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Offline Charmseeker

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« on: April 23, 2016, 04:35:53 »
Greetings everyone,

My name is Shay. I play as Charmseeker, and rarely Sirens (my main) on RuneScape. I'm returning to the game after a lengthy hiatus and I'm not quite sure what my goals are. I always hate coming back after a long break and seeing all of the things I missed when I was away. Nevertheless, thanks to Charms for introducing me to this clan. I'm sad to say I had never heard of it until now, but I've been poking around here and there, and it looks like this clan has a wonderful sense of community. I'm glad to be a part of it.

A little about me: I started playing RuneScape in 2007 with my brother. My very first account - Dragonpawz24 - was stolen by a J-Mod Impersonator and I stopped playing for awhile after that. When 2008 came around, I started playing again. Summoning was released. Instantly, it became my favourite skill and remains so to this day. I never go anywhere without a pet or familiar. I played on and off, taking breaks whenever the game got to be too much of a grind. When Ironman and Hardcore Ironman modes were released, I fell in love with the game again. I hadn't had that much fun in a very long time. I met a lot of people -- some nice, some not so nice. Outside of RuneScape, I dabble in a lot of things, whatever keeps me busy. Sometimes I do digital artwork on the computer or traditional artwork in my sketchbook, or I'll play games on Steam.

Hope to get to know some of you a bit better. Thanks again for the opportunity.


Offline Khysalis

Re: Intro
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2016, 04:47:30 »

Welcome to the clan. I"m fairly new here myself and am loving every aspect of the clan - other than me being across the world from most of the members. Being honest I had never heard of Consentus either but I'm sure glad that CherryCrush pm'd me and spoke to me personally about the clan and its outlook on the community. You will make some great friends here I'm sure of that.


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Intro
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2016, 10:27:53 »
Its great to have you with us :)

You will certainly make a lot of new friends with us I am sure.

We also have a steam group and in the future intend to have steam rewards as prizes also :)

I look forwrd to chatting with you in game xxx


Offline Cle

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Re: Intro
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2016, 15:55:09 »
Greetings everyone,

My name is Shay. I play as Charmseeker, and rarely Sirens (my main) on RuneScape. I'm returning to the game after a lengthy hiatus and I'm not quite sure what my goals are. I always hate coming back after a long break and seeing all of the things I missed when I was away. Nevertheless, thanks to Charms for introducing me to this clan. I'm sad to say I had never heard of it until now, but I've been poking around here and there, and it looks like this clan has a wonderful sense of community. I'm glad to be a part of it.

A little about me: I started playing RuneScape in 2007 with my brother. My very first account - Dragonpawz24 - was stolen by a J-Mod Impersonator and I stopped playing for awhile after that. When 2008 came around, I started playing again. Summoning was released. Instantly, it became my favourite skill and remains so to this day. I never go anywhere without a pet or familiar. I played on and off, taking breaks whenever the game got to be too much of a grind. When Ironman and Hardcore Ironman modes were released, I fell in love with the game again. I hadn't had that much fun in a very long time. I met a lot of people -- some nice, some not so nice. Outside of RuneScape, I dabble in a lot of things, whatever keeps me busy. Sometimes I do digital artwork on the computer or traditional artwork in my sketchbook, or I'll play games on Steam.

Hope to get to know some of you a bit better. Thanks again for the opportunity.

Just be yourself, and ask questions when you have them there will be someone always to answer them to a extend, and if you are up for a chat I'm always willing to chat <3


Offline Ryus

Re: Intro
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2016, 16:10:20 »
Welcome to Consentus.

I hope you enjoy your time here :)


Offline Cherrycrush

Re: Intro
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2016, 16:21:54 »
Welcome Shay  :D


Offline Charms

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Re: Intro
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2016, 16:25:33 »
Welcome !!!! you'll fit in perfectly here ;D!


Offline Powerless

Re: Intro
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2016, 17:09:47 »
Welcome. :)


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