For only 2 Weeks!
I'm just too busy with work and I'm going to the caravan with the family for a week next Friday (don't worry guys, I will be back for Alton Towers!)
work is tiring me out so much and now I know how parents feel when the come home from work all tired and I realised why my mum gets annoyed at me quite easily! I can't wait to get my desktop and start college so I can stop working and focus on 120 Dungeoneering and other goals.
I will miss you all very much, not talking to my family for 2 weeks will be hard work and being bored with RuneScape it will do me good to take some time off and enjoy that with making IRL money (yay!) and spending time with family members I haven't even met.
I will sometimes pop on to talk to you all, but only if I have time, trying to get as much overtime as possible and sleeping if no overtime :>
Love you all so much!
See you all very soon!