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Offline Mayahuel

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Maya Intro
« on: October 05, 2021, 01:33:20 »
Hi, my name is Randy and the character I play is named Mayahuel or Maya.

Maya's namesake is an Aztec god associated with the Maugey or century plant that was used to make a fermented alcoholic beverage called pulque that was the forerunner of tequila.

Here's some answers to questions that no one asked:

What is your gender? - Mayahuel is female, the person behind the keyboard is male. Maya prefers she/her pronouns, Randy isn't terribly touchy about that kind of thing and she/her/he/him/they/them are all fine.

Do you like animals? - Maya has the usual RS menagerie of pets and familiars. Randy has three dogs, four cats, and eight chickens and he loves them all. He could never slaughter farm animals for arrows the way Maya does.

What are some TV shows you like? - Mayahuel doesn't know what a TV is. Randy has watched every episode of Buffy the Vampire slayer at least three times.

Where are you from? - Mayahuel Moreno Ortiz is an adventurer who was born in distant lands which are currently unplayable and immigrated to Catherby as a child where she grew up among the beehives along the seashore. She currently has a house in Yanille. Randy lives in Texas with his family of 4.

What are your favorite/least favorite skills? - Mayahuel loves ranging and runecrafting she's an adventurer and boosts skills mainly to quest. She decided she needed a long rest after a brutal month of trying to boost her FARMING and construction right after they first came out and only getting to level 70 and 50. Randy loves cooking and is pretty darn good at it; is a maker with wood, cloth, and metal; a player of the guitar; and someone who like to forest bathe.

You look familiar. Do I know you? - Perhaps. I used to run a forum puzzle game when Runescape Classic was the only Runescape and I have like over 5k forum posts which have all been archived off at this point. Mayahuel has been in other clans but I don't remember names. Mayhuel also has sibling accounts which are even older than she is, but those are unlikely to be revived. Mayahuel is Randy's favorite.

Why did you leave Runescape last time? - Other real-world priorities. Spend time with family. In game harassment. FARMING.

Your account is forever years old but you don't even have 2k total levels, what gives? - Ummm… well… aren't you a dear? Bless your heart. Anyway… Maya was an ironwoman before ironman was a thing and mainly only gained levels to do quests. Randy doesn't like pay to win games himself, but no judgement on anyone else.

You say Maya loves quests but Maya only has 278 quest points, what gives? - Umm… Aren't you the most precious? Well... Randy likes to try to figure out the puzzles and whatnot on his own and Maya doesn't even know what a "wiki" is. Also when Maya started her well-deserved rest, there were just a few over 300 quests total I think. I think she also lost some quest points from quests that have been retired.

Anyway happy to be in this clan and looking forward to meeting you all! I am frequently called AFK while playing because work, etc. So if I don't respond it's not personal, that's probably why.


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Maya Intro
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2021, 20:08:29 »
I think that has to be the most fascinating introductions I have ever read.

I look forward to being part of your RS and real life journey xxx


Offline Jonat

Re: Maya Intro
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2021, 23:31:36 »
Hi and welcome, it’s great to have you with us

I really had to laugh at the “Maya doesn’t know what a tv is”

Fab intro, thanks.


Offline Butterkist

Re: Maya Intro
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2021, 11:09:26 »
Hiya and welcome, love the intro!


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