Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: iAshy on February 18, 2016, 23:31:08
Hi guys - I'm Asher. :)
I've been on and off of Runescape for a few years now, I originally started back in 2002, played seriously for a few years and then the whole "taking long breaks" thing started happening. Before my last long break, I was a member of Consentus but I believe I had left the clan after the website and Lilly had been attacked by hackers, which apparently was 5 years ago! So here I am 5 years later wanting to join the clan once again - I think my cool-down should be over by now, so hopefully I'll get to know you all a lot more over the next however long I play.
A little about the real me:
I'm 22, I live in New Zealand and I am currently working in a Family GP Practice/Community Service Centre as an IT Administrator - It's a family owned and run organisation which I've been working in since I was 12 (It's funny how I'm the youngest in the administration team, and yet the oldest admin if ya know what I mean). However, despite the fact I've been here for so long, and it is a family business, it's not where I see myself in the future. I'm a musician at heart, and it's definitely what I want to do - I'm a qualified Audio Engineer (Diploma in Audio Engineering from the Music Audio Institution of New Zealand), I play Guitar (8 years), Piano (6 years) and I sing (all my life). I absolutely love performing - Whether it be Solo, in a Band, Productions/Plays, I'm pretty passionate about all of it. I record a few videos here and there of me singing, and Lilly wants me to post some of them, so I'll be sure to do so eventually.
I'm really in to anime as well - I think I've managed to clock up about 150+ anime so far? So if there's anyone who likes anime and is keen to talk/share/suggest or get suggestions, please hit me up - Always happy and excited to talk to people about it. :)
And finally, I'm also doing the whole "New Year, New Me!" thing where I'm trying to change my life around for the better. I've been doing Calisthenic Workouts now for the past 4 months, and am finally starting to see some pretty good results both physically and mentally. Might even be willing to share my progressions. Also trying the whole "eating healthy" thing - Not to the point where I'm counting my calories and what not, but more so: "McDonalds every night probably isn't all that good for me." "I feel like I should eat this whole 1kg bar of chocolate, but instead I'll have an apple" kind of thing. I also started smoking when I was 8 years old (Yeah, I know.. Everyone tells me the same thing), and I've been cold turkey since November 10th, it's still hard... but I've definitely noticed a difference in the taste of food, energy levels, how long I can run for etc. So yeah! That's about all I can think of for the "real me" so far.
Runescape me:
My RSN is: iAshy
Total Level: 2448
Favourite Skill: Mining now (only because 99.99% AFK-able, so able to watch anime while at Prif)
Total 99s: 16 (Thieving, Magic, Agility, Herblore, Construction, Prayer, Crafting, Smithing, Firemaking, Cooking, Fletching, Range, Constitution, Farming, Dungeoneering, Defence.) Not sure if that's the right order of when I got them, the first 6 are though. :P
Goals: At the moment, my goals are:
- 90+ all stats (1 Invention, 71 Div, 76 Hunt, 77 Summon, 84 Slayer left to get)
- Max Out by at least December 2016
- 120 Dungeoneering
- 120 Mining (Because AFK is EZ)
- 120 Cooking (Because extremely cheap)
- 120 Thieving (Because friend wants someone to do it with him)
- Quest Point Cape [Currently at 305 QP's]
Forgive me in advance if sometimes I don't respond or what not - I'm really not that good with grinding as I'm completely impatient, so I'm always looking for the most afk-able way to do everything - So most of the time I'm playing Runescape, I'm also watching Anime as well to make it bearable. But since I'm still a scrub at a lot of skills, please
give me advice on better ways to train them if at all possible - E.G: Div & Hunter (These two stats literally bring me physical pain sometimes because they're so unbearably slow.)
I'll also be spending a lot of time on an Alt account as well, RIP-Geoeraza. I would say this is my alt account, but that wouldn't be true.
It's actually my brother's account which is maxed (except 1 invention). If the name doesn't give it away, my older brother (Geoeraza) passed away exactly 9 months ago as of yesterday (10/10/1969 - 18/05/2015) and he absolutely loved Runescape - So I have two more goals that he wanted to achieve: Comp Cape and 200m Dg exp. So it would mean the world to me if anyone would be keen to help me out.
The only other game I play:
I also play a lot of this game called "osu!" which is a freeware rhythm game. Just like my runescape name, my username on osu! is "iAshy", so if any of you are osu! players or do start playing, add me on there and message me. ;D
Holy crap.
And after hitting the preview button and seeing how long this introduction is, I think it's about time I call it quits. But as you can see, I'm pretty much an open book. Always love meeting new people, and always keen to hang out and talk with any one. Please feel free to talk to me when ever, I actually only have about 2 active friends on Runescape now which is part of the reason why my breaks are so extended. So if you wanna skill, chill, talk or what ever, please please please don't hesitate to hit me up - You're probably the reason why I'll stay on Runescape. Sorry for the super long intro, and I look forward to meeting you all!
- Asher.
Jeez Louise! That is an intro and a half :) I'd love to visit New Zealand one day. I hope you enjoy it here.
Hehe, yeah my bad - I am a bit of a talker some times - You should! It's pretty cool around here some times, except now because cylcones at the moment. :c
But thank you, I'm sure I will! :)
That is quite the introduction.
I'm sorry about the passing of your brother.
I'm at Seren Stones a lot, so I'm sure I'll see you in-game!
Nice to meet you.
I do recognise your name.
It's great to see some older faces back.
I hope you have a great time being back with Consentus
That is quite the introduction.
I'm sorry about the passing of your brother.
I'm at Seren Stones a lot, so I'm sure I'll see you in-game!
Nice to meet you.
My bad! Sorry for the novel. :P
Thank you very much - If you're at Seren Stones, no doubt i'll be seeing you quite a bit! ^_^
I do recognise your name.
It's great to see some older faces back.
I hope you have a great time being back with Consentus
It's been a while. Glad to see you're still around! I'm sure I'll have a blast. :)
Welcome to the clan :)
Quite the intro! Welcome back! 5 years is a long time, still a few of the oldtimers around though :P How did you even get cigarettes at that age? Well done on quitting it!
Howdy and welcome to the forums! What an amazing introduction, at first glance I thought it was long, then I scrolled down and saw more - I'm amazed, but I liked it :).
I'm sure you'll get along just fine with some of the people in the clan seeing as you love anime, there's plenty of anime fans in the CC for you to talk to :D
Good luck on your goals, I hope to see you in the CC sometime \:D/
Welcome back Ashy! :)
We are glad to have you join Consentus! We hope you enjoy your time with us!
We have been friends a long time Ashy, and what you do not mention is just how talented you are <3
What a shock to hear about your brother, and you give up smoking at that time? Even more respect now 8)
I look forward to seeing you in the CC a lot more.