I'm D'Varin, and that's just about all the introduction you get...
I like a good chat but I'm not really much of a forums user, so we'll have to see how this one pans out. Bear with me!
I've been playing RuneScape, with various accounts, on an off for at least 15 years and counting. I have ridden the games ups and downs ...for the most part with only a few gaps in my extensive service record:
I held Christmas Crackers and Party Hats when they were worthless.
I saw the birth of the Members service.
I met Zezima before he was maxed.
My favourite account, DVarin was 'born' in 2005.
I ran from Durial321 at the Falador Massacre.
I rioted against trade restrictions and Wilderness removal.
I participated in the Evolution of Combat.
I wept openly as The World Wakes.
I marvelled at NXT.
But more important than any of that to me:
I met my wife at Pyramid Plunder in 2009.
We were asked by Jagex to feature in a magazine article on the subject, and we did.
Later we were approached by UK-TV Living to represent RuneScape in a documentary featuring people who began relationships online in less than conventional ways, and got a free trip to RuneFest 2014 where I was forced into my first ever cosplay experience traveling to London with a film crew parading behind us documenting everything.
We enjoyed i so much that we attended the next RuneFest and had another great time with the community.
My life and experiences in RuneScape and our relationship nuances are also explored a little in Jagex's own documentary: RuneScape: 15 Years of Adventure.
Because of the familiarity that my wife and I have generated with the numerous Jagex staff from these adventures, we have enjoyed a number of visits to their shiny Cambridge HQ. I was fortunate enough to receive an invite to participate in the 24-hour live-streaming GameBlast16 event for Special Effect (http://www.specialeffect.org.uk/) wherein we raised over £70k.
Our youngest daughter is actually named for where my wife and I met...
I know what you're thinking; No she isn't called Pyramid.
Sophie was named after Sophanem.
I spend a fair amount of time lost in TwitterScape (http://twitter.com/DVarinRS), reading all manner of RS related shenanigans and goings on. I think its a decent way to bolster friendships with people and share something a little less game-related.
I've recently decided to try my hand at streaming on Twitch (http://twitch.tv/itsDVarin/profile) which is loads of fun with 5 kids running riot. They join me in a number of madcap gaming sessions and its all a lot of fun, but I mostly feature RuneScape (of course), and why not? After all... I'm playing the game anyway and it gives me an opportunity to meet weird and wonderful people to chat with.
Well, that's all I can think of for a first draft, and lets face it, I'm not sufficiently coordinated enough to produce a second draft;
So that's just about all the introduction you get...