Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: Connor on January 09, 2015, 07:34:50
Connor's Introduction!
Hey guys! I thought I'd make a quick introduction in order for people in the clan to get to know me a bit! (Them who don't
already know me!)
Basically, my name is Connor and I used to be in Consentus a long time ago, until I started to give up hope with Runescape
and decided to leave, then I made a comeback and left again. (You can probably find my other introduction on here somewhere)
However, I have decided to comeback and I didn't want to commit myself to a clan if I was unsure as to whether or not I am
going to stick to it. In order to ensure that I'll stick to the clan I played a lot of Runescape just on my own, as in without
a clan to see if I could get back into it because I kept having spells but then I couldn't seem to get back into it. However
it turns out that I am infact sticking to playing Runescape! Therefore have decided to join back to Consentus!
A lot has changed since I have last been in, and a lot of new people have joined. I look forward to meeting you all and
getting to know you!
Little bit about me:
Real Name: Connor
Age: 18
Favourite Sport: Football
Favourite Team: The Mighty Potters!! (Stoke City)
Going try to get on as much as I can, but with working part-time and full-time college it means I don't get much chance
to get on, on some of the weekdays! However, I will be checking forums and using companion in order to speak to everyone!
Like I said earlier, can't wait to meet you all and get to know you!
See you in game!
- Connor.
Welcome back Connor! :3
Good to see old people return!
Hello :) I look forward to seeing you in game!
Welcome back to RS Connor, nice to meet you.
Its always great to see returning members xxx
Welcome back, lovely to see you coming back to Consentus
Welcome back :)
Hi welcome back
Welcome back Connor, have fun.
Welcome back Connor. :)
Nice introduction! :)
Welcome Connor.
Welcome back Connor, I always have spells with RS to but always find after a while, I'm back and keen to play again.
Looking forward to seeing you about.
Thank you to everyone for welcoming me back! Feels good to be back in the clan.
lovely to see another among us!
Welcome back mate!
Good to have you back! I hope to meet you in game sometime!!