
Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: Jackson on July 27, 2014, 13:44:35

Title: Jackson's Introduction
Post by: Jackson on July 27, 2014, 13:44:35
Hey guys what's up! Just want to thank Redtunnel for inviting me to the Clan!

My names Jackson IRL hence my Forum name. :P I'm 19 and I'm from Australia. My RSN: is zIHIUILIK but you can just call me Jackson, Jacko etc etc. :P I've been playing RuneScape for years, on and off. I've had many accounts of my 8 year course with RuneScape but always had my love strongly for skilling, and the Skiller Community. I've known about Clan Consentus even back in the good old days when I was in Clan Hopefull. But this Clan already has shown me love, and I know everybody are just a bunch of funny, polite, respectful humans who enjoy playing RuneScape!

So once again, thanks everybody for welcoming me in, and thank you Redtunnel for taking your time to invite me to this glorious Clan. I look forward to happy days and years to come. <3
Title: Re: Jackson's Introduction
Post by: Joel on July 27, 2014, 13:54:45
Welcome Jackson, nice to see you've joined with us! Looking forward to seeing you in the CC :)
Title: Re: Jackson's Introduction
Post by: Thunderite on July 27, 2014, 13:57:01
Welcome Jackson. :) If you have any questions, be sure you message me or ask ingame.
Title: Re: Jackson's Introduction
Post by: Only Lilly on July 27, 2014, 13:57:20
What a lovely invite :)

Welcome to what  I hope becomes your home as well xxx
Title: Re: Jackson's Introduction
Post by: Redtunnel on July 27, 2014, 14:08:10
Welcome to the forums! I'm always happy to oblige :)
Title: Re: Jackson's Introduction
Post by: Server Lag on July 27, 2014, 14:22:52
Welcome :D
Title: Re: Jackson's Introduction
Post by: Winter on July 27, 2014, 14:24:38
Welcome to Consentus Jackson. :)
Title: Re: Jackson's Introduction
Post by: Egypt on July 27, 2014, 14:46:18
Welcome to Consentus! :D
Title: Re: Jackson's Introduction
Post by: Ryan on July 27, 2014, 14:57:35
Hi Jackson. Welcome to Consentus, I am sure you will enjoy your time here :)
Title: Re: Jackson's Introduction
Post by: Runar on July 27, 2014, 15:38:40

You're that Pickachuuuu guy from hopefull?
Title: Re: Jackson's Introduction
Post by: Emma on July 27, 2014, 18:45:39
Hiya Jackson, it was nice to meet you in the cc last night. Hope to see you getting even more involved over time!
Title: Re: Jackson's Introduction
Post by: Stee on July 27, 2014, 21:44:17
Welcome :)
Title: Re: Jackson's Introduction
Post by: Jackson on July 28, 2014, 17:15:31
Thanks guys! Appreciate it! :)
Title: Re: Jackson's Introduction
Post by: maraderkholm on July 28, 2014, 17:35:21
Welcome = looking forward to meeting you in CC!