Oddments store
I have been wondering what i should spend my oddments on, and what would give the most xp of the items.
Lets start with removing removing the medium prismatic lamp, we all know that isn't worth it at all.
What we have left are:
Medium prismatic star.
Silverhawk down.
Pulse core x2.
Im gonna start with comparing the medium star and the pulse core.
One medium prismatic star cost 100 oddments.
Two pulse cores cost 150 oddments meaning that one cost 75 oddments.
We are going to compare the amount of xp they give at 3 different levels:
Medium prismatic star Pulse core 1x
Level 60 4042 xp 3,368 xp
Level 85 11,803 xp 8,837 xp
Level 99+ 20,645 xp 12,204 xp
As you can see the Medium prismatic star gives a little bit more, do keep in mind, the one pulse core is 75 oddments, while one medium star is 100. So lets compare the xp rate/oddment
Level 60 40 xp/oddment 45 xp/oddment
Level 85 118 xp/oddment 132 xp/oddment
Level 99+ 207xp/oddment 229 xp/oddment
As you can see, the pulse cores actually give more xp/oddment. Making the pulse core more worth it for especially skilling. Why skilling you may ask? Well, the pulse core is usually equipped where you can have for example a charming imp equipped when doing slayer, or other items. Preventing you from gaining xp in slayer, or bossing when training combat. If you have something equipped in that slot.
Now let's look into the silverhawk downs. We will compare them with the pulse cores as we now know, they are more worth, and we will compare them with xp/oddment
Silverhawk Down Pulse core 1x
Level 60 24 xp/oddment 45 xp/oddment
Level 85 70 xp/oddment 132 xp/oddment
Level 99+ 123 xp/oddment 229 xp/oddment
Clearly, the pulse cores are best for gaining xp, BUT! only if you train agility actively. Because as we know, the boots gives you xp while you do other things, example training another skill. So this is personal preference.
if you train agility actively with the pulse core, the pulse core is way more worth it, but if you hate agility and wanna do something else, buying silverhawk downs will be the way to go for you!
// Jesterhat