Hello everyone!
I'm AvGas Pump. Really glad to have joined the clan today.
A little bit about me
I'm a 23-year old (24 this year) girl currently studying and training to be a pilot. I'm from Singapore, but I live all the way on the other side of the world which is practically covered in mountains that I need to learn to dodge whilst in an aircraft held up by one or two giant ceiling fans held together by some magnificent engineering. As you can probably tell, aviation and flying are my greatest loves, and when I'm XP-wasting off RuneScape, I'm either flying or watching planes. Aside from this, I also love being around gliders - just basically anything that doesn't involve me keeping my two feet on the ground, I will want to do.
Currently, on lockdown, I guess I'll have a lot of time to play RS, but I will have exams quite frequently after and will fly a lot, so this means I'll probably see most of you on the DC channel if I simply cannot be in-game.