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Offline Creptine

Creptine - From the little spark may burst a mighty flame.
« on: January 08, 2017, 21:46:50 »


Hey guys and gals;
First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for this great opportunity to be part of one of the most amazing communities on RS.
I know I've only been here for like 3 days but I had a very warm welcome and it felt like home instantly.
Will go bit more into detail about who I am,
what I do and
all kinds of other stuff that are completely useless but purely for your entertainment.
I am currently mining in the citadel so I figured I could introduce myself in the meantime.
Note that English ain't my main language so don't grammar-nazi on everything,
even tho feedback would be appriciated.  XD

Who am I?

I'm a 20 year old guy from Belgium with a growing career in the industrial chemistry sector, as my dad, brother, uncle, etc.
Don't ask me why, it's something I've always done,
always liked and I like math..
Besides working my *ss of a few hours a day I mostly spend my spare time playing games (including RS obviously) and going to gym almost daily.
To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear!  8)

As for hobbies I moderate forums from time to time. I've moderated on Innogames, iGn-esports, Midnightlions, ...
And also used coach an esports team on CSGO which I quit because I don't have enough time to put the effort into it anymore.

Besides my passion for chemistry I also love psychology and read some books about it from time to time.
I love to give life advise to people and enjoy helping people out
with any mental or physical problems.
If you ever need advise or need a chat from time to time about anything,
I'm your buddy!

Creptine? Runescape? Hello?

Haha, I allready feel bad talking about myself first as it's a runescape/clan forum.
Creptine is my fresh account created on the night of 06/01/2017.

The goal?
* Max it out by the end of the year.

The reason?
* I don't feel connected to my main account after quiting for a while, and I need some sort of connection in order to enjoy playing. Don't ask me why, it's just me.

I used to play on Dawnshire and before that I played on Aranea Fox,
was part of Efficiency Experts on Aranea and part of Fusion Core on Dawn and still join that teamspeak from time to time.

YES, I play a FEMALE character ingame. But I'm a not a gal, so don't be fooled. I prefer telling this because cheesy messages are too cringy.
'But creptine, why do you play a female character then?' Well.. Because I like how the gear looks on a female body  \:D/

Thank you all for reading my introduction, please if you have questions, ask them below !
Thank you for taking your time, here is a chinchompa with a fire cape;

Creptine, out.


Offline Only Lilly

  • *
  • Join Date: Sep 2011
  • 17843
  • Gender: Female
  • Awards This player has 200m EXP in the skill: Fishing!
  • Rsn: Only Lilly
Re: Creptine - From the little spark may burst a mighty flame.
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2017, 21:51:39 »
I enjoyed that a LOT

welcome to our humble abode xxx


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