Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: Kardiofon on May 12, 2014, 13:46:08
Im not very good at making introductions but decided to make one. Im not so good at writing in english so you have to deal with it. Im from Lithuania. Post communist country in Eastern Europe.however we are clasified as northern Europeans or Baltic region. Our languane is oldest in Europe. Im 21 year old( but everyone say i look like 15). Currenly im studying business law. But i don't like very much so from next i will also be learning computer desing. My dream is to have my own advertising company or at least work in that field. I was playing was playing Runescape since 2006. I stopped playing on y main in like 2011. After many other accounts and skillers i recently got back on my first account(Edwis). Im a huge exp waster. I don't play for exp but too enjoy the game. Thats it if you wanna know something else message me on forums or in game.
Sometimes it's best to play the game actually enjoying it instead of grinding. Nice to know a little bit more about you.
Nice to know more about you ^^ and as Joel said, it is best to just play the game in a style that you enjoy and not as an endless grind (if that's something you don't enjoy of course, some people do)
I've always been interested in Lithuania.
Nice to know more about you Edwis. :)
Nice too meet you Edwis! Look forward to seeing you in game :)
Always good to learn more about new members thanks for taking the time to make an introduction, you type well in English.
I look forward to watching your progress, both in real life and runescape
Nice to know a bit about yourself !! :)
Awesome to know a bit about you. Welcome to Consentus!
We have plenty of xp wasters within the clan, you shall fit quite well ;)
welcome to consentus! and that was a really good intro considering English isn't your first language
Nice to know a bit about you! =D
Welcome to Consentus.
Nice to learn a little about you.