Hey, I'm Showers ingame, Real name is Jack but most people call me Tez (Long Story).
Been playing RS very on/off since i was like 10? Currently 19, studying at University in the UK.
Love CoD/Rocket League etc on the console. Play Football Manager and Civilization on PC.
Oh...did i mention i play this thing called Runescape? Its pretty chill. Funnily enough all the time
i've played over multiple accounts...I got my first 99 ever today in Farming

So i've got that going for me..
which is nice.
Im currently a full time skiller (Yes i misclicked a lamp and got 5 combat, level 4 range. Sue me. Im creating a new meta.
Finally achieved my goal of 99 farming, guess im hoping to get all skills to 70 then 80 etc.. However hoping to get 99 RC and 99 Div in the next few weeks/months. So lots of grinding and AFK play.
I just wanted some people to talk to and thank god i struck up conversation with Charms again after about a year of not logging in, even if he doesn't remember me

Any more questions feel free to ask.
P.S - Diztract please stop with the awful jokes.
P.S.S - No seriously..PLEASE