Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: Michael on December 07, 2014, 09:52:18
Hello one and all, welcome to my little introduction about myself.
I have been playing runescape since 2006 on a fair amount of accounts before settling on my current one. I used to be a maxed out main with 2595 total before I decided to reset my defence to 1 (Ask Ricky [Player] as he was there when I did it), I have always wanted a 1 defence account and never wanted to make a new account for it. My current goals on runescape is get 120 everything excluding defence as after reseting my defence I am sticking to being 1 defence.
My current goal on runescape is 120 thieving which I am currently at 44.1m exp. My only 120 as you can see if Dungeoneering which I have 200m exp in. Just my short little introduction as nothing much to tell about, but hope you have a good read none the less. When I am not playing runescape I love to watch NFL and NCAA College football even tho I am Australian. I go for Oakland Raiders and the Miami Dolphins when I watch the NFL and when I watch NCAA College football I go for Florida State University, Arizona State and Notre Dame. I also have a obsession with Florida.
Here are my current stats.
Nice introduction Michael! Nice to see you joined the forums!
Welcome and good luck on your Runescape and Real life goals!
That def reset is sick hehe
Well well well look who we have here
welcome to the forums Michael hope you enjoy your stay
Welcome to the forums :)
May I ask why 1 defence? Did you do that after they allowed rollbacks due to the change in the combat equation?
Why the obsession with Florida? We have a few here with similar interests, cant see the fascination. have you visited there yet?
I really love 120 thieving cape, I wish you all the best. I know Lm Rob is after the same cape
Welcome to the forums :)
May I ask why 1 defence? Did you do that after they allowed rollbacks due to the change in the combat equation?
Why the obsession with Florida? We have a few here with similar interests, cant see the fascination. have you visited there yet?
I really love 120 thieving cape, I wish you all the best. I know Lm Rob is after the same cape
I decided to go one defence just for the peak interest to see how a 1 defence account can get into on runescape. I also have a obsession with Florida due to the weather they get and with Walt Disney World/Universal Studios/Wet and Wild and Seaworld.
Florida is also the place I would love to go on my holiday in 2017. Just seems so pretty it makes me excited for something like that.
Please not Seaworld :(
Welcome Michael, that looks very interesting, isn't one defence going to make it a tad tricky when you are going for 120 slayer. All the best with your goals x
Welcome to the clan, loving the account!!
Thanks guys! Always nice to see friendly replies so far. :)
Welcome Michael, have you done some boss pvm with 1 defence? I think it's pretty cool to see, I've seen M1ni videos and streams he's great at it.
I'm also a massive fan of Florida - been there 3 times and it's still my favourite place I've been to <33
I also like Australians ;) Really want to visit Australia someday.
Welcome to Consentus Michael.
Nice looking account you got there. i thought there were restrictions on resetting skills. :o Nice 200m and good luck no thieving! Hope you get that quickly. Oh, and welcome to Cts. :D
Welcome to the clan! :D
Nice account :>