Hey all!!!
So I'm new in this clan and I'm going to tell you guys a little bit about me

RS stuff :
I like rs'ing because i like to talk and i like to meet new people.
I also like pvming ( i'm not doing it alot atm because i have like no money to buy decent gear ) but as soon as i get ovl i will be doing armadyl ALOT solo and with my good friend Jmapilszak, so if you want to come along and make some fun just pm me

I also slay alot and i'm planning on getting quest cape.
If you want to know more feel free to ask me

In real stuff:
My real name is Anton and i live in Belgium, brussels.
My hobbie is cycling and relaxing with friend etc, just the normal stuff you know :p
That's about it i think if you want to know more just ask me here or ingame.