Hey all!
Just wanted to say a quick hello to everyone and introduce myself!...

I'm Kunai.
Kidding. That's not it, you came to read a long winded paragraph about me joining!! Right?!
Okay, so...
I used to be in the clan 'Serenity isle', I was in there for quite a while, about 5-6 months I think.... Hold on. Funny story.
Grab your popcorn.
No, seriously. Popcorn's great. Get some.
So before Serenity isle I was in this other clan, I forgot the name. Let's call it 'Douchebag pit' for now. So I was in Douchebag pit and I was planning out my 120 cooking, I had the grapes paid for and buying and everything, the only issue is that the clan avatar wasn't do my disposal and the clan home world was 83. Not 99. (99 is the world for portable ranges for those who don't know) And I needed the avatar on world 99 because I had to do a few thousand rocktails too. Now I found Serenity isle on the forums and asked them if I was able to temporarily join them to use one of their avatars for dxp weekend and they said Sure! I checked with the Douchebag pit owner, blah blah blah, it was all cool.
So now i was in Serenity isle for the weekend and guesting in Douchebag pit, until suddenly, i get banned from the Douchebag pit chat out of nowhere. So i message the owner, you know.. what the fuck. Right?
Anyway. Long story short, some people in Douchebag pit had been saying that i left because i didn't like the clan and i said this and that, yada yada (which i hadn't, obviously) and i just left them to it, so now i was in Serenity isle.
So, fun story over... Get some more popcorn because we're halfway there!
Nah, i'm kidding. (I hope)
So i was getting my 120 cooking and then i met this babe Gregosaur. Then i got my 120 cooking and greg had his less impressive but still good, 99 cooking. I just stayed in Serenity isle because i had access to the avatar whenever i wanted it, i spoke to some of the people. There were one or two **Not very nice people** (Sorry Lilly

), but i ignored them. And best of all... I WAS IN A RAID TEAM. Which is probably why i stayed there for so long to be honest. But that ended when my girlfriend came over to stay for a week and i played less and was booted from the raid team..

(My girlfriend lives a bit of a distance away so her coming over was great and more important than RuneScape)
But then greg was like "Hey Kunai, join my clan, let me show you this bot", so i guested in Consentus, said hi to everyone and checked out RedTunnels amazing chat bot. I was amazed. But i didn't leave after guesting, i just stayed. Now for about a week, i was 90% in Serenity isle and 10%ish in Consentus. But it started seeming like the people in consentus were nicer, more fun and just generally... better.
So a veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyy long story short... I ended up in Consentus 90% of the time and Serenity Isle 10% of the time and thought. You know what. I'm maxing soon. I want to be in a clan that'd care more and is more fun. Fuck it. Bye Serenity Isle! Hello Consentus!!
So yeah... Hi

Psst... Did you finish your popcorn?... Okay good... Grab another bowl.. Your figure's great and you're beautiful

Treat yo self!