Hello all! This is my introduction.. sort of. My RSN is Mavilar, But I prefer to be called Mavi so stick with that whenever you talk to me

. I'm 22 soon to be 23 and I'm a huge esports nerd. I played cod at a "professional level" (We were like tier 7 team l0l) and later did some work in youtube teams like Dare and Soar. I now play CSGO with the aim to be on a semi decent team some day even though I'm getting kinda old. Real sports are weird although I do love me some soccer, I played for like 6 years so it just kind of stuck with me.
Enough about that boring crap, Now for Runescape.
I've been playing this game a LONG time. Almost 12 years? Maybe longer.. I don't like to check anymore. I'm currently working towards the goals of 120 all and beating most if not all of the current exp records in the clan.
My Goals for this clan and my involvement---
1. I'm not great at PVM, Although I am slowly learning. I like to skill.. So i hope to be an active part of the skilling community (Guides, Advice, Events, etc etc.) I would like for there to be a point in time when people can feel comfortable coming to me with questions or seeking advice (as long as you're not drowning me in questions

2. While I understand that I don't fully grasp the level 3-15 skiller "lifestyle" I would like to be apart of creating events (daily, weekly, monthly) that allow people to really compete with others within the clan or even with other clans.
All in all I want to help grow the community within this clan. I might not have explained myself very well in this post.. So if you have any questions you can send me a message on the offsite or just write one out in the comments.