Heyo! I thought that I'd make a lil' Introduction to the Clan.
My name is Tom, Im 17 and I live in Nottingham, United Kingdom. Im not great about writing about myself so here goes

I am currently studying for Business, Economics & Politics Degree in college with a career plan of being the Primeminister. Hehe, Just Joking, Not sure what I want to do yet

I started playing Scape' in 2006-ish upon which I achieved the grand level of 104 >.<
I currently play on 'Cpt Casual' and I am a level 23 noobcake.
Err, Hobbies, Snowboarding, Drinking, Sleeping, Monging Out and Scape.
Thats about it I think, I make some Videos occasionally but they arn't that good but meh, I enjoy making them.