars req in the near ish jagex timed future lol from 5k games to something tickets based!
and yes, i am normal comp caped, and 3 reqs from trimmed:)
ill accept the req when i am on it later. i will be skyrimming :)



Re: Nic's Introduction! (:
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2013, 11:41:40 »
they will hopefully be altering the cwars req in the near ish jagex timed future lol from 5k games to something tickets based!
and yes, i am normal comp caped, and 3 reqs from trimmed:)
ill accept the req when i am on it later. i will be skyrimming :)

Yea, I heard they were making the armours the new requirement, I personally find it pretty awful requirement regardless, would have made more sense to spread it out over all the mini games, or atleast make hybrid armour the requirement for trim.

I really think it's too late now, no matter what they change, it's going to upset the ones who already put the effort in just for that.

That's awesome, 3 isn't far off. I still have about 6, but I have no plans on finishing them ever.

Sounds good, I sent the request, my PSN starts with "Nic" You'll figure it out easy enough. :)


Offline Cam

Re: Nic's Introduction! (:
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2013, 11:43:50 »
Very nice introduction, great to learn a lot about you :)
Welcome to Consentus ;D
[wc] [fish] [agi] [thief] [div] [rc] [mining] [hunt] [farm] [craft] [con] [dg] [fm] [smith] [herb] [fletch] [cook]



Re: Nic's Introduction! (:
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2013, 12:34:14 »
Very nice introduction, great to learn a lot about you :)
Welcome to Consentus ;D

Thanks for the warm welcome, Cam. :) Nice to meet you.


Offline Alan

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Re: Nic's Introduction! (:
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2013, 13:05:57 »
Very nice introduction, great to learn a lot about you :)
Welcome to Consentus ;D

^ This  :P


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Nic's Introduction! (:
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2013, 17:27:26 »
So glad you made it here eventually Nic

And thanks for the kind words   :hug:


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