Well i have yet to make a new intro. Im sure alot of new people have come arond since my last check up/visit. I havent really been doing much playing at all. Im fact im pretty much done eith runescape. Im still gonna roam around the forums (more than i have been lol) and be active as i can. Im pretty sure last time i were aound i showed everyone morgan, my ew girlfriend. We are still going strong and everything is perfect. We had a pregnancy scare but everything turned out okay...uruk dont laugh at this lol...this happens everytime..i know..
Lilly, thank you for talking to me when i was all worried and such :x
Anyway. Whats been up? I have been sitting in the dark since saturday...its now thursday

im literally charging my phone at work and writing this on my phone and waiting for morgan to punch out so we can go home to her dads and be around a warm fire place...the entire atate of connecticut got stomped hard by a snowstorm. Almost the whole state was in th dark and it was about 95% without power...people were flashing guns at others because people cut in line for gas..its crazy how much people rely on technology now adays. All i hear is people bitching about no cable or internet. Shame nobody can pick up a book without it being a chore anymore. They say everyone should have power back by sunday. Three more days for me at the most...i hope. Im thankful morgan's dad is letting me use the spare room and shower,eat,relax while this is happening.
As for life, still working everyday at the same ol' gas station. Saving for school to become an electrician. Maybe i will come back to runescape for a bit and slay. I have yet to kill some abby demons in a while..although im sure whips are garbage now lol...i dont knoe anything about rs anymore.
Anyway, hope all is well with everyone. Stay safe and cya later.