Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: swiftyislol on May 26, 2014, 16:31:48
So..a lot of you will have no idea who I am.. That's okay, I can't expect people to know me anymore, being as inactive as I have been. To those that do remember me/know me.. It's been a looooong time.
First, let's get into why I've not been around..
We all know runescape has changed. It's simply not the game I loved playing while growing up. I logged into my old account a week or so ago and to be honest, I was lost in all the interfaces and crazy new things going on. It's weird lol. Hell, I've barely and I mean BARELY been on these forums, maybe it was to make the transition out of runescape easier? Who knows BUT here I am.
To those whom care, life is good. I'm still no longer with that girl I was dating while I was still around (Lilly will be proud) and I'm working two jobs now.. Day and night (at work atm, lol) pretty much just keeping myself busy and making the best out of what I can work with. God knows I went through some hard times the past few years, but I'm happy to say I'm happy and living life.
So why am I posting this now?
Well.. I received an email about a new DM.. I have like 30 unread atm haha.. But hell, I miss the old scape to this day and grinding slayer.. You all know I've always been proud of my slayer rank and XP. I figured I'd post and see what's up, see who remembers me and see who replies. Maybe I'll longer around and keep posting around again. Who knows. Might even try to get into this new scape and start from scratch. We'll see. Anyway, hope you're all doing well.. For now, I'm outta here! Work calls :p
Word bro.
Always good to see you Swifty <3
Hey and welcome back (or was it just a spontaneous one-time visit?). I remember you as a stand up guy during the decadence of Pcfl. I hope you get back into the game. A lot has changed over the years, as you're probably aware, but with legacy mode coming, maybe it'll be easier for you to enjoy :)
Welcome back Swifty :) Yes, a lot definitely has changed but pretty soon there will e a few changes which will bring back the game you are used to so hopefully you'll stick around
Last I heard of you I think you were wearing a dress and buying condoms or something at a shop, lol
(Or was that just a weird dream idk I'm doubting my own mind here right now)
Welcome back Swifty :) Yes, a lot definitely has changed but pretty soon there will e a few changes which will bring back the game you are used to so hopefully you'll stick around
Last I heard of you I think you were wearing a dress and buying condoms or something at a shop, lol
(Or was that just a weird dream idk I'm doubting my own mind here right now)
Haha yea.. That wasn't a dream, totally happened.
Welcome back mate :>
Hey Swifty, wb! :)
Last I remember was lending you 10m to stake with, then you simply disappeared. XD
Hey Swifty,
We never met, heck I don't know you at all, but it's good to see your back around the forums.
I have a feeling we have gotten along well
Just remember not to burn your self out with so much work mate
Nice to meet you
Wow! Swifty, I remember you! You used to help me with Quests back in Peacefull.
Hey Nate. Been going to Walmart in a dress anymore recently?
Welcome back, hope to meet you in game :)
I can remember you sir, sounds like I'm missing out here - Whats all this shopping in a dress carry on?
I looked for it on his youtube page but its all gone
That video certainly made me laugh - it's too bad it's not uploaded anymore.
Welcome back. :)