Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: Esperanca on April 12, 2016, 02:07:21
Hi everyone! :D
My RSN is Esperanca, but everyone can call me Hope. I'm 21 years old, and i'm a masshole (a person who lives in Massachusetts, I like using this term so bear with me). I started playing RS in 2007 and on-and-off until 2014, and i've been playing ever since! I've met so many people along the way, and it's finally come the time that i've met a clan that is basically everything that I'd like in one, thanks to CherryCrush!
So getting back on topic, I currently go to school for Accounting and I work at Kohl's as a sales associate part-time. I'm very musically inclined, I can play many different types of instruments (and I can sing). I love to bake, and I'd give you all cupcakes if I could because they're basically my weakness. My current favorite tv show is Breaking Bad, and I love playing GTA V in my spare time (when i'm not playing RS, of course). I'm left handed and I love my dimples.
I'm super friendly, and i'm always open to making new friends!
Happy Scaping!! :) :)
Great Intro, hope you enjoy it here :)
A lot of information about you. Welcome to Consentus Hope!
Nice meeting you Esperanza. We were just in Boston this summer :)
That's an awesome intro! Welcome & nice to meet you :D
Lefties ftw
Cherry does recruit the best people, Welcome!
Hey welcome to clan so glad to have you here :). Its a lovely group of people and just so helpful. Wish i had found them years ago :)
I love the Masshole btw although I wouldn't have figured it out if you never explained. I also like the left handed touch to, nice haha.
Welcome to Consentus. I hope you enjoy your stay with us.
Welcome to the clan! i hope you'll have a great time here!
(Lefties Rule!)
Welcome to the forums, cupcakes are also my weakness!
What sort of instruments can you play, and do you have Steam/GTA V for PC? \:D/
You are as very busy lady :)
I have never heard of the expression Masshole ever, but reading this made me think of this
! No longer available (
I do look forward to hearing a lot more about you :)
Welcome to the forums, cupcakes are also my weakness!
What sort of instruments can you play, and do you have Steam/GTA V for PC? \:D/
I do for PC!! :D
Breaking Bad is amazing indeed.
Welcome to the forums, cupcakes are also my weakness!
What sort of instruments can you play, and do you have Steam/GTA V for PC? \:D/
I do for PC!! :D
May I interest you in checking out our newly founded steam page ( :D
Welcome to the clan, Hope! I hope you love it here as much as we do! (That pun was bad and I'm not sorry.)
Welcome to the Clan Hope :)
What instruments do you play? I play piano but thats it :P
Hi everyone! :D
My RSN is Esperanca, but everyone can call me Hope. I'm 21 years old, and i'm a masshole (a person who lives in Massachusetts, I like using this term so bear with me). I started playing RS in 2007 and on-and-off until 2014, and i've been playing ever since! I've met so many people along the way, and it's finally come the time that i've met a clan that is basically everything that I'd like in one, thanks to CherryCrush!
So getting back on topic, I currently go to school for Accounting and I work at Kohl's as a sales associate part-time. I'm very musically inclined, I can play many different types of instruments (and I can sing). I love to bake, and I'd give you all cupcakes if I could because they're basically my weakness. My current favorite tv show is Breaking Bad, and I love playing GTA V in my spare time (when i'm not playing RS, of course). I'm left handed and I love my dimples.
I'm super friendly, and i'm always open to making new friends!
Happy Scaping!! :) :)
Hope you like it, I think you will be a great addition to the clan.
Welcome fellow mate! Cheers from the Shaco Clone :)
You sure know how to introduce urself haha, great intro :)
Welcome to the Clan Hope :)
What instruments do you play? I play piano but thats it :P
I know how to play the flute, saxophone, and a fife. But piano is the only one I currently play :P
Welcome, the clan certainly needs more cupcake makers to spread the love :D I once won a bet with an online friend. The winner could choose whatever they wanted from the loser. I chose cupcakes and had them delivered to me! I wish I was good at baking, but unfortunately my skills only stretch to eating. Similarly I only know how to listen to instruments. This despite having a piano (well, it's my flatmate's) and been offered lessons