Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: Beavis on September 26, 2015, 13:44:48
Hello there. I'm Beavis and I am a DarkScape Skiller. Main reason I joined these forums id because ive heard its the best forums ever and that everyone is amazing and supportive. But a little about myself. I'm 24 years old and I work for a railroad contractor named "National Salvage" and I get to travel all over North America. I pick up all the old rail that gets replaced on a "Boom Truck" or "Scrap truck" whichever you wanna call it. So that's pretty cool. :) I've been playing RuneScape for about 10 years. Ive had combat and skiller accounts. But always have seemed to have more fun being a skiller. I'm not really sure what else to add to this, but thanks for letting me be apart of these forums!
Edit: If I have to join the clan chat on Rs3. I will. But just know that ill never be on Rs3
Welcome Beavis.
Welcome to the forums :) Are there lots of skillers on Darkscape? Do you always stay in safe zones as a skiller?
I dont know a lot about Darkscape, I do know that some one has made a Consentus Clan, I am not sure who?
How did you find out about the forums? What names did you have as a skiller? I wonder if our paths have ever crossed?
Welcome to the forums :) Are there lots of skillers on Darkscape? Do you always stay in safe zones as a skiller?
Honestly I'm the only one I have seen, and in the "Low Risk" zones. I'm not completely safe but other players have to have combat level 11 or lower to attack me where I skill the most time. So I dont get pked often. But for Woodcutting high level trees are in the "High Risk" zones. So I'm cutting Ivy in Canifis. Which is "High Risk" zone, but I have set my spawn to Canifis. When I do get pked I spawn like 15 blocks away from the ivy.
I dont know a lot about Darkscape, I do know that some one has made a Consentus Clan, I am not sure who?
How did you find out about the forums? What names did you have as a skiller? I wonder if our paths have ever crossed?
I've always heard about the forums from people talking in game a long time ago. As for the names of my other skillers are "Plu" and "Training Bow". I haven't played much Rs3. I just tried to join the Consentus clan chat on DarkScape. But only clanmates can join in it.
I have heard of those 2 names :)
Is there anyway we can find out who is in the clan?
I have heard of those 2 names :)
Is there anyway we can find out who is in the clan?
Stalker! haha just kidding.
For the clan, I can not atm. They are making a clan page for DS. Until Jagex makes that, there is no way I can find out since I cant join it.
I really hope they start making hiscores and APIs for darkscape :p Even though I probably won't play it, it's interesting to watch the progress :p
I really hope they start making hiscores and APIs for darkscape :p Even though I probably won't play it, it's interesting to watch the progress :p
Well they are going to make a Clan Page for the clans and they are thinking about adding Hiscores. They said they aren't a big fan of adding them, but they still might. The players want them!
And for everyone add me!! I could use people to talk to lol
Name -> Beavis
Well, it doesn't even have to be skill hiscores. They could e.g. make hs over number of kills, longest time survived in the high risk zone, best pvp combo etc :p But yeah, personally, I'd like to see skill hiscores mostly :D
Well, it doesn't even have to be skill hiscores. They could e.g. make hs over number of kills, longest time survived in the high risk zone, best pvp combo etc :p But yeah, personally, I'd like to see skill hiscores mostly :D
Yeah :p I want hiscores so I can see when I'm #1 for Firemaking :p
Welcome to the clan, Beavis. :D
I definitely recognise those names mind. I've not played with Darkscape yet, I may have a look. Although it doesn't sound like something I'd like :P
Welcome, Beavis.
Love the name.
Welcome to Consentus Beavis!