
Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: Marko on July 12, 2014, 20:32:16

Title: Heyo!
Post by: Marko on July 12, 2014, 20:32:16
Hello everyone!

I am glad to be part of this clan, looks awesome so far. Saw the clan vexillum while fishing some rocktails.

My name is Marko, 16 y.o and from Estonia. I like playing video games (CS:GO, BF4, WoW, Dota 2, LoL aside from Runescape) and watching anime. ^_^ Next Friday I will get to know, if I am accepted to new school to study IT or not. HYPED
Started playing Runescape in 2008, when my friend were talking about it, so I decided to make an account and try it. Played it for almost 2 years, before I got my first membership. After that I have been quited for several times. Got my first 99 (Fletching) back in 2010, second (Thieving) 2012 and third one (Cooking) some weeks ago, don't know what my next 99 will be.

Was kinda short but if you have some questions, ask! :)
Title: Re: Heyo!
Post by: Thunderite on July 12, 2014, 20:40:35
Welcome to the clan Marko! (Polo)

Nice Sword Art Online signature, I just finished re-watching that not long ago. Have you started watching the new series?

Edit: I saw your username and it made me think it was off Death Note, since the Shinigami's name was Ryuk?
Title: Re: Heyo!
Post by: Marko on July 12, 2014, 20:44:40
Yes! I have started watching the new series, episode 2 will come out very soon. One of my favorites.

Ryƫko Matoi is from Kill la Kill, didn't meant Ryuzaki from Death Note (very good anime tho)
Title: Re: Heyo!
Post by: Teknolla G on July 12, 2014, 20:44:48
It is very nice to meet you, Marko.

I indeed have a question for you -  Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery?
Title: Re: Heyo!
Post by: Happi on July 12, 2014, 21:11:41
Welcome Marko enjoy c:
Title: Re: Heyo!
Post by: Ryan on July 12, 2014, 21:26:01
Hi Marko. Welcome to consentus \:D/
Title: Re: Heyo!
Post by: Stee on July 13, 2014, 14:30:55
Welcome :sun:
Title: Re: Heyo!
Post by: Only Lilly on July 13, 2014, 14:40:07
Welcome Marco, I hope you enjoy your times with us xxx

Can I add it was my vex you saw  :P
Title: Re: Heyo!
Post by: Joel on July 13, 2014, 15:15:43
Welcome Mark, I'm sure you'll fit in well. We have a few anime fans with us :P
Title: Re: Heyo!
Post by: Smars on July 13, 2014, 15:25:25
Welcome Mark. :)
Title: Re: Heyo!
Post by: Arno on July 14, 2014, 11:02:22
Welcome Marko! D'you play CSGO Competitive or casual? :o
Title: Re: Heyo!
Post by: Marko on July 14, 2014, 11:44:04
Welcome Marko! D'you play CSGO Competitive or casual? :o
Competitive since it came out <3

Welcome Mark, I'm sure you'll fit in well. We have a few anime fans with us :P
Oh nice :P
Title: Re: Heyo!
Post by: Arno on July 14, 2014, 22:27:23
Welcome Marko! D'you play CSGO Competitive or casual? :o
Competitive since it came out <3
Sweet. I've tried it three times and lost 16-1 the last game.  #-o
Casual forever.   ^^
Title: Re: Heyo!
Post by: Redtunnel on July 15, 2014, 19:42:18
Welcome to Consentus :)
Title: Re: Heyo!
Post by: Trey on July 16, 2014, 02:34:49
Welcome to Consentus Marko!

Hope to chat with you, you seem like a very nice guy.
Title: Re: Heyo!
Post by: Marko on July 16, 2014, 09:50:35
Changed my in-game name RyukoMatoii to SAO II Sinon, if anyone is wondering.

Welcome to Consentus Marko!

Hope to chat with you, you seem like a very nice guy.

Title: Re: Heyo!
Post by: Only Lilly on July 16, 2014, 10:35:16
I noticed that, can I ask what the meaning is behind the name?
Title: Re: Heyo!
Post by: Marko on July 16, 2014, 12:26:59
I noticed that, can I ask what the meaning is behind the name?
It's from (

Don't know, I like to change names untill I find a good one :P
Title: Re: Heyo!
Post by: Winter on July 16, 2014, 16:29:53
Oooh, a fellow anime fan! :) Do you have a MyAnimeList?

Been planning to watch Kill la Kill and also currently watching SAO II - well, I've seen the first episode but I'm currently on holiday in Crete so I'll be catching up on the other released episodes when I get back. Have you read the SAO light novels?

Welcome to Consentus, Marko. <33
Title: Re: Heyo!
Post by: Marko on July 16, 2014, 16:55:22
Oooh, a fellow anime fan! :) Do you have a MyAnimeList?

Been planning to watch Kill la Kill and also currently watching SAO II - well, I've seen the first episode but I'm currently on holiday in Crete so I'll be catching up on the other released episodes when I get back. Have you read the SAO light novels?

Welcome to Consentus, Marko. <33

Of course! :P (
I just started watching anime last summer, that's why that list is short.
Kill la Kill is my favorite, it has something that other animes don't. No I haven't read the SAO light novels :/
Title: Re: Heyo!
Post by: Winter on July 16, 2014, 17:03:25
Will add you on MAL when I can. :)

This is mine: (
Title: Re: Heyo!
Post by: Marko on July 16, 2014, 17:25:21
Will add you on MAL when I can. :)

This is mine: (
Added, you seem like a nice person who I would love to talk with  :3
Title: Re: Heyo!
Post by: Egypt on July 17, 2014, 14:08:51
Welcome to Consentus Marko! hope you enjoy your time with us :)
Title: Re: Heyo!
Post by: Alizadeh on July 17, 2014, 18:49:43
Welcome!! I like your SAO sig too. Great show :)
