Hi, so I know most of you are probably gonna scroll away from this thread when you see who's the author, and I totally understand that.
Some of the things I've done and said while being in this clan, are just out of place to be honest. It's just me unable to control my anger, and I end up acting like myself, being immature and always looking for trouble. Well, I totally understand it if you guys hate me and get annoyed when you see that I got another chance here, thank god I did, it's amazing to be given this much trust.
I'm just here to apology for everything I've done, and if any of you feel like, this could be a new start, because I'm ready to drop all the grudges and befriend those I once considered enemies. So if you hate me, and you know I'm not too fond of you either, please add me in-game and we can talk it through. But not gonna make this post based all around that, as it can be sorted over time.
Hi, I'm Runar, and I'm 15 years old.
I love to play RS, and I don't really play any sports, because of a wounded toe, but I plan to sort that out, and join a gym once school starts.
I'm 16 in 1 Month and 16 days (august 30th), and for school, or college, I plan to study Media & communication, it's basically where you learn how to make short movies, movies, graphics, and such things, and I am very interested in learning that, even though I'm not good at any of it at all atm. I'm looking to get into GFX shortly, looking for a cracked photoshop version, until school starts, because I will then get a school laptop will all those programs fully bought.

I'm known as an account hopper, but I guess that title can be dropped, and I also get a laugh when other acc hoppers call themself Runar v2, v3, v4 and v5 and such on, it's just a joke, but still, weird to think about.

I've been playing my level 3 skiller Serfal since about March, and I'm still loving it!
Stats if you're interested:

I've been in and out of Consentus since April 5th 2010 (still remember the date

) and I really like the atmosphere and community here, even though I at times gave impressions that I did not.
Well that's it for now, thanks for reading, especially if you read all of it, I'm such a bad writer. :o