Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: Martijntje on October 09, 2015, 20:10:28
Hi everyone,
I'm Martijn. I used to be in Clan Peacefull years ago but didn't come over to Consentus. I was known as Kiss And Lov (don't ask, it was a joke that went awry) and Awesome Cmb back then. I am also a real life friend of Dirk, who used to be in Consentus years ago. In fact, his RSN was Consentus.
Ingame, I am maxed, and a clan leader myself; my clan is called Twitterscape. I think you can figure out what kind of clan it is from the name ;) I have played for a bit over eleven years, with the occasional break.
I met Lilly and Ruby at RuneFest and I am typing this from their home, where I've stayed for the past 2 nights and will be staying for the coming night as well. I am Dutch, and I am travelling through the UK to meet people I know from RS, and to see some lovely sights. I had very little planned in advance and Lilly was kind enough to offer me a bed for a few nights while I met friends in her area. Thanks Lilly! :D
Irl; I'm 25 years old, and I live in Utrecht, the Netherlands. I work as a software QA tester for a pension fund. I'm single (ladies... ;) just kidding!).
So... I hope to occasionally visit you guys and chat a bit. You might have seen me in the CC over the past few days (Martijntje or Martijn C).
See you ingame soon!
Welcome and nice to meet you! It is always cool to meet people with a different perspective!
Welcome Martijn! It's great to have you here and it will hopefully lead to a fantastic relationship between our clans with e.g. co-joined events and social gatherings :)
Its a pleasure Martin xxx
And if you wasnt nice I would smother you in your sleep :)
I'm a software tester for a pension fund as well :/ Strange coincidence
I remember Awesome Cmb :P Welcome to Consentus! And how nice of you Lilly O:)
Welcome Martijn, please tell me how much did you liked Daisy's breath?
Welcome and nice to meet you! It is always cool to meet people with a different perspective!
Definitely! :) Nice to meet you too!
Welcome Martijn! It's great to have you here and it will hopefully lead to a fantastic relationship between our clans with e.g. co-joined events and social gatherings :)
Hi Red, I remember you from the Peacefull days :) Thank you, that'd be great!
Its a pleasure Martin xxx
And if you wasnt nice I would smother you in your sleep :)
*cowers in a corner*
I'm a software tester for a pension fund as well :/ Strange coincidence
It's a small world isn't it? :)
I remember Awesome Cmb :P Welcome to Consentus! And how nice of you Lilly O:)
:o I must say I don't remember you, at least with that name. Good to hear you remember me though :)
Welcome Martijn, please tell me how much did you liked Daisy's breath?
I give it a 6/10 on the dog breath scale ;)
Hi there rival....
Welcome.... Rival. :P
Hope you enjoy your time here at Consentus!
One day Lilly is going to invite a psychopath to stay for a couple of nights, its inevitable, it always happens to the kind people.
Enjoy your stay!
Welcome Martijn :D
Hey again dude!
Once again, you met me to, but you know.. Whos keeping track :'(
Welcome to Consentus, how nice of Lilly & Rubes to let you stay at their house! :)
Which parts of the UK have you been to, and which do you still have to visit?
What did you think of London? :3
Welcome :D
Enjoy Runefest? How was london? :)