Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: Coldmane on May 03, 2016, 10:46:33
Hey, my name is Eldon and i'm 23 years old. I am from Malta and I am currently majoring in Accounting and Economics at the University here. I started playing RS in 2006 (few days away from 10-yr cape :o). I quit for a few years but joined back about a year ago during the downtime between the expansions of world of warcraft. I find this game very relaxing and I am able to study while getting dem xp gains on afkable skills. Exams are coming up at the beginning of June so I am currently pretty busy on that end. I will probably be playing more in summer until the release of the new expansion. Thanks!
Welcome to the clan Eldon
Welcome to the forums :) I've noticed your name in the clan chat tab fairly often so it's great to see you here too and hear a little more about you. Best of luck with your exams!
Sounds similar to me, good bit of afk fishing while doing coursework for my final deadlines
Welcome to the clan :)
At last <3
You have been our man of mystery for far tooooo long
Welcome Eldon! Do you still play WoW? I'm super hyped for the Legion expansion!
Welcome :D
Welcome Eldon! Do you still play WoW? I'm super hyped for the Legion expansion!
Hey! No not atm. Stopped playing after getting bored of HFC but I am super hyped for Legion aswell!
Thx for the welcomes! :D
Welcome Eldon! Do you still play WoW? I'm super hyped for the Legion expansion!
Hey! No not atm. Stopped playing after getting bored of HFC but I am super hyped for Legion aswell!
Yeah same here. I've played since Warcraft 2 and loved demon hunters forever. Legion has me too hyped lol.
Nice Intro, welcome :)
Welcome to the clan :) My dad is an accountant too! He works for a big firm called KPMG haha :)
Welcome. :D