Good luck Sissy! Maybe we can walk into Prif for the first time together :P
congrats you
Wow, doing really well :D
good job sissy! Keep up the gainz! \:D/
How far are you from Priff now Sissy?
Best of luck!
How's the progress coming along? I believe youre done with dungeoneering, right?
Is there a reason u want 80s in those stats? And gratz
Well done young lady xxx
I got this today :D
How many pets now?
Congrats on the levels!
here are some more levels :D
Doing great, keep it up :D
How close to Prifddinas are you now?
great work as always Sissy
Do you prefer skilling or killing?
How many left?
Do you feel it, the priff hype?
How was MEP2? ;)
How was MEP2? ;)
I think you already know :P
How was MEP2? ;)
I think you already know :P
It was fun right?
grats on the quests!
Which quest are you dreading Sissy?
How are you finding Priff?
I bet you are spotting so many members there <3
Your account will be better than mine someday. ..keep it up!
Nice levels sissy! Don't max before me okay? XD
Well done Sissy, that account grows nicely. Still number one spotter
Can't imagine the cost of that herblore...congrats
Can't imagine the cost of that herblore...congrats
Yeah I don't even have enough money to get it to 99 at this moment. and thank you :)
Great progress sissy :D think about your deal with your friend ;)thank you <3 and I will :P
levels I got :D
80/99 Constitution
83/99 magic
and combat level 111 :)
levels I got :D
80/99 Constitution
83/99 magic
and combat level 111 :)
Congrats! :)
Thanks <3Congtzz sissy :D
Thanks <3
thanks you guys <3
I'll be questing for the next few days so I might not put any levels up for a few days. ^^
Make sure you do the ones I suggested and not just the ones @Mini Nub suggested...I am your mother. :P
Make sure you do the ones I suggested and not just the ones @Mini Nub suggested...I am your mother. :P
Your quests are on my list too :p The quest list is getting really long :(
Make sure you do the ones I suggested and not just the ones @Mini Nub suggested...I am your mother. :P
Your quests are on my list too :p The quest list is getting really long :(
Also talk to Rubes xxx
Good luck ^^. I'm starting to make my sunday's a quest night, only have time for one thou :)
The quests looking nice going for quest cape?
Seeing your max cape at the end of March, okay? XD
Get max cape before @alaklondewen you can do it
thanks you guys <3
Quests progress:
fairy tale part 3
Jungle potion
Shilo Village
Levels progress:
53/99 thieving
70/99 farming
70/99 hunter
68/99 slayer
79/99 ranged
So whens max?
So whens max?
I have no idea :P I thought about it and I decided to go for the questing master Cape @Karli
thanks you guys <3
Questing Progress:
Troll Romance
Recruitement drive
The Lost tribe
Merlins' Crystal
levels progress:
81/99 Agility
77/99 Prayer
gratz sissy and good luck reaching your goals
Good Luck with fishing xxx
Since today was April Fools apparently I got this. #-o
Since today was April Fools apparently I got this. #-o
I bet he'd look like this -> (
Congrats Sissy :)
Congrtzz sissy! keep up the great progress
Congrtzz on the fishing pet sissy!!
Keep it up sissy! You're doing great :)
:Charge: thru the levels congrats sissy
great progress sissy, keep going ;D
Only the Truth @Only Lilly
Only the Truth @Only Lilly
Only the Truth @Only Lilly
Lol you turned that into something that it wasn't @Karli
Only the Truth @Only Lilly
Lol you turned that into something that it wasn't @Karli
just the truth :)
Grats!! Keep going!
Good job sissy gratz
Excellent as always xxx
Going straight for 99 fishing? :P
I am 7k away from 99 fishing so I will be getting it tomorrow \:D/
Congrats on 99 Fishing!
Grats sissy! A pleasure to get it with u❤
Congratulations Sissy!
Gratzzz on fishing, good luck with combat :)
Congrats sissy!
Good Luck Sissy :)
Late congrtzz sissy :D!
Congrtzz on the great progress sissy :D
Late congrtzz sissy :D!
Thanks @cahaya
Skilling progress:
79/99 cooking
84/99 constitution
82/99 dungeoneering
73/99 hunter
71/99 slayer
That filter picture sissy lol but grats on levels
Congrtzz Sissy on the gains :D
I love to see your progress Sissy )
Sissy sissy sissy, such brilliant progress xxx
The doctor who avatar must go (??)
Going good, but that Dr Who avatar tho
Great progess as usual :D great job!
Gross, look at these nerds that don't like Doctor Who! The new series so far has been kinda great.
Anyway, keep up the good progress!
congrats sissy
Getting some good gains SissyThanks <3
Well done as always sissy ^.^
Gains, great job Sissy :Cheer:
Getting there, so when's the max cape Party :P
I wonder if you cook as much irl?
Way to go, Sissy!!
Congrats CuddlyBear
Congrats. Halfway there. :)
Congrats :)
Gratsssss keep it up!!
Getting so close to 99!!! :D
Who are getting that final level with?
Congrtzz on 99 sissy! :D
Sissy at it again
Grats with the 99 food burning <3 <3
PS(click to show/hide)
progress from today :D
ai ai ai ai!
Sissy going strong
Keep it up <3
The hidden race continues
Mohahha, we both know it
Congrtzz sissy :) doing great as always
Wheeeeh congrtzz sissy! :)
Great work xxx
Congrats my favorite lazybear
now u can use nox gear!!! wooooo great work sissy
thanks guys <3so see u in few years?
current goal right now is 120 firemaking :)
thanks guys <3so see u in few years?
current goal right now is 120 firemaking :)
what are you planning for bxp weekend?
Grats sassy
Grats on the levels,
boost with Mature Dwarven Stout's,
Will boost you 2 levels for the seren stones :)
Thanks Guys :)
Dxp gains so far:
86 - 89 smithing
105 - 106 firemaking
83 - 84 summoning
Thanks Guys :)
Dxp gains so far:
86 - 89 smithing
105 - 106 firemaking
83 - 84 summoningCongratulations!
Closer and closer to the max cape :D
Awesome progress
looking good sissy! keep it up :D
Gratz Sissy!! You are close to 99 mining now :-)
Almost there Sissybear :D
Good luck with those last levels!
Nice!! :D Can you taste your free 99-cape yet? ;)
Gratz Sissybear on ur 99 \:D/ \:D/ \:D/
Nice goals! :D Good luck!
Congrats on the mining Sissy, you worked very hard on that.
Now time for magic 3:)
Awesome, Grats on the levels
Congrats Sissy, you should post screenshots of these levels! :3
2 same quests sissy? :o but good job nub
How many quests have you left Sissy?
are you a skiller or killer Sissy?
are you a skiller or killer Sissy?
I am a killer @Only Lilly
are you a skiller or killer Sissy?
I am a killer @Only Lilly
Congrats on your levels Sissy :D Looking forward to seeing the tab grow!
Gratssss <3
Congrats some nice progress. Wonder how much you'd make from getting max combat
Welcome to my goals and achievements. :D
GoalsAll Prif requirements
120 firemaking.
99 Magic
99 defense
99 Attack
99 Ranged
99 Strength
99 Constitution
99 Prayer
99 Summoning
99 Slayer
138 Combat
99 Invention
99 Smithing
99 Woodcutting
99 Divination
99 Farming
99 Dungeoneering
99 Crafting
99 Thieving
Congrats on prif requirements :3 and omg an actual screenshot! O.o
We are missing a loot tab picture? ??? ??? How rude
Nice levels and loot tab sissy :D doing great!
Wow it has been a busy week of looting <3 How much is it worth so far?
Today I sold the loot tab
Today I sold the loot tab
Noooooooooooooooooo, it would've been cool to see how much you would've made when you hit 99 Slayer, or even 120 \:D/
Congrats on the progress though, and that sweet GP.
So close with defence, keep up the good work!
What's next after defence?
Nice sissy!! :D and the Minecraft pic? ;)
Congrats sissy, making great progress, race me to max? ;)
Congrats Sissy :3 Where is the 99 hitpoints?!
Congrats Sissy! But you changed skill again ;)
Congrats what course is that
Congrats Sissy, what you got left for 80+? Just thief?
Congrats, how are you going about 99 smithing?
Congrats Sissy, did you decide on a method for 99 yet? :)
GRATS! whats next?
gratzz on max combat!!!! max cape next week right? :P
Congrats on the Prayer! :3 What next?
Another 1 down Sissybear and gratzzz on gains \:D/ \:D/
I bet you are relieved that one is over <3
Congrats Sissy!!
Congrats Sissy, hopefully this race will get you going. Slacker! ;)
How can you forget?
Gratz sissy!! U are cloooose
Congrats Sissy! Next 99 on the way? :D
Looks good!! So organised XD
Looks good!! So organised XD
Yup! I organised it because it was too messy and was driving me nuts XD
very neat and tidy, Rubes would be proud
will you keep it to put towards your other skills?
Impressive loot tab Sissy, what will you spend it on? O.o
Should be able to get lots of fast levels now with that loot tab :) Congrats Sissy!
Happy Anniversary Sissy, irs a pleasure seeing you and your account growing xxx
I have officially been in the clan for 2 years! Excited that I have been in the clan for this long! :D
I have officially been in the clan for 2 years! Excited that I have been in the clan for this long! :D
I have officially been in the clan for 2 years! Excited that I have been in the clan for this long! :D
Two years already...Damn, time sure does fly by.
I have officially been in the clan for 2 years! Excited that I have been in the clan for this long! :D
This is great news, more years please :D
wooo!! \:D/
I have officially been in the clan for 2 years! Excited that I have been in the clan for this long! :D
Two years already...Damn, time sure does fly by.
I know right?!?!I have officially been in the clan for 2 years! Excited that I have been in the clan for this long! :D
This is great news, more years please :D
Will be around as many years as I can :Dwooo!! \:D/
:D :D :D :D
Grats sissy!!! :D U are the best
Gratz Sisy on your levels and happy anniversary :).
You have been busy and nice job on loot tab
Nice work Sissy, did you get out of the underground pass alive?! ;)
Nice Sissy, congrats! Can we see him? ;)
Huge gratz Sissy xxx
How did College go?
Looking good Sissy, will this one be the next 99? #-o
What will you be training over the bxp weekend?
Grats on the pet & 98 slayer!! That's a bloody nice cape, bet you're looking forward to getting it?
Almost 99 slayer wooooo :D
Welcome to my goals and achievements. :D
GoalsAll Prif requirements
120 firemaking.99 magic99 defense
99 Attack99 Ranged
99 Strength99 Constitution99 Prayer99 Summoning99 Slayer
99 Invention99 Smithing
99 Woodcutting
99 Divination
99 Farming
99 Dungeoneering
99 Crafting99 thieving
99 construction
99 invention99 Herblore
99 Runecrafting
99 Hunter
99 Agility
Which skill are you leaving until last?
Wow is this the oldest G&A?
Best of luck and grats so far!
lovely Sissy :)
Any 99s planned for the bxp weekend?
Nice one sissy
Also your signature is amazing who made it?because I need one
Nice one sissy
Also your signature is amazing who made it?because I need one
@Aquanoise made it for me :D @So Soft
grats grats :DNice one sissy
Also your signature is amazing who made it?because I need one
@Aquanoise made it for me :D @So Soft
and youre welcome ;)
Grats sassy
Nicee! How many more skills to go after Div?
Congrats Sissy on another 99 !! You're not far out at all. You gonna do those combats through slayer? Or just camping abbys?
Congrats, let's see some mobile screenshots ;)
93 Hunter!
95 Construction!
go go go sissy! are you enjoying hunter or construction more?
Only 2 levels to go!!
How are you training it? :D
great to see the levels being ticked off, Im hoping you are on target for maxing this year :)
Thanks! Should get 99 construction and farming soon!
98 Construction!
Will get 99 farming tomorrow :D and I might get close to 99 Construction soon!
Congrats Sissy :)
Whats next?
Congrtzz on 99 farming :D which skills do you've left? :o
I'm so excited for you! Have you decided what you'll leave for last?
When is Thanksgiving?
Do you plan to level up the rest together?
Go sissy go go go go! Honestly keep it up max on double do weekend?
Grats sissy!!!!
Max by end of DXP ??? :P
Congrats on another level :3 Are you at runespan?
Congrats on another level :3 Are you at runespan?
Yes @Krazy Golf
Congrats, Sissy! I wish I had your RC level...want to trade? :-#
Location: seers village bank where I got my first 99 :D
Max Party new time!
Time: Tomorrow, 22:00 game time
Location: seers village bank
are you sure ? :D :D looking forward to it :P
Max Party new time!
Time: Tomorrow, 22:00 game time
Location: seers village bank
Did it happen yet? D:
Oh sad thrn I won't be there :( early congrtzz though!! And welcome to the cool club haha :p
Big congrats Sissy on maxing!! wooo :Cheer:
Whats next for you you?
Grats on maxing!! Now no one is safe from being spotted
Grats on maxing!! Now no one is safe from being spotted
Thanks! And definately true!
Grats on maxing!! Now no one is safe from being spotted
Thanks! And definately true!
Pfft. Challenge accepted!
Congratulations Sissy! I'm sorry I wasn't around. Life is very busy and stressful right now. You're such a wonderful person and I'm glad you've come so far!
Grattzzzz! @Sissybear was a pleasure to be there for your max,
good luck with your Firemaking goal \:D/ \:D/
Are you always this organised? Very well done Sissy xxx
Congrats <3 Pictures needed though!
Oh my lawd that’s amazing congratulations how much is that worth?
Congrats! What's the gp going towards?
Do you get like - a coffee mug or something for 120's? You know something along the lines of "I got 120 Firemaking!" with the firemaking logo on the opposite side?
Do you get like - a coffee mug or something for 120's? You know something along the lines of "I got 120 Firemaking!" with the firemaking logo on the opposite side?
Not that I know of @Joe
Do you get like - a coffee mug or something for 120's? You know something along the lines of "I got 120 Firemaking!" with the firemaking logo on the opposite side?
Not that I know of @Joe
@Sissybear WhAt!?? Then what's the point? I might just quit now. I want a frigging mug DAMNIT!
Congrats but like Krazy said.. where's the screenie?? We need dem fireworks.
Oooh getting close! What are you doing for fm? @Sissybear
@Sissybear will you be stopping at 120 or keep going until 200m?
How long do you think it will take ya @Sissybear
Sissy, do you have a thieving pet? If not you should get it before your mom :D :D 3:) 3:)
Don't worry, you have months, even years to get it 3:)Sissy, do you have a thieving pet? If not you should get it before your mom :D :D 3:) 3:)
I do not and I have no interest in getting it atm lol @Ardo
Screenshot of new cape needed :D
Screenshot of new cape needed :D
Screenshot of new cape needed :D
I agree
Thieving is a good skill! What are you going to be doing for it, safes?
First level as a staff member :)
Congrats on both! Pictures though? :^o
Congrats on the level! (even though there's no picture) 3:)
Where are these safes? I remember doing safes in Burthorpe
Congrats Sissy! Hopefully there's no bitterness at home ;)
No screenshot?! I won't say it :-#
Congrats though!
You're doing so well. What's your total xp now?! \:D/
Your absolutely smashing it since maxing well done!! What's your next 120
Looking good, Sissy!
Thieving exp getting churning out, going for 200m like mommabear? O:)
Clan goal achieved!
600m clan xp! :D
Hit 90m thieving xp last night! :Dalmost a thieving master! 3:)
119 thieving! :D currently 7.7m from 120! :DCongrats! Only got that final stretch left, you can do it \:D/
Officially going for quest cape after this weekend.
You got this! Do you enjoy questing more that skilling or bossing?
You're on your way Sissy!
What are you getting for the clan spam?
Congrats, are you taking breaks in between or just mining straight until you get 120?
Good work
Congrats, are you taking breaks in between or just mining straight until you get 120?
Good work
Actually just going for 50m for our clan mining spam :)
Congrats, are you taking breaks in between or just mining straight until you get 120?
Good work
Actually just going for 50m for our clan mining spam :)
You got this girl! #ctsminingsquad <3
111 Mining! :Dgratz Sissy!! Getting close!!
Quests the worst part about runescape, so super gratz for completing them!!
Lots of progress well done both xxx
Gratz on completing the quests Sissy!
I'd say Quests are a lot of fun actually! Kindred Spirits I found VERY good. Did you like it to? :)
Dang, sister. I knew you were knocking them out, but didn't realize how quickly. Well done!sister and daughter? #-o
How many pets have you now?
Huge Gratz Sissy, you do have the best pet luck. Have you any boss pets?
Questing Progress:
Gogogo with Quests Sissy!! dare i challenge you to chase mqc? ;) :P
Doing great! Keep up the amazing work :D
Doing great! Keep up the amazing work :D
Thanks! :D
Lovely work Miss! Are you enjoying it?
How are you finding the new skill?
Onwards and upwards! Keep it up Miss
Still going Sissy, well done xxx
Congratz, keep up the good work!
Nice work Sissy!
What aspects of archaeology do you like/dislike so far?
Got this tonight! :D
and Arch progress! :D
Got this tonight! :D
and Arch progress! :D
Congratulations on the dragon mattock!
That must've felt great! :)
Are you going to keep it or sell it?
Grats on the mattock and the arch gains!
Gratz on all this progress made :)
Some lovely Arch work Miss!
Closing on in! How long do you expect the rest towards 99 to take you?
Brilliant progress as always xxx
I see that mattock is coming in handy ;) Good luck with the last few levels.
Remaxed tonight with @sheepprobe! was alot of fun :D
congratzzz on maxing again, and happy birthday.
Remaxed tonight with @sheepprobe! was alot of fun :D
Congrats on Max again!
Congrats Sissy! Is one of these your next 120? :)
118 Cooking! :D
Great cooking skills Sissy :)
nearly 120!!! good luccckkk!
118 Cooking! :D
So close! Keep it up! :)
Great work Ms Bear xxx
Oooo check you out :D
Grats on the 101 ranged :O
Getting closer and closer Sissy! Final stretch it's nearly in touching distance :D
Go go go Chef Sissy \:D/
Wow, congratz. So close now!
keep it up sissy also gz on winning the give away
Another quest down! Keep up the hard work Sissy, doing brilliantly :D
Congratulations on the progress and congrats on 4 years!
I know it's not the same but I made this for you! I'll send it to you on Discord <3
Getting close to 120 invention!! Gogogo, the hard work is paying off.
Congrats on 4 years in consentus <3
Well done on horror from the deep!
Gratz on the levels, but bigger gratz on the 4 year anniversary xxx
Gratz on Arch, Inv and the questing :D
Congrats on the 101 arch, Sissy! :)
Congrats on the Arch level :D
Amazing progress xxx
Congrats on the attack level Sissy :D Pvm incoming??
Gratz sissy! Keep at it you'll be 120 in no time
Congrats on the arch level Sissy, 120 inbound and before you know it!
congartz sissy!
Grats on the level!
Go, Sissy, Go!
I think 200m never mind 120 <3
Great progress xxx
Gratz on your levels! whats your DXP plans?
@Sissybear archaeology is a good shout i think a lot of people will be doing it
Congrats again!🤩🥳
Huge gratz xxx
Thats a lot of free xp!!
Gratz on the gains Sissy!
Plus you're getting really close to the Quest Cape, can you taste it yet? :P
How many more quests do you have left?
Opps for some reason I read that you had 404 QP, didn't realize till now....Gratz on the gains Sissy!
Plus you're getting really close to the Quest Cape, can you taste it yet? :P
not quite yet but I do feel closer! :)
Yay for skilling and questing gains! Shoot for that quest cape, and then you can go for Master Quest Cape :3
Yesss sisssyyyy get that master quest cape! if u put your mind to it, you got this!
You make me want to do some quests 😊
How many have you left?
Also which one are you dreading?
Surely you must be done by now?
How many quests have you left, seems like youve posted loads of late.
Even so carry on Sissy, you must be close
Congratss on Menaphos achievements progress!!
Still smashing it :)
Well done!
Lots of achievements! Well done Miss :D
Congratss on Quest progress! How many left ?
I feel you should have had a quest cape agesssss ago xxx
Congratsss on level!
118 Fletching woooo! so close to 120! Lets gedddiiiiit
Gz on 120 fletching woooo! And whats your next goal?
Congratsss on 120 Fletching!!
wooot gzzzz
Awesome! Huge congrats on 120 Fletching! :D
Update time!
Update time!
It's been a while - congrats! :3
Good to see you back :)
I'm back! Goal right now is getting 99 necromancy! Currently I'm at 70/99 :)