Hi everybody my name is Michael newly joined to this wonderful clan as of 7/16/2k14

. Very happy to be here haven't been here long and have already had the best clan experience ive had so far. I'm 21 years old as of this past may 9th, i live in oklahoma city, oklahoma, usa, i am recently engaged with a child on the way and im excited to be a father. My rsn in game is XDarkraynX.
I first picked up runescape in 2004 when some of my best friends showed it to me and hooked me, though i was young at the time and didnt have the means to play it really seriously i did whenever i could though as a f2p in those days. I become a more serious player a year or two before eoc and became a member at the same time, but had taken a break from it just before eoc got here. And i most recently picked it back up again summer of 2013, and since have had the my most rewarding experiences yet. I have much I wish to achieve and can't wait to do it with all my new friends.
I enjoy many different video games such as halo, mass effect, assassins creed, call of duty, pokemon, animal crossing, the list is endless, if its awesome i probably like it.

I have very good skills as a pvm'er, i use to be a top rated player in WoW back in wrath of the lich king, though i haven't been able to get as much done bossing wise in runescape because of the time its taken me to gain gear and wealth, but i am now in my final stage of preparation, there are a few mechanics principles i may need a quick overview on to max my dps, but i should soon be bossing with the best.

I am not all about combat though i love to skill as well, all in all i would say im split half in half between combatter and skiller in the time i devote. I'm a really nice person and easy to get along with so don't ever be afraid to ask anything or speak your mind.

Below is a picture of me and my fiance payton