Well... I've been in this clan in and out soooo many time but basically now I'm back.
I quit last September/October time because preparing for the new Blops 2 but for some reason I have come back to Runescape. It has become clear to me that I cannot leave this game alone at all.
Now I suppose I should tell you who I am;)
I am Connor, a lot of people may know me and a lot of people may not know me. I have been in and out of the clan about 7 times and quit around 13 times and have always come back. This time I am dedicated to leveling up my skills and actually sticking to the game like I have always wanted to do. I wont be on much in the evenings on weekdays as I have to train for the army which I have applied for; that doesn't mean I have got in yet.
This has been very short but I might as well use my old introduction so visit this link to go to it
http://consentus.co.uk/index.php?topic=2494.0, it has all the information you will need to know on there!:')