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Re: Introduction
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2016, 16:15:02 »
Welcome to the clan !! Hope you enjoy yourself here  \:D/


Offline Diztract

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2016, 18:36:26 »
Cheers from Shaco!
Clone Designs


Offline Nate 7447

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2016, 01:17:25 »
Thanks everyone! I look forward to getting to know everyone!

I think I've answered any specific questions below...if not just yell at me and I'll fix it :)

Welcome Nate! Also 23 and full time student here, where do you study?

I live and go to school in Ohio. Giving out specific info online still makes me a bit nervous :P

About bloody time. I'm sure you'll like it, the people I recruit usually do  :D

Maybe I took longer in an attempt to annoy you  :D \:D/ \:D/

Welcome to the forums and the clan, great to have you!

What kind of player are you? A skiller or a PvMer? Either Way we have plenty of events for both if they interest you. Feel free to create a goal and achievements, would be nice to see your progress here at CTS.

Yes. Haha, recently I've done a lot of skilling related activities but I am definitely not pure PvM or Skiller. My combat levels aren't quite high enough to do any serious PvM for profits. Thats a long term goal though.

I'll definitely check out the goals and achievements section.

Welcome Nate. Do you do sound mixing for local school performances etc or have you met any celebrities over your time?

I started when I was in High School and I still work on events at my University as a side job but I mainly do professional work (at "real" theaters) during the summer. I've met a few C and D list celebrities and I've worked with people who have worked with more well known celebrities...

Welcome to Consentus!

What's electrical engineering? Like electrician?

Electrical Engineering is a huge topic that essentially includes everything that runs off of electricity. Basically, anything you use that requires power has been made possible by an electrical engineer somewhere (and lots of other people in professions...).

The specific area of EE that I am interested in is Computer Hardware Design. Computer Hardware Design is exactly what is sounds. I would design computer hardware...like computer chips and such.

Electricians (to the best of my knowledge) do stuff like installing wiring, power lines and repairing equipment. An Electrical Engineer would be much more likely involved in the design of the wiring diagrams and the design of the equipment (and would write the manual that the electrician is reading)


Offline Powerless

Re: Introduction
« Reply #18 on: April 22, 2016, 07:34:55 »
Welcome Nate. :)


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