Hey there!
My name is Dan. I have been mooching around your CC for a while and a couple of days ago it said I couldn't join due to it being clan members so I had a gander on your RS Topic and saw you had an offsite forum. I've been working so much this is the only time I've got round to doing this...! Crazy right?! So here I am...
I am 23 years old and live in the UK. Currently from Leeds (don't plan on moving ha.)
I've been a runescaper for around 5 years now. I have been in and out of love with the game for a good 2 years now and it's either a do or die situation for me. I've realised now more than ever I need a good clan base to be involved in to keep me interested otherwise I lose interest very VERY quickly. I know it sounds picky but as long as there is activeness I am fine

I am pretty much an all-round skiller, much prefer it to PvM ... the most you'll get out of me is Glacors and training Slayer for PvM haa...
I've kinda run out of things to say but I hope you've enjoy the read and feel free to post a reply!
It'll be great to meet you all!
~ Dan ...