Haven't been back at Runescape too long at all but originally played 2012 and prior, in war clans. However, it all came to a stop with EoC so I quit myself at that time.
Currently I took the challenge as a level 3 skiller so we'll see how it turns out between now and Christmas. Hoping to have 1500 Total Level before I touch combat stats too
I'm from Northern Ireland and my name's Michael. Just a little over aged 20 but majority of the hobbies at the minute are playing poker online & in real life, drawings and sketching, card-games, skateboarding and a little bit of video-games like Runescape and The Sims.
Hoping to head to university next year for both graphic & game-development, undecided on whether to travel to another part of Britain or American/Canadian studies.
i'll get a good irl pic up soon and maybe show some drawings too