Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: Animuse on July 15, 2014, 14:41:59
Hey guys so after my application got accepted yesterday i didn't have time to introduce myself because it was to late.
Ok so i have been playing runescape on and off for many years (to many years). I thought it would be nice to get involved with a clan so i got guided this way by Superashh. When i'm
not playing runescape i will no doubt be playing other games on steam or console, messing around on photoshop or watching anime (these are all in my spare time obviously :P). I live
in Devon pretty close to plymouth and when i get the equipment i want to start making youtube videos but that's not going to be for a little while, i'm not really sure what else i can
say about myself so if anyone wants to know something just ask. :D
Hey Matt (not matthew :P). Have you seen the first 2 episodes of SAO 2 yet, if so, what'd you think? and I look forward to eventually seeing your videos.
Hi Matt. Enjoy your time here with us \:D/
Welcome Matt.. Sooo many anime fans arriving at the moment, I'm sure you'll fit in!
Welcome Matt.
Joel is a huge anime fan, I'm sure you could find some common animes you've seen.
Hey Matt (not matthew :P). Have you seen the first 2 episodes of SAO 2 yet, if so, what'd you think? and I look forward to eventually seeing your videos.
Of course i have watched the first 2 episodes of SAO 2, as it's the first 2 episodes they are pretty much just setting up the plot/story so there hasn't been much action with kirito ect but i think in the next episode he tells asuna about GGO and the good stuff might start. It's good to see the story of the new characters and what GGO actually is anyway (as i didn't read the manga i just waited for the anime) but i think it will be good, well i hope so anyway as we waited so long for it to be released! haha
Welcome Matt.. Sooo many anime fans arriving at the moment, I'm sure you'll fit in!
Haha i hope so! :D
Hi Matt. Enjoy your time here with us \:D/
Thanks i'm sure i will. 8)
Welcome Matt.
Joel is a huge anime fan, I'm sure you could find some common animes you've seen.
Thanks, I pretty much watch any anime so i'm sure there will be some of common interest :P
Welcome Matt.
Joel is a huge anime fan, I'm sure you could find some common animes you've seen.
Thanks, I pretty much watch any anime so i'm sure there will be some of common interest :P
He doesn't really. He only watches gangster shows.
I've seen Sword Art Online, Attack on Titan, Death Note and Shinsekai Yori though.
Welcome :)
Welcome to Consentus! :)
Welcome aboard! :)
Welcome Animuse have fun around c:
Welcome to Consentus Matt :)
Good to have you with us Matt. Welcome to Consentus!!
Interesting introduction! Welcome to Consentus.
Welcome to the family :)
Nice to meet you!
Hey guys so after my application got accepted yesterday i didn't have time to introduce myself because it was to late.
Ok so i have been playing runescape on and off for many years (to many years). I thought it would be nice to get involved with a clan so i got guided this way by Superashh. When i'm
not playing runescape i will no doubt be playing other games on steam or console, messing around on photoshop or watching anime (these are all in my spare time obviously :P). I live
in Devon pretty close to plymouth and when i get the equipment i want to start making youtube videos but that's not going to be for a little while, i'm not really sure what else i can
say about myself so if anyone wants to know something just ask. :D
Thank you all! :D
Welcome to Consentus Matt. :)
I watch a lot of anime in my spare time as well. Which animes are your favourite?
If you have a MyAnimeList, feel free to add me on there. If not, you can just check out which anime I've seen and hopefully there'll be some listed there which you've seen as well: (