Hey there Consentus! Another one of those crazy Skill Union Staff here. I really hope it isn't extremely annoying with us invading your forums. I heard about you guys when I saw that we were going to do a Skill War. I'm really looking forward to that and I promise we'll put up a fierce competition. Good luck and may the best no-lifes win

(I have to say, your santa emoticons are really cute.)
But anyways, my name is Ashley, but I usually go by Ash. I live in Canada. I'm 18 and in University. I'm really looking forward to meeting some of you guys during the Skill War. You all seem really friendly. I've started playing Runescape when I saw my brother playing it as a kid and the first thing he asked me to do for him was to runecraft airs for him. Typical. I really love meeting new people, so I'm really excited to talk to some of you
