Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: Milly on February 12, 2015, 20:55:18
Hi all :)
It's been good to meet you all! I've been guesting for a while now so it's nice to finally join you!
I first heard of Consentus at RuneFest last year. It's lovely that you all meet so often and are genuinely close friends. I would love to join you on your events one day but being from Northern Scotland it's a bit of a trek!! However I will most definitely be going to RF later this year.
Some stuff about me....
I'm 23 and I have recently started work in a baking wholesalers. Part of my job is to taste test the cakes!! So it isn't so bad ;)
I'm quite competitive in RS.. I love skilling and gaining XP efficiently. I am certainly not what you'd call a bank stander ;)
I'm currently working on 120 firemaking with a bit of slayer stuck in for good measure - slayer is my absolute fav but i'm afking a lot at the mo.
I like running and I often run on the treadmill while afking on RS so if you don't get a reply from me that'll most likely be why!
I'm pretty quiet at first but once I get chatting it'll never stop :P
Looking forward to getting to know you all better!
Milly x
Welcome to the clan.
I think one of our rabbits was called Milly.
Welcome to Consentus Milly.
Are you near Inverness by any chance? That's the most northern Scottish place I know of :P
Welcome to the clan :3
i've seen you on twitter before i'm sure :p
Yes I live close (ish) to Inverness but closer to Aberdeen
Josh I recently made an RS Twitter account and I can't get enough! I'm hooked
Tasting cakes?! That's awesome. Are there any jobs like that open? :3 I know lots of people who'd be jealous. D:
Welcome to cts, Milly :3
That is indeed a nice job, nice to meet you Milly have fun here!
YAY Milly! :D
Nice to know more about you, welcome :)
Welcome to the clan, Milly! What an interesting way to find out about Consentus. 8)
Welcome to our humble abode Milly! :3
Welcome :D
Welcome to Consentus :)
Its a pleasure to have you onboard xxx
It's lovely to hear you heard of us at Runefest last year! We certainly weren't shy in handing out our badges! :D
You'll be doing a lot of HIIT if you're afking and running then?
Welcome to Consentus Milly, hope to see you around.