
Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: July on September 04, 2015, 18:46:38

Title: Hey everyone, just looking around. :)
Post by: July on September 04, 2015, 18:46:38
Hello everyone,

I am July and I found this clan on the RS forums. Looked interesting, so now I am just looking around, idling in the clan chat every now and then to see if it's the right clan for me. :)

About RS, I am maxed skiller with 1bn+ total xp. My favourite activity is doing treasure trails, I am currently at 400+ treasure trails in total (hard + elite) and I keep a rewards log for it on the RS forums. When I am not doing treasure trails, I also enjoy training Thieving... to obtain clue scrolls and Agility.

That said, I'm horrible at PvM and I have no interest in getting a completionist cape. Oh, and I am also very interested in the history of the game (the development, not the lore), I know quite a bit about the early days of the game. :P

I might also attend RuneFest this year, so if anyone here is planning to go, feel free to let me know. ^.^

Nice to meet you!


Title: Re: Hey everyone, just looking around. :)
Post by: Xylun Xur on September 04, 2015, 19:27:32
Beste Landgenoot :p july! hehe
Welcome to consentus :)..
i have seen you guest today, and i hope we'll be seeing more of you, Dont hesitate to talk in the clan chat, (it can get a bit quiet from time to time) but dont let that stop you :p.

Yuo'll find out for yourself that this clan is a small family :), and that there is gonna be tons of fun waiting for you if you ever decide to join or to keep guesting us :)..

We also have alot of ingame/chat events, and Irl events too :).
Always welcome to hang out with us here,

Ps (I LOVE clue scrolls myself :p, cant get enough of those.)


Title: Re: Hey everyone, just looking around. :)
Post by: Xylun Xur on September 04, 2015, 19:33:42
Oh and i am going to rf, due to some changes in my schedule i'll be travelling with some other friends of mine, always free to tag along with us if you want :D
Title: Re: Hey everyone, just looking around. :)
Post by: Teknolla G on September 04, 2015, 19:36:29
Nice to meet you, July! Would be interesting to have your treasure trail logs start popping up on our forums. Please make yourself at home. We have kittens to your left and.. well, kittens are all we have, really.
Title: Re: Hey everyone, just looking around. :)
Post by: Only Lilly on September 04, 2015, 19:56:01
I have seen you guest often, and thanks for finding your way to our forums.

We are going as a group to Runefest, unfortunately a group did not manage to get tickets, so will only be attending the night before party on the Friday, we are all in a shared house which will make the experience even better.

I would like to learn a little more of the history of the game. 

May I ask what you look for in a clan?  and what you think of us do far? 

We are always looking for extend  to the forums and a lore section would be an interesting addition.

Title: Re: Hey everyone, just looking around. :)
Post by: July on September 05, 2015, 16:17:06
Thank you for the replies. :)

@Xylunn Xurr - Maybe I can tag along! I haven't planned anything yet, so we'll see. :p

@Teknolla G - Unfortunately it would be too much work to maintain/update two logs, but feel free to visit the one on the RS forums! (Quick find code: 48-49-222-65667998)

@Only Lilly - I just look for a mature community with a mixture of different players (personalities). So far I like the clan, but I am very slow when it comes to choosing a clan. It usually takes me a week or two to make a decision. When you join a clan, you will be with the same people for a long time, so that's why I prefer to take my time. :P
About the RS history bit, unfortunately it's the non-lore related history, so that includes skill additions, hiscore competition, the release of game content and geographical locations, etc. My knowledge about the RS lore is limited to the point where it's non-existent, ha.
Title: Re: Hey everyone, just looking around. :)
Post by: Redtunnel on September 05, 2015, 20:08:51
Nice to meet you :) Will you be sharing the TT loot logs in the future? I'm considering to make a TT profatibility calculator for the clan site later on.

Edit: oops, saw that you have them on RSOF! Great, will check there if/when I need data!
Title: Re: Hey everyone, just looking around. :)
Post by: Only Lilly on September 05, 2015, 20:22:34
I do hope you choose us to find a home with, on the selfish side I think you would make a great addition to the Clan xxx
Title: Re: Hey everyone, just looking around. :)
Post by: Josh on September 05, 2015, 20:38:49

Come join us :p
Title: Re: Hey everyone, just looking around. :)
Post by: Tommykillme on September 05, 2015, 22:23:54
Welcome to Consentus
Title: Re: Hey everyone, just looking around. :)
Post by: Rubes on September 05, 2015, 22:28:39
Welcome to consentus!!!
Title: Re: Hey everyone, just looking around. :)
Post by: Happi on September 06, 2015, 19:12:42
Hello July, nice to meet you!

Can you share which worthwhile rewards have you got already?
Title: Re: Hey everyone, just looking around. :)
Post by: July on September 11, 2015, 11:02:18
Thanks for the posts. :)

Hello July, nice to meet you!

Can you share which worthwhile rewards have you got already?

Barrows dye is really the only very rare reward that I have gotten so far. :p Then there is also the below, but those items are cheap now:
Title: Re: Hey everyone, just looking around. :)
Post by: Happi on September 11, 2015, 11:23:46
Barrows dye is pretty nice O.o
So with the skip tickets skillers can complete any clue scroll now?
Title: Re: Hey everyone, just looking around. :)
Post by: July on September 11, 2015, 19:10:32
Barrows dye is pretty nice O.o
So with the skip tickets skillers can complete any clue scroll now?

The tickets are used to skip puzzles, I don't use the tickets because I know how it all works, but skillers should be able to complete the puzzles with or without the tickets. Do you mean without having to use Combat?
Title: Re: Hey everyone, just looking around. :)
Post by: Egypt on September 11, 2015, 20:00:55
Welcome July! I'm sure Consentus is the right place for you :)