
Traveling Merchant Guide Discuss


All items sold per day

Please look at the forum thread for all items sold from the past days! ;)


All possible items per slot

Slot 1
Always green uncharted island map, possible chance to become red after buying.

Slots 2 & 3
- Small goebie burial charm (50k, 50 Mazcab reputation)
- Goebie burial charm (100k, 100 Mazcab reputation)
- Gift for the reaper (1.25m, 20 reaper points)
- Unstable air rune (250k, 5k runespan points)
- Daily DnD token (250k, reset a daily once, 1 use per day)
- Dungeoneering wildcard (400k, 1-3)
- Anima Crystal (150k, 500 GWD2 reputation)
- Small menaphite gift offering (100k, 350 menaphos reputation)
- Medium menaphite gift offering (300k, 900 Menaphos reputation)
- Sacred Clay (600k, 50-100 stealing creation points)
- Advanced Pulse Core (800k, 1-3 core(s))
- Slayer VIP Coupon (200k, 1-8 slayer VIP tickets)
- Unfocused damage enhancer (500k, can be tuned in Meilyr at prif)
- Barrel of bait (50k, 10% chance to gain an extra catch for 3 minutes)
- Broken fishing rod (50k, 10% bonus catch rate for 3-30 minutes)
- Tangled fishbowl (50k, 10% extra fishing experience for 3-30 minutes)
- Shattered Anima (750k, 500k-2m shattered anima)
- 50-100 Silverhawk down (1.5m, use with silverhawk boots, cannot sell)
- Livid plant (1m, 1-40k livid farm produce points)

Slot 4
- Crystal triskelion key (2m, elite clue loot + loot from handing in key)
- Deathtouched dart (5m, Instantly kill any creature ingame, except rago/rax/telos/aod/raids)
- Dungeoneering wildcard (400k, 1-3)
- Dragonkin xp lamp (250k, cannot be banked, 4xp at lvl 1, 48,029xp at 99 and 85,560xp at 120)
- Large goebie burial charm (150k, 150 Mazcab reputation)
- Large Menaphite offering (500k, 1350 menaphos reputation)
- 3-5 Taijitu (800k, used for arc rewards)
- Unfocused reward enhancer (10m, can be tuned in Meilyr at prif)
- Monthly DnD token (1m, reset a monthly once, 1 use per month)
- Harmonic dust (2m, 500-1k dust)
- Weekly DnD token (400k, reset a weekly once, 1 use per week)
- Message in a bottle (200k, 6 mins of one of the DSF boosts)
- Starved ancient effigy (1m, 90k xp in 4 diff skills + dragonkin lamp. Note: lamp cannot be banked, 4xp at lvl 1, 48,029xp at 99 and 85,560xp at 120)

The travelling merchant event is an event in the deepsea fishing area. (requirements: 68 Fishing)
You can enter the area by talking to 'Goomah' in the fishing guild.

Ironman can also buy items from the merchant!

The merchant spawns randomly, at any time, in any world. It stays there for +/- 10 minutes. It is the boat in the middle of the area.

The merchant will sell 4 items.
- He always sells the Green uncharted island map***.
- The other 3 are random. It can be an item which gives you reputation or points in an activity or minigame, a dragonkin lamp or even a deathtouch dart!
- You can buy them once per day. (will reset at 0:00 game time)

*** The green map has 4-6 Resources on an Uncharted Island from The Arc. It costs 800k to buy one.
You can also get this map by fishing in the deepsea Fishing Area. It is a random drop.

Tavia's Rod
The first weeks it was a mystery how to get Tavia's Rod.
Luckily people found out how to get it. It was easier than we thought!

To get the rod you will have to set sail to an uncharted island within The Arc, with a red colored uncharted island map.
On the island is a guaranteed rod!

To get the red uncharted island map however, you have to be extremely lucky. Every green map you fish up randomly, or buy at the merchant has a small chance to become a red one.

Good luck to you!


The merchant spawns randomly at any time, in any world.
Because the merchant spawns at a random time, in any world people set Fc's up to track where and when he spawns!

Tracking Fc:
- WhirlpoolDnD

They will call it: 'Merchant W25' or 'M W25'.

Be fast, he only stays for 10 minutes! If you do not make it, you need to wait for the next spawn.

Do you know where and when he spawns? Please share it with the clan, so everyone can go there!

WhirlpoolDnD Discord:
If you wish to see the daily items at reset time, you can check here in the 'merchant-items' tab.
Here are also instructions to get automatic daily notifications!