Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: Miss Mudds on April 01, 2018, 12:42:37
Hi, and thank you for letting me guest in your clan before joining today!
So I'm Miss Mudds, I've been on Runescape (off and on) since 2011 and currently max cape holder.
Personal Stuff:
So I'm a multimedia journalist student at Southampton Solent University, with only 4 weeks left until my final hand in ever!! I've been away for the last 18 months whilst I've been getting through the last section of the study as its been mad! I'm trained to do radio, television, newspaper and photography work, and have been honoured to work at voluntary radio stations, local newspapers, BBC, Sky Sports and local cruise industry. I've also done photography work at Runefest for a couple of years and hope to return this year. If you've been to Runefest and seen a mad person with a toy rhino called Rocky, you've probably met me!
When I'm not doing News stuff or playing RS, you'll find me in the mud. And this is where my nickname comes from! I take part in Obstacle Course Racing across the UK, and part of a super supportive group called UK Mudd Queens, who provide advice and help to all female participants, whether they're elite runners or just out there for a bit of fun like me!
Runescape Stuff:
In game, I'm trying to catch up on all the added bits in game, and over 18 months theres been a lot! Despite being at least 99 in all skills, I'm rubbish at combat and die frequently to anything stronger than a mithril dragon! Currently working on maxing dungeoneering (currently 111) and slayer (currently 103).
So thats a bit about me, any questions feel free to ask, and thanks again for letting me join you all!
Miss Mudds
Pics of Rocky plz.
I too agree that I would like to see a pic of Rocky please...
Welcome to the clan though! Pleased to have you :D I live on the Isle of Wight, so we're only across the water from each other xD
Welcome, nice intro! Always wanted to do one of those mud courses, one day.. XD
Greta to have you with us, we usually have a group that go to RF every year, so I am sure we wouldve met.
@Thunderite he loves all these muddy things :(
Look forward to getting to know you :)
I have no idea how to add a picture, so hopefully the attachment bit sorts it out!
Welcome to the clan, glad you decided to join us :)
Where will you be going after your graduation? :D
Welcome to the clan, glad you decided to join us :)
Where will you be going after your graduation? :D
It'll depend on what happens in the next few months. I have two sets of work experience, one with BBC and one with commercial radio, if either of them look positive for jobs afterwards, I'll be looking to move to Norwich area to work there. If not I'll transfer with my current job to either Leicester or Leeds areas, and figure out going into the industry there :)
Hey there miss!
welcome to consentus, good to see you liked it in here, and decided to join us! :D
i see you did some photography work, was this for jagex, or just for yourself? (mind sharing a pic so we can see :D?)
thats a cute rhino you got there!
Welcome to the clan, glad you decided to join us :)
Where will you be going after your graduation? :D
It'll depend on what happens in the next few months. I have two sets of work experience, one with BBC and one with commercial radio, if either of them look positive for jobs afterwards, I'll be looking to move to Norwich area to work there. If not I'll transfer with my current job to either Leicester or Leeds areas, and figure out going into the industry there :)
All the best people live in Leicester!!
glad to meet you . hope you enjoy your stay.
Hey there miss!
welcome to consentus, good to see you liked it in here, and decided to join us! :D
i see you did some photography work, was this for jagex, or just for yourself? (mind sharing a pic so we can see :D?)
thats a cute rhino you got there!
Thanks! Rocky is really cute, and a great icebreaker in crowds!
So I have photos dotted all across the internet, so I'll try and round them up! Most of the pictures I do for myself, but jagex have used a few occasionally.
Flickr: (runefest3 - 2013 on page 3!) (
Runefest 2014: Please note these are on an old facebook account, so don't try and add me there!
Afterparty (
Rocky's Runefest (
Runefest (
Night Before (
I went to runefest 2016, but went to enjoy it rather than be taking images all the time lol. Hope to go back this year if they hold it again :D
Welcome :)
The pictures are amzing :)
@Mini Nub he will be impressed.
Lots of gatherers pictures I see. Are you still in contact with any? I hope you come to Runefest with us this year <3
I've still got a few on my friends list still, Tracy, Juke, Simon, Phil, Rachel, Alan, Kay... the ususal suspects!
And as long as the dates are right, me and Rocky plan to be there! \:D/
Welcome to the clan! Glad to have you with us :)
Welcome. :)
Welcome to the clan good to have you with us ;D
Which mud runs have you done?
Welcome to the clan! I'm not sure why, but your name seems familiar.. #-o
Hope you enjoy it here \:D/ \:D/
Which mud runs have you done?
I have done XRunner, Wolf Run, and Ridge Runner so far, going for Alpha Wolf this year, and signed up for Mudnificent 7 and Nuclear Rush. Also filmed at Winter Nuts this year, and going to Rocket Race to film on 21st. Also do Inflatable 5k and Gung-Ho a lot too, although theyre not muddy!
Welcome to the clan! I'm not sure why, but your name seems familiar.. #-o
Hope you enjoy it here \:D/ \:D/
I've only just changed my name to this, I was Sasha-Mai before hand for about 3 years if that helps! ;) Or is it my real name you're remembering? :P
Welcome :>
Welcome (: that sounds like an awesome degree! You're not too far from me, I'm down in Bournemouth x
Hey!!! Hope you feel welcomed I know you have been welcome by the discord groip!! Love the support from yourself on discord so thanks!! Any questions I’m happy to hear from you
Welcome to the clan, @Miss Mudds!