This is kind of hard for me because, as a mom, I have been telling my kids for years don't put anything personal on the internet! But I have been inspired by a lot of your posts and have really enjoyed the warmth and acceptance of Consentus. I am a happily married mom of three in San Diego, CA. My husband is not a RSer (but he does have other good qualities that make up for it!) He is definitely the side that my kids get their combative gameplay side from

Chris - my mom died young (when I was in my teens) too - and my parents were divorced (and my dad was an alcoholic - so we were kind of left on our own). I can tell you this, because I did barely make it to her deathbed, being there when she died was not really important or like in the movies - what is important is the time you shared beforehand. Her death was shattering. I don't even know anything else to add to that. Through the years, the edge is blunted but it freshens even now when I hit milestones that I would have liked to have shared. It is really hard that she never met my husband or any of my three sons (or for that matter - any of her son-in-laws or grandkids). My husband's family is great - but we have recently been dealing with the death of his dad and his mom's descent into dementia.
That being said, I am a firm believer that life (even RS life) is a journey. You have to enjoy where you are because otherwise you are only enjoying the way points and the destination. I have some challenges - I have been struggling for over 30 years with health issues (type 1 (or juvenile) diabetes, hashimoto's thyroiditis, fibromyalgia...) I have had to deal with a spontaneous cerebral spinal fluid leak, autoimmune hepatitis (thankfully gone for 20 years), and various other issues. Between the busy family life and the health issues, I may be gone for periods but I will probably be around after any absence.
To the enjoyment of life! I have a fabulous husband who is my best friend. I keep telling him I would have killed anyone else after a couple of weeks of living together - he and I are coming up on our 22nd wedding anniversary (we were actually engaged for 2 years because we couldn't get our widespread families to agree on a date or location - even though we kept saying we would be happy just eloping...) We have three wonderful kids. My oldest is not a RSer either - he does have a character but he just doesn't play much. My middle son, Ajax Tursuroh (Alex), and my youngest son, UltraRy (Ryan), are in Consentus. They both play irregularly. I actually encourage Ryan not to participate too much in clan chat unless he lets you know he is on since he is still in elementary school (That being said - with a brother in college and a brother in high school - he kind of knows what things are appropriate to ignore - and he does have his chat filtered) We also have a dog, Toby, that was rescued as a street puppy in Tijuana, MX. He was supposed to be 35-40 pounds at full growth (he was about 10 pounds/ 10 weeks old when we got him) - he is now about 75 pounds! Picture Clifford but bigger...
As a Runescape player, I am horribly inefficient. My exp gains would only win an achievement if we were playing high-low or if we gave everyone a trophy. I usually stress out so much about the best way to use things like the enlightenment aura - I don't always even use them... Back to my journey philosophy, I rarely train - I bounce around making sure I have all my statue pieces, doing dailies if they are not too painful, doing quests, usually doing pengs and circus. I would love to dung with people (I usually solo) but the problem with me is I never know in advance what my blocks of time look like. I might be on for a good length of time - I might get called away. My family is my priority (although I think it is good for them to be independent too - so I don't drop playing, when I am taking a break, for everything) so if one of my kids comes in and wants to hang out - there I go...
I am also really bad at figuring out things like armor and stats - you will hear me asking about that kind of thing - I am good at researching stuff - so I try to look things up - but to be honest, putting together gear is not my strength. I really do dress a lot in stuff that Ryan thinks looks cool (by the way - that is why I am in the tropical outfit - Ryan uses that cosmetic override and he likes to match) I am also not very goal oriented - it would not shock me if I never get a 99. I am really ok with that. Actually thinking about it, it is more that my goals are not 99s. My goals are more finishing quests (although right now I am about 5 or 6 out - I don't want to finish and not have quests left), getting all the achievements, soul split, and pack yak. To me - in most cases, 99 doesn't really bring much extra to the game (forget 200M in a skill - I just barely made 100M total - and that took something like 7 years) - I know that is heresy - and I love celebrating other peoples' 99s and 120s!!!
Anyway - enough rambling! I have really been appreciating and enjoying Consentus!