Hello all, New here but heard a lot of good things about Consentus, Glad to be a part of this awesome clan and hopefully will make a lot of memories within here.
About Myself.My name is Jordan and i'm from Lincolnshire in the United Kingdom, I'm 21 years old 22 in a couple weeks time. I've played runescape on and off since early 2006, So i have a lot of knowledge about the game. I'm currently in full time work as a machine operative (Not looking to great as full time for now) I play both games Oldschool and Rs3 so i don't really hate on either game. I will be making another account most likely for Oldschool but not really though about it at the moment.
Previous Clans and reason for leaving.
The only clan I've really been in before is one of my friends which after going to oldschool for close to a year i came back and majority of the time i'm the only one on and they was all americans meaning i had to stay on late to talk to them etc which is the only reason i left the clan to join Consentus.
Hopefully whilst in Consentus i can get the motivation to Max with the help of you the members