I am a one way motorway
I'm the road that drives away
then follows you back home
I am a street light shining
I'm a white light blinding bright
burning off and on
Enough of the Foo Fighters

Hey, I'm Hanson or you can call me Tom as I don't mind either. I joined Consentus last month as I had bumped into Lilly on Runescape after years of not seeing her and she invited me to join the clan. I started playing Runescape in 2006 just after the Easter event so I missed out on the Easter ring (that thing looks like a good holiday reward as well!) and have played kind of off and on since then. I got the max cape for the first time on March 28th and that had been a long standing goal to get all skills to 99 and here I have it

When it comes to me personally, I like a variety of genres in music, I'm always on the search for new songs and I like sharing what I find.
I aim to go to the gym a minimum of 3 times a week, I started going there in February as of this year after a few things had happened in my life and I wanted to change a lot (also part of the reason I ended up playing Runescape more and maxing too.) I'm preparing to run Total Warrior with Robert (Pluto/Rocket) this year in June and I'm looking forward to that, anything that says there is a danger of death has to be fun, right?
I also play for a local pool team in a pub league on Monday nights. I started playing for them about 4-5 years ago and have continued to play for them since. When I joined I was the youngest in the pool league and I'm still the youngest player on the team to this date. The team I play for usually ends up being around the middle of the table and last season I was in the top 25 players in the league for the first half of the season (it went a bit downhill after that and ended up being around about 50th haha.) Pool has always been something I really enjoy playing so it is nice to play it at a competitive level.
If I'm not on Runescape, another game I play is League of Legends. I have accounts on EUW, NA and OCE all under the name of IAmHanson (don't really play OCE as my ping is about 320ms but I you never know when the opportunity arises to play it.) I'm nothing special on it, I haven't played ranked since joining in Season 2 and I mostly play that for the entertainment value.
It is great to be a part of Consentus and I can say that you all seem nice. Hopefully I can be of use to the clan and get along with you all

PS. Allie made me do this