Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: Justin on September 03, 2014, 19:46:23
Hey there Consentians, some of you may remember me, some of you may have never heard of me. I have been in Consentus for almost a year now, and was incredibly active for quite a while. Unfortunately due to my job I have to come and go quite a bit, but thankfully I keep up with things through Lilly on Facebook. Anyways I have finally gotten good enough internet where I am, so I am going to work on getting my forums activity back up until I return home soon where I can also return in game. I just wanted to make this to reintroduce myself to those who know me, and let the new people know a bit about me.
I am 21, I am in the US Army, I'm not very good at RS3 lol, and I will break my back to help anyone on RS, it's all I'm really good at. I look forward to meeting all of you and getting back in touch with those I already knew!
Welcome back, brother! Good to hear from you.
When are you home?
And good to see you on the forums xxx
Be safe there!
Welcome Back ;)
Welcome back. <33 It's good to hear from you again Justin.
Hi Back, I'm dad.
Nah, welcome back.
welcome back Justin hope you've been good man. :D
Welcome back :)
Welcome back.
Good to see you're safe! Welcome back :D
Welcome back