Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: imdu on January 15, 2017, 00:48:01
I'm Brooke!
I am reintroducing myself to rs3 after leaving on the release of EOC. So far I am finding myself loving the game and wondering why I ever left in the first place. NXT is so beautiful.
A little about myself... I guess I should start off by telling you I am an aspiring baker! It's my dream to have my very own bakery. Something quaint with DELICIOUS deserts. I'm moving abroad this year so haven't been able to secure myself an apprenticeship as of yet as they are contracted for at least a year but I hope to find myself starting one by at least September/October.
I love dogs. I have 2 cats, but I love dogs. They are everything to me. I squeal everytime I even see a dog because I love them so much. If you ever want to cheer me up just show me dogs.
Hope you all have a wonderful day and enjoyed learning a teeny bit about me! Hope to get to know all of you just the same. :)
Welcome to the clan! :)
What's your favourite dessert to bake?
Welcome! It feels like a lot of players who quit from Eoc are slowly returning \:D/
Welcome to the clan! :)
What's your favourite dessert to bake?
Has to be chocolate eclairs. Only because they're my favourite to eat. ^^
oh hey there! Fancy seeing you around here :P
Welcome to the clan!
Welcome to Consentus, Brooke~
I'm so jealous - the only thing I can bake is cookies. ;-;
Where are you hoping to move to?
Its so good to have you with us <3
Welcome to the clan :)
Has to be chocolate eclairs. Only because they're my favourite to eat. ^^
I've never heard of chocolate eclairs before. I don't think they exist at all here
So can I get free cake? Also welcome :D
Welcome to the clan!!! :D
Welcome :)
Welcome to the clan!!!
welcome to the clan !! <3
Welcome to the clan!
Dogs are the best! :D
@Only Lilly - the beast himself