Hey everyone!!!
I just wanted to give you a wee introduction to myself
I was a member many years ago with the intention of staying, however I had some crazy life events happen including some goals I wanted to work on!!
I am happy to say I have decided to come back to the family, although in my heart I had never left.

Lilly you are gold, for being so integrated and working so hard to keep things rolling. BUT I know you could have not done it without the help of everyone involved! So thanks everyone for giving a little effort and being great friends to one another.
Here are some interesting facts about me for all who do not know me.
I am a writer - specializing in self help and personal development
- I have three books waiting on publishing.
I love anything to do with Energy - From Reiki to the LAW OF ATTRACTION
I am a director for a support group in Canada
I am an event planner for a community association
I have my own wellness business
I love anything to do with life from animals to plants
I love all creative forces and also do paint classes ocassionally
My favorite color is Green, but I also really love blue... and Purple...and red...and okay, I just love color...
I LOVE music/dance, I do poi which is also called 'Ball on string'
I am a fan of movies, although I prefer Rom Coms, and super hearo fantasy movies.
I have been playing runescape for nearly 18 years...
I have taken a break off and on to work on things in life, but i always come back!
I also met one of my longest friends playing runescape.
Well... If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask!
I go by many names
Lily, lilyan, Cos, Cosmic, Fly, Bird, Love...
The choice is yours... what do you prefer?