
Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: Beavis on September 26, 2015, 13:44:48

Title: Beavis' Intro
Post by: Beavis on September 26, 2015, 13:44:48
Hello there. I'm Beavis and I am a DarkScape Skiller. Main reason I joined these forums id because ive heard its the best forums ever and that everyone is amazing and supportive. But a little about myself. I'm 24 years old and I work for a railroad contractor named "National Salvage" and I get to travel all over North America. I pick up all the old rail that gets replaced on a "Boom Truck" or "Scrap truck" whichever you wanna call it. So that's pretty cool. :) I've been playing RuneScape for about 10 years. Ive had combat and skiller accounts. But always have seemed to have more fun being a skiller. I'm not really sure what else to add to this, but thanks for letting me be apart of these forums!

Edit: If I have to join the clan chat on Rs3. I will. But just know that ill never be on Rs3
Title: Re: Beavis' Intro
Post by: Row on September 26, 2015, 13:55:18
Welcome Beavis.
Title: Re: Beavis' Intro
Post by: Redtunnel on September 26, 2015, 15:58:28
Welcome to the forums :) Are there lots of skillers on Darkscape? Do you always stay in safe zones as a skiller?
Title: Re: Beavis' Intro
Post by: Only Lilly on September 26, 2015, 21:25:59
I dont know a lot about Darkscape, I do know that some one has made a Consentus Clan, I am not sure who?

How did you find out about the forums?  What names did you have as a skiller?  I wonder if our paths have ever crossed?
Title: Re: Beavis' Intro
Post by: Beavis on September 26, 2015, 21:38:14
Welcome to the forums :) Are there lots of skillers on Darkscape? Do you always stay in safe zones as a skiller?

Honestly I'm the only one I have seen, and in the "Low Risk" zones. I'm not completely safe but other players have to have combat level 11 or lower to attack me where I skill the most time. So I dont get pked often. But for Woodcutting high level trees are in the "High Risk" zones. So I'm cutting Ivy in Canifis. Which is "High Risk" zone, but I have set my spawn to Canifis. When I do get pked I spawn like 15 blocks away from the ivy.

I dont know a lot about Darkscape, I do know that some one has made a Consentus Clan, I am not sure who?

How did you find out about the forums?  What names did you have as a skiller?  I wonder if our paths have ever crossed?

I've always heard about the forums from people talking in game a long time ago. As for the names of my other skillers are "Plu" and "Training Bow". I haven't played much Rs3. I just tried to join the Consentus clan chat on DarkScape. But only clanmates can join in it.
Title: Re: Beavis' Intro
Post by: Only Lilly on September 26, 2015, 23:06:56
I have heard of those 2 names :)

Is there anyway we can find out who is in the clan?
Title: Re: Beavis' Intro
Post by: Beavis on September 26, 2015, 23:13:50
I have heard of those 2 names :)

Is there anyway we can find out who is in the clan?

Stalker! haha just kidding.

For the clan, I can not atm. They are making a clan page for DS. Until Jagex makes that, there is no way I can find out since I cant join it.
Title: Re: Beavis' Intro
Post by: Redtunnel on September 26, 2015, 23:36:29
I really hope they start making hiscores and APIs for darkscape :p Even though I probably won't play it, it's interesting to watch the progress :p
Title: Re: Beavis' Intro
Post by: Beavis on September 26, 2015, 23:40:54
I really hope they start making hiscores and APIs for darkscape :p Even though I probably won't play it, it's interesting to watch the progress :p

Well they are going to make a Clan Page for the clans and they are thinking about adding Hiscores. They said they aren't a big fan of adding them, but they still might. The players want them!

And for everyone add me!! I could use people to talk to lol
Name -> Beavis
Title: Re: Beavis' Intro
Post by: Redtunnel on September 26, 2015, 23:57:45
Well, it doesn't even have to be skill hiscores. They could e.g. make hs over number of kills, longest time survived in the high risk zone, best pvp combo etc :p But yeah, personally, I'd like to see skill hiscores mostly :D
Title: Re: Beavis' Intro
Post by: Beavis on September 27, 2015, 00:10:45
Well, it doesn't even have to be skill hiscores. They could e.g. make hs over number of kills, longest time survived in the high risk zone, best pvp combo etc :p But yeah, personally, I'd like to see skill hiscores mostly :D

Yeah :p I want hiscores so I can see when I'm #1 for Firemaking :p
Title: Re: Beavis' Intro
Post by: Thunderite on September 29, 2015, 22:29:19
Welcome to the clan, Beavis. :D
Title: Re: Beavis' Intro
Post by: Joel on September 30, 2015, 10:39:00
I definitely recognise those names mind. I've not played with Darkscape yet, I may have a look. Although it doesn't sound like something I'd like :P

Title: Re: Beavis' Intro
Post by: C J on September 30, 2015, 14:16:39
Welcome, Beavis.

Love the name.
Title: Re: Beavis' Intro
Post by: Paul on September 30, 2015, 23:21:08
Welcome to Consentus Beavis!