Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: Ghettopopper on June 25, 2014, 21:15:41
Hi everybody,
Gonna keep my introduction short but here it is.. I'm a 19 year old guy from Rhode Island currently going to University of RI. My name is Owen, some things I like are lifting weights, vans shoes, and making money. I work at a deli and make delicious sandwiches on my free time and just started up Runescape again. I was active in a similar (?) clan Hopeful for a few years until I quit in 2012. My favorite skills are thieving, dungeoneering, and farming. Anyways, I look forward to meeting everyone!
Hi Owen, Welcome to Consentus! I also love lifting weights so I guess we have something in common, Enjoy your stay here!
Thats a great introduction a lot of information in 1 paragraph.
I hope you settle with us and I look forward to watching your progress xxx
Welcome man!
Hope you enjoy your stay :)
Welcome, I'll want a cheese and ham sandwich please
If one of your favourite skills is Farming I'm sure we'll get along just fine. ;)
Welcome to Consentus Owen.
Sup m8 u sound chill, welcome to the clan, hope ur enjoy ur stay.
Welcome Owen. :sun:
glad to see you're in uni and doing well man
Hey Owen, been awhile. Remember you, good luck with Uni and RS! :)
Welcome :sun:
Welcome to Consentus! Good to see Dungeoneering in your favourite skills.
I want a sandwhich now damn it..
Nice to meet you mate, and great intro.
Hope to see you around
welcome owen you are one of our few americans =p
Welcome to Consentus Owen!
If you make delicious sandwiches and like dungeoneering then we'll be good friends :D
Welcome to Cts! could go for a sandwich :D