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Offline PanicAddict

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Finally, an introduction post for Panic
« on: October 19, 2016, 14:39:07 »
First and foremost, I hate introduction posts.  Any of those "about me" sections in any of my profiles end up staying empty.

As some of you already know, I've dived into both the forums and the clan chat.  I've been talking on/off in the clan chat for a few months now, and more recently, joining the forums.  I've been slowly stepping into joining the clan for so long mainly because I've always been a solo runescape player.  Now that I've been on Runescape for so long, (on/off since 2002 +/-) I'm just looking for a group of friends that even after I take a break again, will still be there when I get back.

I've been on a lot recently because I've been off of work on Injury.  I got bitten by a tick, and contracted Lyme disease.  After I go back to work on Monday, my time online will decrease.  I'm still going to get online, but it won't be on and off all day as it has been during the last few weeks.

I am an HVAC Tech/Installer, a musician, a space documentary enthusiast, a constant watcher of the science channel....  I think that's all for now.  kthxbye


Offline Powerless

Re: Finally, an introduction post for Panic
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2016, 15:25:33 »
Probably one of the most interesting introduction posts I've seen... looking forward to getting to know you bud. :)


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Re: Finally, an introduction post for Panic
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2016, 19:11:53 »
Hey, seen you lots in the CC :) Ticks are seriously the nastiest insect out there
"The purity of a person's heart can be measured by how they regard cats"


Offline Jasperine

Re: Finally, an introduction post for Panic
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2016, 19:25:36 »
Well, welcome! I've only really seen you on the forums.

How did you know you had/have Lyme disease?

And also, what does Clan Friend mean?


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Re: Finally, an introduction post for Panic
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2016, 19:29:35 »
And also, what does Clan Friend mean?
Basically anyone who's particularly friendly to the clan, but isn't (yet) a clan member! It has the same permissions as Recruit, so can read more of the forum than guests
"The purity of a person's heart can be measured by how they regard cats"


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Re: Finally, an introduction post for Panic
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2016, 19:33:10 »
Its always great to welcome new people to the forums and hopefully the clan in the future xxx


Offline PanicAddict

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Re: Finally, an introduction post for Panic
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2016, 22:27:46 »
Oh it does say "Clan Friend" haha.  I didn't even realize!  I was reading your guys responses going, I didn't say clan friend.... I even reread my post to see if I said "clan friend" lawls.  That's awesome.  I've been procrastinating requesting a title seeing as I didn't feel like being a recruit, and 20 posts is.... well I've posted more than 20 posts.  Was hoping to shoot straight to member, but I kinda like the "clan friend" thing.  It's unique.

Well, welcome! I've only really seen you on the forums.

How did you know you had/have Lyme disease?

And also, what does Clan Friend mean?

The only way I knew I had Lyme disease is by blood work.  Originally, I woke up Monday morning and my knee was the size of a basketball.  Went to the ER, got 120 cc of fluid drained and was told to follow up on Wednesday, which is when they drained another 120cc out of my leg.  From the color of the fluid, they didn't suspect an injury, so they sent me to get blood work done.  I came back on Friday, when they took another 90 cc out of my knee, and because the blood work came back negative on the infection, sent me to get more blood work done, one of the tests being for Lyme, which was then suspected.  I got a call on Monday, telling me that the Lyme disease was positive, and the Doctor called in a 4 week antibiotic... and that's how you learn you have Lyme Disease.  The ironic part is I don't even remember getting bitten by a tick.


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