Public Forum => Goals & Achievements => Topic started by: PanicAddict on December 08, 2022, 04:34:58
Done Temple of Ikov (A bunch)
done Death Plateau (Troll Stronghold, Desert Treasure)
come back for xp lamp activity
done Dig Site (Codex Ultimatus; desert treasure)
done Creature of Fenkenstrain (Garden of Tranquillity, defender of varrock)
done Dimensions of Disaster - Demon Slayer
done Garden of Tranquility (Defender of Varrock)
done Family Crest (Defender of Varrock)
done Fairytale part I (Part II)
Done Fairytale part II (Fairy Ring Network)
done Train Farming to 49
done Train Herblore to 57
Done Edgar’s Ruse
Done Fairytale part III
done Train Farming to 54
Done Anima Islands
Done Sacrifice
Done Devotion
Done Transfigure
Done Tulsa’s Wrath
Done Defender of Varrock (Curse of the Array)
Done Train hunter to 51
Dimention of Disaster: Deffender of Varrock
Done Missing my Mummy (Curse of the Array)
Done Train Construction to 35
done Troll Stronghold (desert treasure, troll romance)
Done Troll Romance (Curse of the Array)
Dimension of Disaster: Curse of Array
Done Devious Minds (Temple at Senntisten)
Temple at Senntisten (Access to Ancient Magic Spells)
*Lunar diplomacy (Lunar Spellbook) (Hero's Welcome)
Horror from the Deep (god books)
Look at melee stats/gear
Done Train to Range T80 (80 def)
Done Pernix Set
Train to Magic to 85
Farm Griffolic Flakes until 85
Grifolaroos and Grifolapines in the Polypore Dungeon
Wand and Orb of the Cywir elders
Full Vertus Set (128m)
Tai Bwo Wannai Trie (Hero's Welcome) (boss fight)
Barbarian Training
Hero's Welcome (Boss Fight)
Done Train Div to 60
Train Slayer to 62
Farm Abomination (Hero's Welcome Quest Boss) for Abomination Cape
Farm Unspeakable Horrors (105) for Scare Tactics (4 abilities)
Battle of the Monolith miniquest (City of Senntisten) (multiple 119's)
Done *Desert treasure (Ancient Magicks) (lvl 126 enemies)
World Wakes (5 ultimate combat abilities)
Vault of Shadows Miniquest (Azzanara's Quest) (Need Temple of Ikov)
Azzanadra's Quest (City of Senntisten)
Done Train Agility to 58
Train Archaeology to 58
Done Train Div to 70
Done Train Prayer to 58
*City of Sentisten (4 ancient magic spells)
Train Slayer to 75
Train Archaeology to 74
Done 85 Range
Done Glaive
Done Offhand Glaive
96 herblore
Standard overload
106 herblore
Elder overload
96 summoning
Ripper demon and yak
95 prayer
All curses
90 defense
T90 gear
Elder overloads
Adrenaline potions
T90 weapons
Defender or high tier shield
Upgrade weapons first
Herblore on double xp
Enhanced Excalibur
Sears diaries
Ring of death
Essence of finality
Cinderbane gloves
Pocket slots
Max cape
Dominion Mines
Ability codexes
Work on daily list to keep gp coming in.
Lookin forward to seeing you achieve those goals! wooooo!
Some great goals there, I look forward to following your jpurney
Updated. I think that's the list of shist to do! I'm after abilities, if you couldn't tell....
I looked over 22 pages of notes, multiple list, different goals, etc, and came up with this one list... focusing on what I want to get done. woot!
Now my notes are down to 7 pages.
troll stronghold done
Yayyyy gratsss
Digsite Done
Nice list!! Good luck :!
Great list and congrats on the progress so far. Looking forward to the updates and sure you'll be knocking them all out in no time - good luck and have fun!
Great solid progress :)
Creature of Fenkenstrain done!
Dimensions of Disaster - Demon Slayer done!
Nice, congrats! Great to see some progress in spite of your computer situation - hope it gets better soon.
Creature of Fenkenstrain done!
Dimensions of Disaster - Demon Slayer done!
good progress !!
Garden of Tranquility done!
That smacked +3 Farming levels!
Nice, congrats! Great to see some progress in spite of your computer situation - hope it gets better soon.
haha I appriciate that. I'm jumping between 2 computers, one of which won't load rs, which I'm using to keep up with the forum/discord/wiki pages/etc, and the other lags out almost every time the map loads. There's nothing quite like running around on a blank screen waiting for the ground to appear. Luckily, I have the option to jump onto the mobile app.... but I can only do so much on mobile.
During the times I cannot log into the game, I've been adjusting my list to be in better order.
Family Crest DONE
Every time I cross one off, I swear I add two more.... X.X
Fairy Tale I DONE
Troll Stronghold DONE
Herblore to 57 DONE
Farming to 49 DONE
Farming to 54 DONE
In order to more safely participate in ed3 trash runs (never done) I need to kill 10 bosses to get the war's retreat teleport. I am thinking that when I am able to do this on the regular, I can afford to keep up with my bonds.
Nice!! \:D/
This is coming on so well xxx
Great progress - keep it up!
I’ve gotten my ten (over 100) boss kills, the tele, and a few other things done that weren’t on my list. I got my Const, range, and def to 80 and am wearing my pernix set. I’ll edit my original post in a little. I got ideas on my future mage set up (virtuous) but am focusing more on continuing my range as it’s my far my strongest combat skill.
After I get set up for killing Kree on the regular, I want to look into my player owned house and see what I need to do to get that going. And also, I’m thinking about getting my crafting and herb to 80 to unlock invention. Side note, herb is more important than crafting as to be able to make my own potions and access overloads.
I also need to get back on my original concept of unlocking more abilities. I started the d&d anime mini game, and am working on unlocking all of those. After that is complete, I’m going to get back to the quests to unlock abilities.
I got a little side tracked from my list, going tangent for a while. Regardless, other shist got done. Added things to the list, some of which were already completed on updating it.
Get on board with crafting water runes for profit.
I’ve gotten 4 new abilities today!
And I’ve successfully killed Kree multiple times. Doing big things.
Seems like you are enjoying your return.
Good luck with your goals and congrats on everything you've achieved so far!
Great to read the latest progress! You're getting there!
Went a little tangent and got a lot of other things accomplished, plus a lot of research on various things. Updated the few things I got done that were on the list. Tangent accomplishments aren’t listed, but know that knowledge in itself is an accomplishment, plus a handful of skills including invention.
Fairytale part 2 DONE
Fairytale part 3 DONE
Construction 35 DONE
Added a few things
Congrats - keep going!
Main objective adjustment: soul split
DONE Devious minds
DONE Hit 58 runecrafting
DONE Troll Romance
DONE Temple of Ikov
DONE Edgar’s Ruse (trollhelm teleport)
DONE Desert Treasure
DONE Missing my Mummy
DONE 51 hunter
DONE 41 Summoning
DONE 64 Strength
DONE 92 Prayer
DONE Defender of Varrock
DONE Hit 52 hunter
DONE Curse of Array
DONE Temple at Senntisten
Do The Light Within to do list to fill out ancient magics
Thank you for sharing!!
Congrats on all! Nice to see your progress @PanicAddict ! ;D
3 quests away from soul split!
I really hope I’m not disappointed….
Congrats on the latest progress - soul split is within reach :3
Keep up the hard work <3
DONELunar Diplomacy
DONEThrone of Miscellania
DONE Hero’s Quest
DONEWorld wakes
DONE 70 slayer
DONE 74 firemaking
City of Senntisten
Train Slayer to 75
Train Archaeology to 74
Battle of the Monolith (miniquest)
Assanadra's Quest
Vault of Shadows (miniquest)
Light Within
Fate of the Gods
DONE 79 Magic
76 Slayer
DONE 67 Summoning
Missing, Presumed Death
DONE World Wakes
Plagues End (Bloodwood Tree)
Within the Light
Mourning's End Part 2 (Death Runes)
DONE Mourning's End Part 1
DONE Big Chompy Bird Hunting
DONE Roving Elves
DONE Regicide
DONE Underground Pass
Catapult Construction
DONE 44 Construction
DONE Regicide
DONE Underground Pass
DONE Meeting History
DONE Making History
Ritual of the Mahjarrat (Armadyl Runes, Bloodwood Tree)
While Guthix Sleeps
Dream Mentor
The Hand in the Sand
King's Random
One Small Favour
Legends' Quest
The Path of Glouphrie
The Eyes of Glouphrie
The Grand Tree
The Hunt for Surok (miniquest)
Level 65 Farming
Level 55 Hunting
Enakhra's Lament
Rocking Out
The Great Brain Robbery
Cabin Fever
Rum Deal
Zogre Flesh Eaters
Recipe for Disaster: Freeing Pirate Pete
Recipe for Disaster: Another Cook's Quest
A Tail of Two Cats
Fight Arena
Legacy of Seergazer (Blood Runes)
Darkness of Hallowvale
In the Aid of Myreque
In Search of Myreque
'Phite Club (Soul Runes)
Our Man in the North
Do No Evil
Dealing with Scabaras
Zogre Flesh Eaters
Recipe for Disaster: Freeing King Awowogei
Recipe for Disaster: Another Cook's Quest
Monkey Madness
The Grand Tree
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
Crocodile Tears
Spirits of the Elid
Dealing with Scabaras
Zogre Flesh Eaters
Achieve rank 3 overall Menaphos reputation
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
73 Hunter
Achieve rank 9 overall Menaphos reputation
Totem of Intimidation
90 slayer
Farm Abomination (Hero's Welcome Quest Boss) for Abomination Cape
Tai Bwo Wannai Trie (Hero's Welcome) (boss fight)
Barbarian Training
Hero's Welcome (Boss Fight)
DONE Train Slayer to 62
Dimension of Disaster: Curse of Array
Dimension of Disater: Defender of Varrock
Train to Magic to 85
Farm Griffolic Flakes until 85
Grifolaroos and Grifolapines in the Polypore Dungeon
Wand and Orb of the Cywir elders
Horror from the Deep (god books)
Infernal puzzle box
96 herblore
Standard overload
106 herblore
Elder overload
DONE96 summoning
DONE Ripper demon and yak
Livid Farm Spell Unlocks
Shattered worlds abilities
DONE Bladed dive
Greater dazing shot
Greater Concentrated Blast codex
Mazcab ability codex
Corruption shot
Corruption blast
DONEGreater Death's Swiftness codex
Greater Sunshine codex
Greater Fury codex
Greater Flurry codex
Greater Barge codex
Greater Ricochet codex
Greater Chain codex
Divert codex
Magna Tempest codex
And I'm back at it
good to see some being ticked off xxx
You've come such a long way - congrats! Keep it up and enjoy the journey! ^^
Xp capacitor
Enhanced Excalibur (Wise/Mobile)
Hard Seers Village Achievements
Kiing's Ransom
One Small Favour
Medium Seers Village Achievements
Scorpian Catcher
Bar Crawl
One Small Favour
Easy Seers Village Achievements
City of Senntisten (Spell Unlocks)
Train Slayer to 75
Train Archaeology to 74
Battle of the Monolith (miniquest)
Assanadra's Quest
Vault of Shadows (miniquest)
Light Within (Spell/Prayer Unlocks)
Fate of the Gods
76 Slayer
Missing, Presumed Death
Plagues End (Priffindas, Bloodwood Tree, Crystal Hatchet)
Within the Light
DONE Mourning's End Part 2 (Death Runes)
DONE Mourning's End Part 1
Catapult Construction
Ritual of the Mahjarrat (Armadyl Runes, Bloodwood Tree)
While Guthix Sleeps
Dream Mentor (Spell Unlocks)
The Hand in the Sand
King's Random
One Small Favour
Legends' Quest
The Path of Glouphrie
The Eyes of Glouphrie
The Grand Tree
The Hunt for Surok (miniquest)
Level 65 Farming
Level 55 Hunting
Enakhra's Lament
Rocking Out
The Great Brain Robbery
Cabin Fever
Rum Deal
Zogre Flesh Eaters
Recipe for Disaster: Freeing Pirate Pete
Recipe for Disaster: Another Cook's Quest
A Tail of Two Cats
Fight Arena
Legacy of Seergazer (Blood Runes)
Darkness of Hallowvale
In the Aid of Myreque
In Search of Myreque
'Phite Club (Soul Runes)
Our Man in the North
Do No Evil
Dealing with Scabaras
Zogre Flesh Eaters
Recipe for Disaster: Freeing King Awowogei
Recipe for Disaster: Another Cook's Quest
Monkey Madness
The Grand Tree
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
Crocodile Tears
Spirits of the Elid
Dealing with Scabaras
Zogre Flesh Eaters
Achieve rank 3 overall Menaphos reputation
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
73 Hunter
Achieve rank 9 overall Menaphos reputation
Nomad's Requiem (Bloodwood Tree)
King's Ranson
One Small Favour
Complete the Knight Waves in Camelot
Complete the Soul Wars Tutorial
The Branches of Darkmeyer (Bloodwood Tree)
Legacy of Seergaze
Darkness of Hallowvale
In the Aid of Myreque
In Search of Myreque
Legends' Quest
Level 63 Farming
Dagon Bye (Ripper Demon Binding Contracts)
Level 68 Archaeology
Contract Claws
29 Archaeology
Land of the Goblins
Another Slice of H.A.M.
Death to the Dorgeshuun
Embrace the Chaos
4 Cultist Diary Pages
DONELevel 99 Fletching
DONELevel 99 Range
DONELevel 99 Defence
Level 99 Magic (Standard Spell Book)
Ascension Crossbows (Main/ Offhand)
95 Slayer (Legiones in Monastery of Ascension)
Totem of Intimidation
90 slayer
Farm Abomination (Hero's Welcome Quest Boss) for Abomination Cape
Tai Bwo Wannai Trie (Hero's Welcome) (boss fight)
Barbarian Training
Hero's Welcome (Boss Fight)
Dimension of Disaster: Curse of Array
Dimension of Disater: Defender of Varrock
Train to Magic to 85
Farm Griffolic Flakes until 85
Grifolaroos and Grifolapines in the Polypore Dungeon
Wand and Orb of the Cywir elders
Horror from the Deep (god books)
Infernal puzzle box
Essence of Finality
Blast Diffusion Boots
Limitless Sigil
Fury of the Small
Berserker's Fury
Sprit Cape
Asylum Surgeon's Ring
Ring of Death
Fight Kiln Capes
Reaper Crew Buff (All bosses)
Bolt Switch (with elite Seers diary and range cape)
Ruby Bakriminel Bolts (e) Huge hits
Hydrix Bakriminel Bolts (e) Adrenaline
Dragonstone Bakriminel Bolts (e) cheaper option
Onyx Bakriminel Bolts (e) Heals
Diamond Bakriminel Bolts (e) Armour Piercing
Split Dragontooth Necklace/ Bone Crusher Combo
Scavenging 4, Looting for component farming (90)
Crystal Hatchet w/ Honed 6/Refined 4
Plague's End
96 herblore
Standard overload
106 herblore
Elder overload
96 summoning
Ripper demon and yak
Livid Farm Spell Unlocks
Shattered worlds abilities
Greater dazing shot
Greater Concentrated Blast codex
Mazcab ability codex
Corruption shot
Corruption blast
Greater Death's Swiftness codex
Greater Sunshine codex
Greater Fury codex
Greater Flurry codex
Greater Barge codex
Greater Ricochet codex
Greater Chain codex
Divert codex
Magna Tempest codex
Impressive :)
Impressive :)
I guess.... to me, it's just a bunch of shit that isn't done yet. It can be a little overwealming.
Impressive :)
I guess.... to me, it's just a bunch of shit that isn't done yet. It can be a little overwealming.
Last thing you want to do it to burn yourself out. Take it easy, remember to enjoy the journey and have fun on the way!
Ok, I think I've made it long enough. It's time to start ticking stuff off.
That's a big addition this time round - good luck!
P.s. You forgot to add 'get a new guitar' ;)
That's a big addition this time round - good luck!
P.s. You forgot to add 'get a new guitar' ;)
Yeah.... I just got my new amp. I need to stop by guitar center and get a few new cables. All mine are shit. Probably pick up a new guitar just to play while I procrastinate taking mine apart and fixing a grounding problem in it. At least I think it's a grounding problem. It's probably just the jack... but I won't know for sure until I get it on my work bench and start taking it apart.
Yeah.... I just got my new amp. I need to stop by guitar center and get a few new cables. All mine are shit. Probably pick up a new guitar just to play while I procrastinate taking mine apart and fixing a grounding problem in it. At least I think it's a grounding problem. It's probably just the jack... but I won't know for sure until I get it on my work bench and start taking it apart.
Oh, which guitar are you getting? You play electric right?
Yeah.... I just got my new amp. I need to stop by guitar center and get a few new cables. All mine are shit. Probably pick up a new guitar just to play while I procrastinate taking mine apart and fixing a grounding problem in it. At least I think it's a grounding problem. It's probably just the jack... but I won't know for sure until I get it on my work bench and start taking it apart.
Oh, which guitar are you getting? You play electric right?
I do play electric. I have a Fender Stratocaster (21 fret neck). I've been tuning my guitar down a lot due to the songs I've been learning (most are CGCFAD, one is DADGBE, one is BbFBbEbGC; regular guitar tuning is EADGBE) and one of the songs I'm learning requires more frets than the standard Stratocaster I have has. The difference in string tension/ string gauge from the standard tuning and my lowest tuning is so great, I need two different gauge strings to be able to make the guitar playable, and the fact that I need a guitar with more frets to play all the songs I'm working on, I'm thinking I'm going to get a guitar that's more suitable for the music I'm creating.
I'm looking to pick up a Jackson Dinky to keep heavier gauge strings on. It has a full 2 octave neck (24 frets) so it more than meets my criteria.
96 summoning DONE
Xp capacitor
DONE Enhanced Excalibur (Wise/Mobile)
DONE Hard Seers Village Achievements
DONE Kiing's Ransom
DONE One Small Favour
DONE Medium Seers Village Achievements
DONE Scorpian Catcher
DONE Bar Crawl
DONE One Small Favour
DONE Easy Seers Village Achievements
City of Senntisten (Spell Unlocks)
Level 75 Slayer
Level 74 Archaeology
Battle of the Monolith (miniquest)
Assanadra's Quest
Vault of Shadows (miniquest)
Level 58 Arch
Light Within (Spell/Prayer Unlocks)
Fate of the Gods
Level 76 Slayer
DONE Missing, Presumed Death
Plagues End (Priffindas, Bloodwood Tree, Crystal Hatchet)
Level 75 Dungeoneering
DONE Within the Light
DONE Mourning's End Part 2 (Death Runes)
DONE Mourning's End Part 1
DONE Catapult Construction
Ritual of the Mahjarrat (Armadyl Runes, Bloodwood Tree)
While Guthix Sleeps
Level 65 Farming
Level 55 Hunting
Dream Mentor (Spell Unlocks)
The Hand in the Sand
DONE King's Random
DONE One Small Favour
Legends' Quest
The Path of Glouphrie
The Eyes of Glouphrie
The Grand Tree
The Hunt for Surok (miniquest)
Enakhra's Lament
Rocking Out
The Great Brain Robbery
Cabin Fever
Rum Deal
DONE Zogre Flesh Eaters
Recipe for Disaster: Freeing Pirate Pete
Recipe for Disaster: Another Cook's Quest
A Tail of Two Cats
Fight Arena
Legacy of Seergazer (Blood Runes)
Darkness of Hallowvale
In the Aid of Myreque
Melee Gear
DONE In Search of Myreque
'Phite Club (Soul Runes)
Our Man in the North
Do No Evil
Dealing with Scabaras
10 Gold Artifacts from Pyramid Plunder
DONE Contact!
DONE Zogre Flesh Eaters
Recipe for Disaster: Freeing King Awowogei
Recipe for Disaster: Another Cook's Quest
Monkey Madness
The Grand Tree
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
Crocodile Tears
Level 73 Hunter
Spirits of the Elid
Dealing with Scabaras
DONE Contact!
DONE Zogre Flesh Eaters
Achieve rank 3 overall Menaphos reputation
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
Achieve rank 9 overall Menaphos reputation
Nomad's Requiem (Bloodwood Tree)
Level 65 Hunter
DONE King's Ranson
DONE One Small Favour
DONE Complete the Knight Waves in Camelot
DONE Complete the Soul Wars Tutorial
The Branches of Darkmeyer (Bloodwood Tree)
Legacy of Seergaze
Darkness of Hallowvale
In the Aid of Myreque
Melee Gear
DONE In Search of Myreque
Legends' Quest
Level 63 Farming
Dagon Bye (Ripper Demon Binding Contracts)
Level 68 Archaeology
Contract Claws
Level 29 Archaeology
Land of the Goblins
Another Slice of H.A.M.
Death to the Dorgeshuun
Embrace the Chaos
4 Cultist Diary Pages
Elite Sirenic Armour
DONE Sirenic Armour
DONE Level 99 Fletching
DONE Level 99 Range
DONE Level 99 Defence
Level 99 Magic (Standard Spell Book)
Ascension Crossbows (Main/ Offhand)
Level 95 Slayer (Legiones in Monastery of Ascension)
Totem of Intimidation
Level 90 Slayer
Farm Abomination (Hero's Welcome Quest Boss) for Abomination Cape
Tai Bwo Wannai Trie (Hero's Welcome) (boss fight)
Barbarian Training
Hero's Welcome (Boss Fight)
Dimension of Disaster: Curse of Array
Dimension of Disater: Defender of Varrock
Train to Magic to 85
Farm Griffolic Flakes until 85
Grifolaroos and Grifolapines in the Polypore Dungeon
Wand and Orb of the Cywir elders
Horror from the Deep (god books)
Infernal puzzle box
Essence of Finality
Blast Diffusion Boots
Limitless Sigil
Fury of the Small
Berserker's Fury
Sprit Cape
Asylum Surgeon's Ring
Ring of Death
Fight Kiln Capes
Reaper Crew Buff (All bosses)
Bolt Switch (with elite Seers diary and range cape)
Ruby Bakriminel Bolts (e) Huge hits
Hydrix Bakriminel Bolts (e) Adrenaline
Dragonstone Bakriminel Bolts (e) cheaper option
Onyx Bakriminel Bolts (e) Heals
Diamond Bakriminel Bolts (e) Armour Piercing
Split Dragontooth Necklace/ Bone Crusher Combo
Scavenging 4, Looting for component farming (90)
Guthix Staff
Mage Arena Mini Game
Chamber Gaurdian
Defeat Kolodion in all forms
Statius Warhammer
Kalphite Defender (Turtling 4)
Kalphite King (Use Keris)
Off-Hand Drygore Mace/Rapier/Longsword + Perfect Chitin
Salve Amulet (e) (haunted mine)
DONE Keris (Contact)
Sunspear (river of blood) (planted feet switch)
Lord of Vampyrium
Level 75 Attack
Level 75 Strength
Level 76 Hunter
Level 78 Slayer
Legends' Quest
Branches of Darkmeyer
Level 63 Farming
Legacy of Seergaze
Darkness of Hallowvale
In Aid of Myreque
Melee Gear
Adrenaline Urn
Undead Slayer ability
Dragon slayer ability
Crystal Hatchet w/ Honed 6/Refined 4
Plague's End
Level 96 herblore
Standard overload
Level 106 herblore
Elder overload
DONE Level 96 summoning
DONE Ripper demon and yak
Livid Farm Spell Unlocks
Shattered worlds abilities
Double surge
Greater dazing shot
Greater Concentrated Blast codex
Mazcab ability codex
Corruption shot
Corruption blast
Greater Death's Swiftness codex
Greater Sunshine codex
Greater Fury codex
Greater Flurry codex
Greater Barge codex
Greater Ricochet codex
Greater Chain codex
Divert codex
Magna Tempest codex
Yeah.... I just got my new amp. I need to stop by guitar center and get a few new cables. All mine are shit. Probably pick up a new guitar just to play while I procrastinate taking mine apart and fixing a grounding problem in it. At least I think it's a grounding problem. It's probably just the jack... but I won't know for sure until I get it on my work bench and start taking it apart.
Oh, which guitar are you getting? You play electric right?
I do play electric. I have a Fender Stratocaster (21 fret neck). I've been tuning my guitar down a lot due to the songs I've been learning (most are CGCFAD, one is DADGBE, one is BbFBbEbGC; regular guitar tuning is EADGBE) and one of the songs I'm learning requires more frets than the standard Stratocaster I have has. The difference in string tension/ string gauge from the standard tuning and my lowest tuning is so great, I need two different gauge strings to be able to make the guitar playable, and the fact that I need a guitar with more frets to play all the songs I'm working on, I'm thinking I'm going to get a guitar that's more suitable for the music I'm creating.
I'm looking to pick up a Jackson Dinky to keep heavier gauge strings on. It has a full 2 octave neck (24 frets) so it more than meets my criteria.
Oh very nice! I used to have a Epiphone Les Paul in black - really enjoyed playing it.
And congrats on the latest ones ticked off!
I had an epi les paul years ago. I gave it to a friend who knew someone that was going to redo the fret board.... and I never saw it again. :-/
I had an epi les paul years ago. I gave it to a friend who knew someone that was going to redo the fret board.... and I never saw it again. :-/
He stole from you?! O.o
I had an epi les paul years ago. I gave it to a friend who knew someone that was going to redo the fret board.... and I never saw it again. :-/
He stole from you?! O.o
It's a little more complicated than that... always is. At the time, I was idk 18 years old? My friend was a girl who I had a thing with, and her friend was one of her guitar instructors, who had a band thing, and I didn't exactly feel comfortable with. At the time, I couldn't put my finger on what I didn't like about the guy, so I said fuck it, I need my guitar fixed. Now that I'm older, and understand the world/feelings a little better, I'd put my bottom dollar on the guy being a little too personal with his students. Regardless, the uneasy feeling I had about him led e to writing off the guitar as a loss.
I had an epi les paul years ago. I gave it to a friend who knew someone that was going to redo the fret board.... and I never saw it again. :-/
He stole from you?! O.o
It's a little more complicated than that... always is. At the time, I was idk 18 years old? My friend was a girl who I had a thing with, and her friend was one of her guitar instructors, who had a band thing, and I didn't exactly feel comfortable with. At the time, I couldn't put my finger on what I didn't like about the guy, so I said fuck it, I need my guitar fixed. Now that I'm older, and understand the world/feelings a little better, I'd put my bottom dollar on the guy being a little too personal with his students. Regardless, the uneasy feeling I had about him led e to writing off the guitar as a loss.
Got you, understood. We all live and learn from when we were younger
I absolutely LOVE the fact that with this list, I'm constantly running into skills I need to train to continue paths. That means I'm finally doing a list that's worthy of doing!
As I'm ticking off items, I'm adding just as much. I'm very pleased with my progress on my account because of this.
I love a list, makes me happy to cross things off!
As I'm ticking off items, I'm adding just as much. I'm very pleased with my progress on my account because of this.
Imagine the feeling 6 months down the road when you've made even more progress..!
City of Senntisten (Spell Unlocks)
Level 75 Slayer
Level 74 Archaeology
Battle of the Monolith (miniquest)
Assanadra's Quest
Vault of Shadows (miniquest)
Level 58 Arch
Light Within (Spell/Prayer Unlocks)
Fate of the Gods
Level 76 Slayer
Plagues End (Priffindas, Bloodwood Tree, Crystal Hatchet)
Level 75 Dungeoneering
Nomad's Requiem (Bloodwood Tree)
Level 65 Hunter
The Branches of Darkmeyer (Bloodwood Tree)
Legacy of Seergaze
Darkness of Hallowvale
In the Aid of Myreque
Melee Gear
Legends' Quest
Level 63 Farming
Ritual of the Mahjarrat (Armadyl Runes, Bloodwood Tree)
While Guthix Sleeps
Level 65 Farming
Level 55 Hunting
Dream Mentor (Spell Unlocks)
The Hand in the Sand
Legends' Quest
The Path of Glouphrie
The Eyes of Glouphrie
The Grand Tree
The Hunt for Surok (miniquest)
Enakhra's Lament
Rocking Out
The Great Brain Robbery
Cabin Fever
Rum Deal
Recipe for Disaster: Freeing Pirate Pete
Recipe for Disaster: Another Cook's Quest
A Tail of Two Cats
Fight Arena
Legacy of Seergazer (Blood Runes)
Darkness of Hallowvale
In the Aid of Myreque
Melee Gear
'Phite Club (Soul Runes)
Our Man in the North
Do No Evil
Dealing with Scabaras
10 Gold Artifacts from Pyramid Plunder
Recipe for Disaster: Freeing King Awowogei
Recipe for Disaster: Another Cook's Quest
Monkey Madness
The Grand Tree
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
Crocodile Tears
Level 73 Hunter
Spirits of the Elid
Dealing with Scabaras
10 Gold Artifacts from Pyramid Plunder
Achieve rank 3 overall Menaphos reputation
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
Achieve rank 9 overall Menaphos reputation
Dagon Bye (Ripper Demon Binding Contracts)
Level 68 Archaeology
Contract Claws
Level 29 Archaeology
DONE Land of the Goblins
DONE Another Slice of H.A.M.
DONE Death to the Dorgeshuun
Embrace the Chaos
4 Cultist Diary Pages
Train to Magic to 85
Farm Griffolic Flakes until 85
Grifolaroos and Grifolapines in the Polypore Dungeon
Wand and Orb of the Cywir elders
Tai Bwo Wannai Trie (Hero's Welcome) (boss fight)
Barbarian Training
Hero's Welcome (Boss Fight)
Bolt Switch (with elite Seers diary and range cape)
Ruby Bakriminel Bolts (e) Huge hits
Hydrix Bakriminel Bolts (e) Adrenaline
Dragonstone Bakriminel Bolts (e) cheaper option
Onyx Bakriminel Bolts (e) Heals
Diamond Bakriminel Bolts (e) Armour Piercing
Elite Sirenic Armour
Level 99 Magic (Standard Spell Book)
Ascension Crossbows (Main/ Offhand)
Level 95 Slayer (Legiones in Monastery of Ascension)
Totem of Intimidation
Level 90 Slayer
Farm Abomination (Hero's Welcome Quest Boss) for Abomination Cape
Horror from the Deep (god books)
Infernal puzzle box
Essence of Finality
Blast Diffusion Boots
Limitless Sigil
Fury of the Small
Berserker's Fury
Sprit Cape
Asylum Surgeon's Ring
Ring of Death
Fight Kiln Capes
Reaper Crew Buff (All bosses)
Xp capacitor
Split Dragontooth Necklace/ Bone Crusher Combo
Guthix Staff
Mage Arena Mini Game
Chamber Gaurdian
Defeat Kolodion in all forms
Statius Warhammer
Salve Amulet (e) (haunted mine)
Sunspear (river of blood) (planted feet switch)
Lord of Vampyrium
Level 75 Attack
Level 75 Strength
Level 76 Hunter
Level 78 Slayer
Legends' Quest
Branches of Darkmeyer
Level 63 Farming
Legacy of Seergaze
Darkness of Hallowvale
In Aid of Myreque
Melee Gear
Kalphite Defender (Turtling 4)
Kalphite King (Use Keris)
Off-Hand Drygore Mace/Rapier/Longsword + Perfect Chitin
Level 96 herblore
Standard overload
Level 106 herblore
Elder overload
Adrenaline Urn
Undead Slayer ability
Dragon slayer ability
Crystal Hatchet w/ Honed 6/Refined 4
Plague's End
Livid Farm Spell Unlocks
Shattered worlds abilities
Double surge
Greater dazing shot
Greater Concentrated Blast codex
Mazcab ability codex
Corruption shot
Corruption blast
Greater Death's Swiftness codex
Greater Sunshine codex
Greater Fury codex
Greater Flurry codex
Greater Barge codex
Greater Ricochet codex
Greater Chain codex
Divert codex
Magna Tempest codex
The list is getting longer :)
I swear some days I feel like I cross one thing off and add three more.... haha. I actually deleted a bunch of stuff off the list when i reposted it. It was getting cluttered with "DONE" lines, and I needed to reorganize a little.
Remember when I came back? I think I had like 17 pages of notes. The longer I sit in front of my computer, with or without working on the list, the list grows. With all the youtube videos I watch, and all the items I look up etc that I'm looking at, adding things to the list is never ending. the trick is finding a balance between adding to and ticking off so keep the list populated, but still getting things accomplished. It's a non-stop disco.
The list is getting longer :)
As long as it keeps you motivated :D
I swear some days I feel like I cross one thing off and add three more.... haha. I actually deleted a bunch of stuff off the list when i reposted it. It was getting cluttered with "DONE" lines, and I needed to reorganize a little.
Remember when I came back? I think I had like 17 pages of notes. The longer I sit in front of my computer, with or without working on the list, the list grows. With all the youtube videos I watch, and all the items I look up etc that I'm looking at, adding things to the list is never ending. the trick is finding a balance between adding to and ticking off so keep the list populated, but still getting things accomplished. It's a non-stop disco.
The list is getting longer :)
Honestly you are doing amazing
City of Senntisten (Spell Unlocks)
DONE Level 75 Slayer
Level 74 Archaeology
Battle of the Monolith (miniquest)
Assanadra's Quest
Vault of Shadows (miniquest)
Level 58 Arch
Light Within (Spell/Prayer Unlocks)
Fate of the Gods
Level 76 Slayer
Plagues End (Priffindas, Bloodwood Tree, Crystal Hatchet)
DONE Level 75 Dungeoneering
Nomad's Requiem (Bloodwood Tree)
DONE Level 65 Hunter
The Branches of Darkmeyer (Bloodwood Tree)
Legacy of Seergaze
Darkness of Hallowvale
In the Aid of Myreque
Melee Gear
Legends' Quest
Level 63 Farming
Ritual of the Mahjarrat (Armadyl Runes, Bloodwood Tree)
While Guthix Sleeps
Level 65 Farming
DONE Level 55 Hunter
Dream Mentor (Spell Unlocks)
The Hand in the Sand
Legends' Quest
DONE The Path of Glouphrie
DONE The Eyes of Glouphrie
DONE The Grand Tree
The Hunt for Surok (miniquest)
Enakhra's Lament
Rocking Out
The Great Brain Robbery
Cabin Fever
Rum Deal
DONE Recipe for Disaster: Freeing Pirate Pete
DONE Recipe for Disaster: Another Cook's Quest
A Tail of Two Cats
Fight Arena
Legacy of Seergazer (Blood Runes)
Darkness of Hallowvale
In the Aid of Myreque
Melee Gear
'Phite Club (Soul Runes)
Our Man in the North
Do No Evil
Dealing with Scabaras
10 Gold Artifacts from Pyramid Plunder
DONE Recipe for Disaster: Freeing King Awowogei
DONE Recipe for Disaster: Another Cook's Quest
Monkey Madness
DONE The Grand Tree
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
Crocodile Tears
Level 73 Hunter
Spirits of the Elid
Dealing with Scabaras
10 Gold Artifacts from Pyramid Plunder
Achieve rank 3 overall Menaphos reputation
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
Achieve rank 9 overall Menaphos reputation
Dagon Bye (Ripper Demon Binding Contracts)
Level 68 Archaeology
Contract Claws
Level 29 Archaeology
Embrace the Chaos
4 Cultist Diary Pages
Train to Magic to 85
Farm Griffolic Flakes until 85
Grifolaroos and Grifolapines in the Polypore Dungeon
Wand and Orb of the Cywir elders
Tai Bwo Wannai Trie (Hero's Welcome) (boss fight)
Barbarian Training
Hero's Welcome (Boss Fight)
Bolt Switch (with elite Seers diary and range cape)
Ruby Bakriminel Bolts (e) Huge hits
Hydrix Bakriminel Bolts (e) Adrenaline
Dragonstone Bakriminel Bolts (e) cheaper option
Onyx Bakriminel Bolts (e) Heals
Diamond Bakriminel Bolts (e) Armour Piercing
Elite Sirenic Armour
Level 99 Magic (Standard Spell Book)
Ascension Crossbows (Main/ Offhand)
Level 95 Slayer (Legiones in Monastery of Ascension)
Totem of Intimidation
Level 90 Slayer
Farm Abomination (Hero's Welcome Quest Boss) for Abomination Cape
Horror from the Deep (god books)
Infernal puzzle box
Essence of Finality
Blast Diffusion Boots
Limitless Sigil
Fury of the Small
Berserker's Fury
Sprit Cape
Asylum Surgeon's Ring
Ring of Death
Fight Kiln Capes
Reaper Crew Buff (All bosses)
Xp capacitor
Split Dragontooth Necklace/ Bone Crusher Combo
Guthix Staff
Mage Arena Mini Game
Chamber Gaurdian
Defeat Kolodion in all forms
Statius Warhammer
Salve Amulet (e) (haunted mine)
Sunspear (river of blood) (planted feet switch)
Lord of Vampyrium
Level 75 Attack
Level 75 Strength
Level 76 Hunter
Level 78 Slayer
Legends' Quest
Branches of Darkmeyer
Level 63 Farming
Legacy of Seergaze
Darkness of Hallowvale
In Aid of Myreque
Melee Gear
Kalphite Defender (Turtling 4)
Kalphite King (Use Keris)
Off-Hand Drygore Mace/Rapier/Longsword + Perfect Chitin
Level 96 herblore
Standard overload
Level 106 herblore
Elder overload
Adrenaline Urn
Undead Slayer ability
Dragon slayer ability
Crystal Hatchet w/ Honed 6/Refined 4
Plague's End
Livid Farm Spell Unlocks
Shattered worlds abilities
Double surge
Greater dazing shot
Greater Concentrated Blast codex
Mazcab ability codex
Corruption shot
Corruption blast
Greater Death's Swiftness codex
Greater Sunshine codex
Greater Fury codex
Greater Flurry codex
Greater Barge codex
Greater Ricochet codex
Greater Chain codex
Divert codex
Magna Tempest codex
Good progress, gratz!
It’s interesting to see how the list has evolved… looking back, it’s amazing how much I’ve gotten done over the past four months. It’s only been four months? Wow!
Keep up the good work! ;D
As I’m going through recipe for disaster, I can’t help but think I’ve done this before…
Finally going to see some fruits of my labor. Next quest, I start unlocking some of my goals!
Good Luck with all these goals as always xxx
Finally going to see some fruits of my labor. Next quest, I start unlocking some of my goals!
Great stuff, good luck - excited for your next update!
Good luck Panic!! You will do amazing as always! ;D
Good luck Panic!! You will do amazing as always! ;D
Awe you're gonna make me blush!!!
Finally going to see some fruits of my labor. Next quest, I start unlocking some of my goals!
Great stuff, good luck - excited for your next update!
Trying to get a hunter grind out of the way currently.... but back to questing soon enough!
Good Luck with all these goals as always xxx
Thanks, Lilly! All in due time, I'm sure. The whole game really is a giant grind.
Finally going to see some fruits of my labor. Next quest, I start unlocking some of my goals!
Great stuff, good luck - excited for your next update!
Trying to get a hunter grind out of the way currently.... but back to questing soon enough!
It's nice to mix it up with skilling and questing - makes it more bearable and keeps it fun :)
Finally going to see some fruits of my labor. Next quest, I start unlocking some of my goals!
Great stuff, good luck - excited for your next update!
Trying to get a hunter grind out of the way currently.... but back to questing soon enough!
It's nice to mix it up with skilling and questing - makes it more bearable and keeps it fun :)
For sure! With so much to do in the game, if you do any one thing for too long, you go crazy lol
Reaching levels in skilling feels like an accomplishment when you unlock quests :3
DONERecipe for Disaster: King Awowogei
DONE Monkey Madness
Recipe for Disaster: Sir Amik Varze
Legend's Quest
Level 63 Farming
Legacy of Zamorak quest series (Infernal Puzzle Box Unlocks)
Civil War III
Civil War II
Civil War I
Daughter of Chaos
Extinction (Passive Ring of Vigour)
Sins of the Father
Level 85 Crafting
Level 85 Runecrafting
Level 85 Invention
Desperate Measures
The Needle Skips
Eye of Het II
Eye of Het I
City of Senntisten (Spell Unlocks)
DONE Level 75 Slayer
Level 74 Archaeology
Battle of the Monolith (miniquest)
Assanadra's Quest
Vault of Shadows (miniquest)
Level 58 Arch
Raksha, the Shadow Colossus
Desperate Measures
Desperate Times
The Needle Skips
Light Within (Spell/Prayer Unlocks)
Fate of the Gods
DONE Level 76 Slayer
DONE Plagues End (Priffindas, Bloodwood Tree, Crystal Hatchet)
DONE Level 75 Dungeoneering
Nomad's Requiem (Bloodwood Tree)
DONE Level 65 Hunter
The Branches of Darkmeyer (Bloodwood Tree)
Legacy of Seergaze
Darkness of Hallowvale
In the Aid of Myreque
Melee Gear
Legends' Quest
Level 63 Farming
Ritual of the Mahjarrat (Armadyl Runes, Bloodwood Tree)
While Guthix Sleeps
Level 65 Farming
DONE Level 55 Hunter
Dream Mentor (Spell Unlocks)
The Hand in the Sand
Legends' Quest
Level 63 Farming
DONE The Path of Glouphrie
DONE The Eyes of Glouphrie
DONE The Grand Tree
The Hunt for Surok (miniquest)
Enakhra's Lament
Rocking Out
The Great Brain Robbery
Cabin Fever
Rum Deal
DONE Recipe for Disaster: Freeing Pirate Pete
DONE Recipe for Disaster: Another Cook's Quest
A Tail of Two Cats
Fight Arena
Legacy of Seergazer (Blood Runes)
Darkness of Hallowvale
In the Aid of Myreque
Melee Gear
'Phite Club (Soul Runes)
Our Man in the North
Do No Evil
Dealing with Scabaras
10 Gold Artifacts from Pyramid Plunder
DONE Recipe for Disaster: Freeing King Awowogei
DONE Recipe for Disaster: Another Cook's Quest
DONE Monkey Madness
DONE The Grand Tree
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
Crocodile Tears
Level 73 Hunter
Spirits of the Elid
Dealing with Scabaras
10 Gold Artifacts from Pyramid Plunder
Achieve rank 3 overall Menaphos reputation
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
Achieve rank 9 overall Menaphos reputation
Dagon Bye (Ripper Demon Binding Contracts)
Level 68 Archaeology
Contract Claws
DONE Level 29 Archaeology
Embrace the Chaos
4 Cultist Diary Pages
Evil Dave's Big Day Out
Tai Bwo Wannai Trie (Hero's Welcome) (boss fight)
Barbarian Training
Hero's Welcome (Boss Fight)
Bolt Switch (with elite Seers diary and range cape)
Ruby Bakriminel Bolts (e) Huge hits
Hydrix Bakriminel Bolts (e) Adrenaline
Dragonstone Bakriminel Bolts (e) cheaper option
Onyx Bakriminel Bolts (e) Heals
Diamond Bakriminel Bolts (e) Armour Piercing
at 90 Magic
Enhanced Blast Diffusion Boots
Elite Sirenic Armour
Level 99 Magic (Standard Spell Book)
Ascension Crossbows (Main/ Offhand)
Level 95 Slayer (Legiones in Monastery of Ascension)
Totem of Intimidation
Level 90 Slayer
Farm Abomination (Hero's Welcome Quest Boss) for Abomination Cape
Horror from the Deep (god books)
DONEInfernal puzzle box
Essence of Finality
Blast Diffusion Boots
Limitless Sigil
Fury of the Small
Berserker's Fury
Sprit Cape
Asylum Surgeon's Ring
Ring of Death
Fight Kiln Capes
Reaper Crew Buff (All bosses)
Xp capacitor
Split Dragontooth Necklace/ Bone Crusher Combo
Guthix Staff
Mage Arena Mini Game
Chamber Gaurdian
Defeat Kolodion in all forms
Statius Warhammer
Salve Amulet (e) (haunted mine)
Sunspear (river of blood) (planted feet switch)
Lord of Vampyrium
Level 75 Attack
Level 75 Strength
Level 76 Hunter
DONE Level 78 Slayer
Legends' Quest
Level 63 Farming
Branches of Darkmeyer
Level 63 Farming
Legacy of Seergaze
Darkness of Hallowvale
In Aid of Myreque
Melee Gear
Kalphite Defender (Turtling 4)
Kalphite King (Use Keris)
Off-Hand Drygore Mace/Rapier/Longsword + Perfect Chitin
DONELevel 96 herblore
DONE Standard overload
Level 106 herblore
Elder overload
Dominion Mines
Adrenaline Urn
Undead Slayer ability
Dragon slayer ability
Crystal Hatchet w/ Honed 6/Refined 4
Plague's End
Livid Farm Spell Unlocks
Shattered worlds abilities
Double surge
Greater dazing shot
Greater Concentrated Blast codex
Mazcab ability codex
Corruption shot
Corruption blast
Greater Death's Swiftness codex
Greater Sunshine codex
Greater Fury codex
Greater Flurry codex
Greater Barge codex
Greater Ricochet codex
Greater Chain codex
Divert codex
Magna Tempest codex
so good to see the list is still ongoing :)
Good luck Panic!! ;D
so good to see the list is still ongoing :)
I had the idea that at some point, I go back and compare the original list I made and then add them all together to see the total progress I made on all of them.
Great to see more PvM stuff on your list now - starting to get real fun! :D
Great to see more PvM stuff on your list now - starting to get real fun! :D
My current end goal is to make money bossing, so all of my little goals (filling out my abilities, getting skills to certain lvls per quest requirements, being able to make binding contracts for ripper demons, etc) are all there in order to prepare my account for end game bossing.
Great to see more PvM stuff on your list now - starting to get real fun! :D
My current end goal is to make money bossing, so all of my little goals (filling out my abilities, getting skills to certain lvls per quest requirements, being able to make binding contracts for ripper demons, etc) are all there in order to prepare my account for end game bossing.
Sounds a great end goal to be working towards - remember small steps forward are still steps!
Great to see more PvM stuff on your list now - starting to get real fun! :D
My current end goal is to make money bossing, so all of my little goals (filling out my abilities, getting skills to certain lvls per quest requirements, being able to make binding contracts for ripper demons, etc) are all there in order to prepare my account for end game bossing.
Sounds a great end goal to be working towards - remember small steps forward are still steps!
Right? I honestly feel very add the way I play. I bounce around from this and that, all doing things toward my end goal. Quest, skill, prep work, get bored n kill stuff.... Really, it's all progress.
Went off on tangent for a little bit, as expected. But the note worthy thing is I've gotten SOOO much accomplished on my tangent experience, I'm really fucking proud of it! I feel like I'm making steps to becoming a high level player now! It's exciting!
five 99's done
99 herblore in bank
working on 99 magic via training slayer
going to do elite dungeon runs to unlock all dungeoneering unlocks while training melee stats
So so impressed, let the hard work continue
five 99's done
99 herblore in bank
working on 99 magic via training slayer
going to do elite dungeon runs to unlock all dungeoneering unlocks while training melee stats
That's HUGE - congrats!
Keep 'em coming!
five 99's done
99 herblore in bank
working on 99 magic via training slayer
going to do elite dungeon runs to unlock all dungeoneering unlocks while training melee stats
Congrats on all the progress! :D
Back on the quest grind for the moment
contemplating waiting for dxp for 99 herb, or just grind through my overload prep and make other potions to 99
thinking for some qp, just sorting quests by length start at the shortest ones
machines are set up and functioning great. Need to revisit soon
noticed most of my higher levels are some of the "longest levels to 99," which means my lower levels will be easier to max
I've gotten so much done on my account. Crazy what one can do when they grind; dedication.
Saving herb until DXP is probably worth doing since it'll save you some GP (:
Saving herb until DXP is probably worth doing since it'll save you some GP (:
I was thinking if I train using potions I need, such as adrenaline potions, super restore, etc, I can just get those potions by training.
But I suppose that goes against advice I've gotten of find a money maker, and buy what you need.
Totem of Auras
Curse of the Black Stone (10% ed damage reduction)
Recipe for Disaster: Sir Amik Varze
Legend's Quest
DONE Level 63 Farming
Legacy of Zamorak quest series (Infernal Puzzle Box Unlocks)
Civil War III
Civil War II
Civil War I
Daughter of Chaos
Extinction (Passive Ring of Vigour)
Sins of the Father
Level 85 Crafting
Level 85 Runecrafting
Level 85 Invention
Desperate Measures
The Needle Skips
Eye of Het II
Eye of Het I
City of Senntisten (Spell Unlocks)
Level 74 Archaeology
Battle of the Monolith (miniquest)
Assanadra's Quest
Vault of Shadows (miniquest)
Level 58 Arch
Raksha, the Shadow Colossus
Desperate Measures
Desperate Times
The Needle Skips
Light Within (Spell/Prayer Unlocks)
Fate of the Gods
Nomad's Requiem (Bloodwood Tree)
The Branches of Darkmeyer (Bloodwood Tree)
DONE Legacy of Seergaze (Blood Runes)
DONE Darkness of Hallowvale
DONE In the Aid of Myreque
DONE Melee Gear
Legends' Quest
DONE Level 63 Farming
Ritual of the Mahjarrat (Armadyl Runes, Bloodwood Tree)
While Guthix Sleeps
Level 65 Farming
Dream Mentor (Spell Unlocks)
The Hand in the Sand
Legends' Quest
DONE Level 63 Farming
The Hunt for Surok (miniquest)
Enakhra's Lament
Rocking Out
The Great Brain Robbery
Cabin Fever
Rum Deal
A Tail of Two Cats
Fight Arena
DONELegacy of Seergazer (Blood Runes)
DONE Darkness of Hallowvale
DONE In the Aid of Myreque
DONE Melee Gear
'Phite Club (Soul Runes)
Our Man in the North
Do No Evil
Dealing with Scabaras
10 Gold Artifacts from Pyramid Plunder
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
Crocodile Tears
Level 73 Hunter
Spirits of the Elid
Dealing with Scabaras
10 Gold Artifacts from Pyramid Plunder
Achieve rank 3 overall Menaphos reputation
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
Achieve rank 9 overall Menaphos reputation
Dagon Bye (Ripper Demon Binding Contracts)
Level 68 Archaeology
Contract Claws
Embrace the Chaos
4 Cultist Diary Pages
Evil Dave's Big Day Out
Tai Bwo Wannai Trie (Hero's Welcome) (boss fight)
Barbarian Training
Hero's Welcome (Boss Fight)
Bolt Switch (with elite Seers diary and range cape)
Ruby Bakriminel Bolts (e) Huge hits
Hydrix Bakriminel Bolts (e) Adrenaline
Dragonstone Bakriminel Bolts (e) cheaper option
Onyx Bakriminel Bolts (e) Heals
Diamond Bakriminel Bolts (e) Armour Piercing
DONEat 90 Magic
DONE Enhanced Blast Diffusion Boots
DONELevel 99 Magic (Standard Spell Book)
Totem of Intimidation
Level 90 Slayer
Farm Abomination (Hero's Welcome Quest Boss) for Abomination Cape
Horror from the Deep (god books)
Essence of Finality
DONEBlast Diffusion Boots
Limitless Sigil
Fury of the Small
Berserker's Fury
Sprit Cape
Asylum Surgeon's Ring
Ring of Death
Fight Kiln Capes
Reaper Crew Buff (All bosses)
Xp capacitor
Split Dragontooth Necklace/ Bone Crusher Combo
Guthix Staff
Mage Arena Mini Game
Chamber Gaurdian
Defeat Kolodion in all forms
Statius Warhammer
Salve Amulet (e) (haunted mine)
Sunspear (river of blood) (planted feet switch)
Lord of Vampyrium
DONE Level 75 Attack
DONE Level 75 Strength
Level 76 Hunter
Legends' Quest
DONE Level 63 Farming
Branches of Darkmeyer
DONE Level 63 Farming
DONE Legacy of Seergaze
DONE Darkness of Hallowvale
DONE In Aid of Myreque
DONE Melee Gear
Kalphite Defender (Turtling 4)
Kalphite King (Use Keris)
Off-Hand Drygore Mace/Rapier/Longsword + Perfect Chitin
Level 106 herblore
Elder overload
Dominion Mines
Adrenaline Urn
Undead Slayer ability
Dragon slayer ability
Crystal Hatchet w/ Honed 6/Refined 4
DONE Plague's End
Livid Farm Spell Unlocks
Shattered worlds abilities
Double surge
Greater dazing shot
Greater Concentrated Blast codex
Mazcab ability codex
Corruption shot
Corruption blast
Greater Death's Swiftness codex
Greater Sunshine codex
Greater Fury codex
Greater Flurry codex
Greater Barge codex
Greater Ricochet codex
Greater Chain codex
Divert codex
Magna Tempest codex
Does that list not make you want to cry?
Does that list not make you want to cry?
Sometimes. But the same goes with the circle of knowledge. The more you know, the more you realize that you don't know. Crying is a part of life. Pain is weakness leaving the body.
Does that list not make you want to cry?
Sometimes. But the same goes with the circle of knowledge. The more you know, the more you realize that you don't know. Crying is a part of life. Pain is weakness leaving the body.
Very true :)
Does that list not make you want to cry?
Sometimes. But the same goes with the circle of knowledge. The more you know, the more you realize that you don't know. Crying is a part of life. Pain is weakness leaving the body.
Wise words! Keep going at it - you got this! <3
Trying to get to unlock Blood runes so I have a fall back to running out of my prep work for dxp! Getting closer!!!!
good to hear :)
Trying to get to unlock Blood runes so I have a fall back to running out of my prep work for dxp! Getting closer!!!!
Good luck! Expecting some big gains from you this DXP ;)
Five 99's and counting! I'd say a productive dxp so far!
Five 99's and counting! I'd say a productive dxp so far!
I'd say more than productive - huge congrats!
You have been doing a fantastic job xxx
Total of ten 99's now... got this cape... no clue what it looks like on my character because I have my prayer cape override still on. Maybe someday I'll look at it. Now after that grind, I'm kind of at a loss of what to do.... so I suppose I'll keep working on my list! After I dilly dally around doing random shit for a while.
So much shit that wasn't on my list.... makes the list appear.... moot. After crossing off some stuff I got done that I didn't cross off when I did it, and looking over the list, I think I found myself (another) starting point.
Hates off to you for keeping so focused on your list x
Big gains - great job! Keep at it - maxed soon!
I love how I'm continuing to do shit that isn't on my list..... It all counts to something in the end, but I keep thinking I NEED to get back to my list. I really don't. The list is here when I'm looking for something to do. I've made the list, as a go to for this reason. If I have something to do in game that I'm having fun with, there's no need to be tied to a list!
But with that being said, here's my updated list because we're on a new page:
Kiln Cape/ Fire Cape
Totem of Auras
Recipe for Disaster: Sir Amik Varze
DONE Legend's Quest
DONELegacy of Zamorak quest series (Infernal Puzzle Box Unlocks)
DONE Succession
DONE Civil War III
DONE Civil War II
DONE Civil War I
DONE Daughter of Chaos
Extinction (Passive Ring of Vigour)
Sins of the Father
DONE Level 85 Crafting
DONE Level 85 Runecrafting
DONE Level 85 Invention
Desperate Measures
The Needle Skips
Eye of Het II
Eye of Het I
City of Senntisten (Spell Unlocks)
Level 74 Archaeology
Battle of the Monolith (miniquest)
Assanadra's Quest
Vault of Shadows (miniquest)
DONE Level 58 Arch
Raksha, the Shadow Colossus
Desperate Measures
Desperate Times
The Needle Skips
Light Within (Spell/Prayer Unlocks)
Fate of the Gods
Nomad's Requiem (Bloodwood Tree)
The Branches of Darkmeyer (Bloodwood Tree)
DONE Legends' Quest
Ritual of the Mahjarrat (Armadyl Runes, Bloodwood Tree)
While Guthix Sleeps
DONE Level 65 Farming
Dream Mentor (Spell Unlocks)
The Hand in the Sand
DONE Legends' Quest
The Hunt for Surok (miniquest)
Enakhra's Lament
Rocking Out
The Great Brain Robbery
Cabin Fever
Rum Deal
A Tail of Two Cats
Fight Arena
'Phite Club (Soul Runes)
Our Man in the North
Do No Evil
Dealing with Scabaras
10 Gold Artifacts from Pyramid Plunder
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
Crocodile Tears
Level 73 Hunter
Spirits of the Elid
Dealing with Scabaras
10 Gold Artifacts from Pyramid Plunder
Achieve rank 3 overall Menaphos reputation
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
Achieve rank 9 overall Menaphos reputation
Dagon Bye (Ripper Demon Binding Contracts)
DONE Level 68 Archaeology
Contract Claws
Embrace the Chaos
4 Cultist Diary Pages
Evil Dave's Big Day Out
Tai Bwo Wannai Trie (Hero's Welcome) (boss fight)
Barbarian Training
Hero's Welcome (Boss Fight)
Bolt Switch (with elite Seers diary and range cape)
Ruby Bakriminel Bolts (e) Huge hits
Hydrix Bakriminel Bolts (e) Adrenaline
Dragonstone Bakriminel Bolts (e) cheaper option
Onyx Bakriminel Bolts (e) Heals
Diamond Bakriminel Bolts (e) Armour Piercing
Totem of Intimidation
Level 90 Slayer
Farm Abomination (Hero's Welcome Quest Boss) for Abomination Cape
Horror from the Deep (god books)
Essence of Finality
Limitless Sigil
Fury of the Small
Berserker's Fury
Sprit Cape
Asylum Surgeon's Ring
Ring of Death
Fight Kiln Capes
Reaper Crew Buff (All bosses)
Xp capacitor
DONESplit Dragontooth Necklace/ Bone Crusher Combo
Guthix Staff
Mage Arena Mini Game
Chamber Gaurdian
Defeat Kolodion in all forms
Statius Warhammer
Salve Amulet (e) (haunted mine)
Sunspear (river of blood) (planted feet switch)
Lord of Vampyrium
Level 76 Hunter
DONE Legends' Quest
Branches of Darkmeyer
Kalphite Defender (Turtling 4)
Kalphite King (Use Keris)
Off-Hand Drygore Mace/Rapier/Longsword + Perfect Chitin
Level 106 herblore
Elder overload
Dominion Mines
Adrenaline Urn
Undead Slayer ability
Dragon slayer ability
Crystal Hatchet w/ Honed 6/Refined 4
Livid Farm Spell Unlocks
Shattered worlds abilities
Double surge
Greater dazing shot
Greater Concentrated Blast codex
Mazcab ability codex
DONE Corruption shot
Corruption blast
Greater Death's Swiftness codex
Greater Sunshine codex
Greater Fury codex
Greater Flurry codex
Greater Barge codex
Greater Ricochet codex
Greater Chain codex
Divert codex
Magna Tempest codex
You seem to be doing loads, but that list gets longer
Like you said it's good that it's there to refer to, as long as you're having fun. Good luck with this one!
You seem to be doing loads, but that list gets longer
What can I say, the more I know, the more I don't know.
*Arch journal
*Arch guild
*map on table
*5 Kharid-et
*3-4 artifacts lvl 12
*Legionary remains inside fortres
*breaking the seal
*click on wall
*talk to dr hobanic
*cenurial seal, repair, enter fort, legionary remains
*pile of batteries, inquisitor staff peices, custodian pages needed for prison break *mistery
*caster debree
*Prison Break Mistery
*20 infernal source
*20-24 Starload cellar
*Search all aviable crates (eyes and their stars) two crest of diagon at 24 (all three)
*24-25 close to fireplace
*25-29 Kharid-et administered debree
*29 infernal source (inside furnace) need 4 cultist diary pages for embrace the chaos cultice footlocker
*north of alter (chalk 3 red candles) embrace the chaos mystery
*36-42 Sacrificial alter pile
*42 everlight
*42-45 prodromoi remains (changed to monoceros)
*Queen's journal pages queen of iceyene (iceyen remains and frying pan for fallen angels mystery)
*45 infernal souce 45 location inside furnace until 47
*47-48 Kharid-et Praesidio remains
*ancient timepeice and legatus pendant (need a spare) divice on wall for time served
*48-51 monoserious in everlight
*51-56 ampatheatre debree
*56 cyramic studio debree
*58-61 kharid-et fully repaird legos pendant (red bariar)
*Carcerem debris pontifex signet ring, and incite fear scroll for mysteries
61-65 everlight
*stadio debree
*journal pages (five) fall and rise mystery
*65-68 infernal art location
68-69 shack drop remains (chaos stars restored for dragon bide mystery) in infernal source
69-70 everlight dominan games podium repaired dominion repaired dominion torches
70 Stormgaurd citadel
70-72 outside citadel codean memorials (codine garege)
inside for boots of flight (add to toolbelt)
ledges of north complete mysterdy leep of faith
exials bra page (atturnment)
72-74 everlight okio studio debree (pages for later)
74-76 kharid et chemple debree (cultist warprist mystery diary pages)
76 warforge (goblin remains)
upgraded wingsuit (pick up broken and repair and upgrade)
wings up mystery
81 (four new, do all and get all artifacts) then kharid et for batteries
83 warforge barricade at bottom of crucibal (out of crucibal mystery, in tunnels, into the forge mystery)
goblin dorm debree pile (last two to farm green goblin collection log)
all keys, door, pull lever, stuff for incanto pickaxe
85 storm wine citadel weapon research (journal pages for asudian mystery five pages)
86 kharid-et ors alter pontifect signet ring exenguate spell scroll for fault of shadows mystery
infernal source dis overskill to 89
warforge big high war god piles (forge war mystery) 91
91-92 stormgaurd citadel gravitron research debree
92-93 everlight acropolis debree (eppic of etta mystery)
93 kharid armariour debree
94 warforge ubios cannbile pen piles
95-97 stormgaurd citadell essics tower debree
(stormgaurd of barage, howls workshop mystery for ancient invention)
97 warfodge goblin training remains
98 stormgaurd or infernal source (which collection logs I need)
after 99, best location is highest for your level
This last post wouldve b een super helpful for me at one time
This last post wouldve b een super helpful for me at one time
Well I used up all of my bonus xp; only arch left.
Red Rum Relics I (81 and 94)
Royal Trouble
Took a look back at my list. Crossed off a few little things.
101 Constitution
99 Mining
99 Agility
99 Smithing
100 Defence
100 Herblore
100 Range
99 Prayer
99 Magic
99 Fletching
99 Summoning
99 Divination
Working on:
Woodcutting @ 97 (99)
Attack @ 92 (99)
Strength @ 92 (99)
Dungeoneering @ 91 (99)
Next Quests:
95 Dungeoneering (Bloodwood Tree in Prifddinas)
Nomad's Requiem (Bloodwood Tree)
The Branches of Darkmeyer (Bloodwood Tree)
Light Within (Spell/Prayer Unlocks)
Fate of the Gods
Ritual of the Mahjarrat (Armadyl Runes, Bloodwood Tree)
While Guthix Sleeps
Dream Mentor (Spell Unlocks)
The Hand in the Sand
The Hunt for Surok (miniquest)
Enakhra's Lament
Rocking Out
The Great Brain Robbery
Cabin Fever
Rum Deal
A Tail of Two Cats
Fight Arena
Extinction (Passive Ring of Vigour)
Sins of the Father
Desperate Measures
The Needle Skips
Eye of Het II
Eye of Het I
City of Senntisten (Spell Unlocks)
Level 74 Archaeology
Battle of the Monolith (miniquest)
Assanadra's Quest
Vault of Shadows (miniquest)
Raksha, the Shadow Colossus
Desperate Measures
Desperate Times
The Needle Skips
Lots of achievements there.
Another BXP week around the corner, no pressure :)
Lots of achievements there.
Another BXP week around the corner, no pressure :)
Honestly, where I'm at in my account, I feel myself getting pulled away from all the grinding of skills. With combat skills where they are, my issues lie in two things: quest locked content and basic skill.
Lots of quest experts, just ask xxx
Lots of quest experts, just ask xxx
Well, the consensus is... haha.. that I suck at pvm.
Get that GotE added to the list :)
Just not feeling it this morning...
oh noooo,
I hope you get over this feeling :)
Just not feeling it this morning...
Hope you feel better later in the day <3
New page, new list! It's always a great thing to have when I'm sitting here not knowing what to do with my day, when I'm not practicing my pvm!
I'm sure at some point, I'll find something else to add to it.... I always do!
Kiln Cape/ Fire Cape
Totem of Auras
Recipe for Disaster: Sir Amik Varze
Extinction (Passive Ring of Vigour)
DONE Sins of the Father
DONE Desperate Measures
DONE Desperate Times
DONE The Needle Skips
Eye of Het II
Eye of Het I
City of Senntisten (Spell Unlocks)
Level 74 Archaeology
Battle of the Monolith (miniquest)
Assanadra's Quest
Vault of Shadows (miniquest)
DONE Raksha, the Shadow Colossus
DONE Desperate Measures
DONE Desperate Times
DONE The Needle Skips
Light Within (Spell/Prayer Unlocks)
Fate of the Gods
Nomad's Requiem (Bloodwood Tree)
The Branches of Darkmeyer (Bloodwood Tree)
Ritual of the Mahjarrat (Armadyl Runes, Bloodwood Tree)
While Guthix Sleeps
Dream Mentor (Spell Unlocks)
The Hand in the Sand
The Hunt for Surok (miniquest)
Enakhra's Lament
Rocking Out
The Great Brain Robbery
Cabin Fever
Rum Deal
A Tail of Two Cats
Fight Arena
'Phite Club (Soul Runes)
Our Man in the North
Do No Evil
Dealing with Scabaras
10 Gold Artifacts from Pyramid Plunder
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
Crocodile Tears
Level 73 Hunter
Spirits of the Elid
Dealing with Scabaras
10 Gold Artifacts from Pyramid Plunder
Achieve rank 3 overall Menaphos reputation
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
Achieve rank 9 overall Menaphos reputation
Dagon Bye (Ripper Demon Binding Contracts)
Contract Claws
Embrace the Chaos
4 Cultist Diary Pages
Evil Dave's Big Day Out
Tai Bwo Wannai Trie (Hero's Welcome) (boss fight)
Barbarian Training
Hero's Welcome (Boss Fight)
Bolt Switch (with elite Seers diary and range cape)
Ruby Bakriminel Bolts (e) Huge hits
Hydrix Bakriminel Bolts (e) Adrenaline
Dragonstone Bakriminel Bolts (e) cheaper option
Onyx Bakriminel Bolts (e) Heals
Diamond Bakriminel Bolts (e) Armour Piercing
Totem of Intimidation
Level 90 Slayer
Farm Abomination (Hero's Welcome Quest Boss) for Abomination Cape
Horror from the Deep (god books)
Essence of Finality
Limitless Sigil
Fury of the Small
Berserker's Fury
Sprit Cape
Asylum Surgeon's Ring
Ring of Death
Fight Kiln Capes
Reaper Crew Buff (All bosses)
Xp capacitor
Guthix Staff
Mage Arena Mini Game
Chamber Gaurdian
Defeat Kolodion in all forms
Statius Warhammer
Salve Amulet (e) (haunted mine)
Sunspear (river of blood) (planted feet switch)
Lord of Vampyrium
Level 76 Hunter
Branches of Darkmeyer
Kalphite Defender (Turtling 4)
Kalphite King (Use Keris)
Off-Hand Drygore Mace/Rapier/Longsword + Perfect Chitin
Level 106 herblore
Elder overload
Dominion Mines
Adrenaline Urn
Undead Slayer ability
Dragon slayer ability
Crystal Hatchet w/ Honed 6/Refined 4
Livid Farm Spell Unlocks
Shattered worlds abilities
Double surge
Greater dazing shot
Greater Concentrated Blast codex
Mazcab ability codex
Corruption blast
Greater Death's Swiftness codex
Greater Sunshine codex
Greater Fury codex
Greater Flurry codex
Greater Barge codex
Greater Ricochet codex
Greater Chain codex
Divert codex
Magna Tempest codex
so much to do :(
Good luck on the latest list!
Taking a break from Necromancy, but that doesn't mean I'm not loving it!
The Needle Skips: DONE
Desperate Time: DONE
Was gonna keep going tonight to go after the passive ring of vigour.... but Iiiii'm not feeling it as of now. Gonna prep for the next quest then see how the feels go.
Taking a break from Necromancy, but that doesn't mean I'm not loving it!
The Needle Skips: DONE
Desperate Time: DONE
Was gonna keep going tonight to go after the passive ring of vigour.... but Iiiii'm not feeling it as of now. Gonna prep for the next quest then see how the feels go.
Desperate Measures: DONE
Sins of the Father: DONE
That's all for the day. Good progress toward passive ring of vigour!
Desperate Measures: DONE
Sins of the Father: DONE
That's all for the day. Good progress toward passive ring of vigour!
Great job! ^^
Onwards and upwards :)
Raksha: The Shadow Colossus: DONE
I am totally up for a lesson in Raksha. If possible, can someone help me get my first kill so I at least have the tele? Probably way out of my skill level, but why not... -.-
Raksha: The Shadow Colossus: DONE
I am totally up for a lesson in Raksha. If possible, can someone help me get my first kill so I at least have the tele? Probably way out of my skill level, but why not... -.-
That's something the PvM Teachers can help with - ask and ping them request-teaching-session channel and i'm sure someone will help :)
Raksha: The Shadow Colossus: DONE
I am totally up for a lesson in Raksha. If possible, can someone help me get my first kill so I at least have the tele? Probably way out of my skill level, but why not... -.-
That's something the PvM Teachers can help with - ask and ping them request-teaching-session channel and i'm sure someone will help :)
I know I know... but I haven't been back to araxi to see if I can get that solo kill yet... and I feel that if I can't do an araxi kill solo, what business do I have trying raksha?
*Arch journal
*Arch guild
*map on table
*5 Kharid-et
*3-4 artifacts lvl 12
*Legionary remains inside fortres
*breaking the seal
*click on wall
*talk to dr hobanic
*cenurial seal, repair, enter fort, legionary remains
*pile of batteries, inquisitor staff peices, custodian pages needed for prison break *mistery
*caster debree
*Prison Break Mistery
*20 infernal source
*20-24 Starload cellar
*Search all aviable crates (eyes and their stars) two crest of diagon at 24 (all three)
*24-25 close to fireplace
*25-29 Kharid-et administered debree
*29 infernal source (inside furnace) need 4 cultist diary pages for embrace the chaos cultice footlocker
*north of alter (chalk 3 red candles) embrace the chaos mystery
*36-42 Sacrificial alter pile
*42 everlight
*42-45 prodromoi remains (changed to monoceros)
*Queen's journal pages queen of iceyene (iceyen remains and frying pan for fallen angels mystery)
*45 infernal souce 45 location inside furnace until 47
*47-48 Kharid-et Praesidio remains
*ancient timepeice and legatus pendant (need a spare) divice on wall for time served
*48-51 monoserious in everlight
*51-56 ampatheatre debree
*56 cyramic studio debree
*58-61 kharid-et fully repaird legos pendant (red bariar)
*Carcerem debris pontifex signet ring, and incite fear scroll for mysteries
61-65 everlight
*stadio debree
*journal pages (five) fall and rise mystery
*65-68 infernal art location
*68-69 shack drop remains (chaos stars restored for dragon bide mystery) in infernal source
*69-70 everlight dominan games podium repaired dominion repaired dominion torches
*70 Stormgaurd citadel
*70-72 outside citadel codean memorials (codine garege)
*inside for boots of flight (add to toolbelt)
ledges of north complete mysterdy leep of faith
exials bra page (atturnment)
72-74 everlight okio studio debree (pages for later)
74-76 kharid et chemple debree (cultist warprist mystery diary pages)
76 warforge (goblin remains)
upgraded wingsuit (pick up broken and repair and upgrade)
wings up mystery
81 (four new, do all and get all artifacts) then kharid et for batteries
83 warforge barricade at bottom of crucibal (out of crucibal mystery, in tunnels, into the forge mystery)
goblin dorm debree pile (last two to farm green goblin collection log)
all keys, door, pull lever, stuff for incanto pickaxe
85 storm wine citadel weapon research (journal pages for asudian mystery five pages)
86 kharid-et ors alter pontifect signet ring exenguate spell scroll for fault of shadows mystery
infernal source dis overskill to 89
warforge big high war god piles (forge war mystery) 91
91-92 stormgaurd citadel gravitron research debree
92-93 everlight acropolis debree (eppic of etta mystery)
93 kharid armariour debree
94 warforge ubios cannbile pen piles
95-97 stormgaurd citadell essics tower debree
(stormgaurd of barage, howls workshop mystery for ancient invention)
97 warfodge goblin training remains
98 stormgaurd or infernal source (which collection logs I need)
after 99, best location is highest for your level
And here is the list once more.
Good Luck xxx
And Panic is back! Good luck - plenty to knock off that list!
Alpha vs Omega (UNLOCK RASIAL)
Remains of the Necrolord
DONE Tomes of the Warlock
DONE 86 Archeology
Vengeance (saga)
Nadir (saga)
Kiln Cape/ Fire Cape
Totem of Auras
Recipe for Disaster: Sir Amik Varze
Extinction (Passive Ring of Vigour)
Eye of Het II
Eye of Het I
City of Senntisten (Spell Unlocks)
Level 74 Archaeology
Battle of the Monolith (miniquest)
Assanadra's Quest
Desperate Creatures
DONE Vault of Shadows (miniquest)
Light Within (Spell/Prayer Unlocks)
Fate of the Gods
Nomad's Requiem (Bloodwood Tree)
The Branches of Darkmeyer (Bloodwood Tree)
Ritual of the Mahjarrat (Armadyl Runes, Bloodwood Tree)
While Guthix Sleeps
Dream Mentor (Spell Unlocks)
The Hand in the Sand
The Hunt for Surok (miniquest)
Enakhra's Lament
Rocking Out
The Great Brain Robbery
Cabin Fever
Rum Deal
A Tail of Two Cats
Fight Arena
'Phite Club (Soul Runes)
Our Man in the North
Do No Evil
Dealing with Scabaras
10 Gold Artifacts from Pyramid Plunder
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
Crocodile Tears
Level 73 Hunter
Spirits of the Elid
Dealing with Scabaras
10 Gold Artifacts from Pyramid Plunder
Achieve rank 3 overall Menaphos reputation
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
Achieve rank 9 overall Menaphos reputation
Dagon Bye (Ripper Demon Binding Contracts)
Contract Claws
Embrace the Chaos
4 Cultist Diary Pages
Evil Dave's Big Day Out
Tai Bwo Wannai Trie (Hero's Welcome) (boss fight)
Barbarian Training
Hero's Welcome (Boss Fight)
Bolt Switch (with elite Seers diary and range cape)
Ruby Bakriminel Bolts (e) Huge hits
Hydrix Bakriminel Bolts (e) Adrenaline
Dragonstone Bakriminel Bolts (e) cheaper option
Onyx Bakriminel Bolts (e) Heals
Diamond Bakriminel Bolts (e) Armour Piercing
Totem of Intimidation
Level 90 Slayer
Farm Abomination (Hero's Welcome Quest Boss) for Abomination Cape
Horror from the Deep (god books)
Essence of Finality
Limitless Sigil
Fury of the Small
Berserker's Fury
Sprit Cape
Asylum Surgeon's Ring
Ring of Death
Fight Kiln Capes
Reaper Crew Buff (All bosses)
Xp capacitor
Guthix Staff
Mage Arena Mini Game
Chamber Gaurdian
Defeat Kolodion in all forms
Statius Warhammer
DONESalve Amulet (e) (haunted mine)
Sunspear (river of blood) (planted feet switch)
Lord of Vampyrium
Level 76 Hunter
Branches of Darkmeyer
Kalphite Defender (Turtling 4)
Kalphite King (Use Keris)
Off-Hand Drygore Mace/Rapier/Longsword + Perfect Chitin
Level 106 herblore
Elder overload
Dominion Mines
Adrenaline Urn
Undead Slayer ability
Dragon slayer ability
Crystal Hatchet w/ Honed 6/Refined 4
Livid Farm Spell Unlocks
Shattered worlds abilities
Double surge
Greater dazing shot
Greater Concentrated Blast codex
Mazcab ability codex
Corruption blast
Greater Death's Swiftness codex
Greater Sunshine codex
Greater Fury codex
Greater Flurry codex
Greater Barge codex
Greater Ricochet codex
Greater Chain codex
Divert codex
Magna Tempest codex
94 thieving for Amlodd workers for porters
<h3>Arch Training</h3>
*70 Stormgaurd citadel
*70-72 outside citadel codean memorials (codine garege)
*inside for boots of flight (add to toolbelt)
*ledges of north complete mysterdy leep of faith
*exials bra page (atturnment)
*72-74 everlight okio studio debree (pages for later)
*74-76 kharid et chemple debree (cultist warprist mystery diary pages)
*76 warforge (goblin remains)
*upgraded wingsuit (pick up broken and repair and upgrade)
*wings out mystery
*81 (four new, do all and get all artifacts) then kharid et for batteries
*83 warforge barricade at bottom of crucibal (out of crucibal mystery, in tunnels, into the forge mystery)
*goblin dorm debree pile (last two to farm green goblin collection log)
*all keys, door, pull lever, stuff for incanto pickaxe
*85 stormgaurd citadel weapon research (journal pages for asudian mystery five pages)
86 kharid-et ors alter pontifect signet ring exenguate spell scroll for fault of shadows mystery
infernal source dis overskill to 89
warforge big high war god piles (forge war mystery) 91
91-92 stormgaurd citadel gravitron research debree
92-93 everlight acropolis debree (eppic of etta mystery)
93 kharid armariour debree
94 warforge ubios cannbile pen piles
95-97 stormgaurd citadell essics tower debree
(stormgaurd of barage, howls workshop mystery for ancient invention)
97 warfodge goblin training remains
98 stormgaurd or infernal source (which collection logs I need)
after 99, best location is highest for your level
And Panic is back! Good luck - plenty to knock off that list!
Never really left... I've been so preoccupied with Necromancy and all of the new content I've neglected my list for some time. In a week or so, however, am starting a new job. I'm not sure exactly what time of day I have to dedicate to Runescape. Once I change jobs, adjust my sleep patterns, etc., I'm sure I'll find time to keep chipping away at my list! Oh yeah!
I just edited it and added all the stuff I need on it, so let's gooooo!
yes lets goooooo
Go Panic Go!
Break's over - get back to ticking them off! :p
I've been preoccupied with boss killing as of late. When I take breaks, I've been training some archeology.
New Arch site for you to explore too :)
Good luck with the adventure!
And I'm back! It's so good to be back on checking things off of my list!
DONE Vault of Shadows (miniquest)
Great.... my list got longer haha
ADDED Azzanadra's Quest
Welcome back @PanicAddict - have to make back the lost time now :p
Welcome back @PanicAddict - have to make back the lost time now :p
Gotta give myself a motivational speech or something. I scratched the surface of getting back into my list, but it ground to a hault quick. The next quest on my list is a big one. Hopefully I'll start it tomorrow.
I think I'm gonna do some of the smaller ones in the near future. It'll be nice to get the ball rolling!
YES you can do this xxx
DONEKill TzTok-Jad in TzHaar fight cave minigame for Fire Cape
DONE Elder Kiln quest
DONE Sacrifice Fire Cape
DONE Complete Kiln
DONE Necromancy
Kill zuk (no deaths/banking) for igneous stone (4x)
Use igneous stone on each cape
Flawless hm Zuk to combine capes (no benifit)
Requiem for a Dragon [Zorgoth's (necromancy) ring]
Battle of Forinthry
Ancient Awakening
Botanist's Workbench T1
Ancient Awakening (Active)
DONE Remains of the Necrolord
DONE Tomes of the Warlock
DONE 86 Archeology
DONE Vengeance (saga)
DONE Nadir (saga)
Totem of Auras
Recipe for Disaster: Sir Amik Varze
Look into Dream of Iaia
DONEExtinction (Passive Ring of Vigour)
DONE Eye of Het II
DONE Eye of Het I
DONE City of Senntisten (Spell Unlocks)
DONE Level 74 Archaeology
DONE Battle of the Monolith (miniquest)
DONE Azzanadra's Quest
DONE Desperate Creatures
DONE Vault of Shadows (miniquest)
Light Within (Spell/Prayer Unlocks)
Fate of the Gods
Nomad's Requiem (Bloodwood Tree)
The Branches of Darkmeyer (Bloodwood Tree)
Ritual of the Mahjarrat (Armadyl Runes, Bloodwood Tree)
While Guthix Sleeps
Dream Mentor (Spell Unlocks)
The Hand in the Sand
The Hunt for Surok (miniquest)
Enakhra's Lament
Rocking Out
The Great Brain Robbery
Cabin Fever
Rum Deal
A Tail of Two Cats
Fight Arena
'Phite Club (Soul Runes)
Our Man in the North
Do No Evil
Dealing with Scabaras
10 Gold Artifacts from Pyramid Plunder
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
Crocodile Tears
Level 73 Hunter
Spirits of the Elid
Dealing with Scabaras
10 Gold Artifacts from Pyramid Plunder
Achieve rank 3 overall Menaphos reputation
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
Achieve rank 9 overall Menaphos reputation
Dagon Bye (Ripper Demon Binding Contracts)
Contract Claws
Embrace the Chaos
4 Cultist Diary Pages
Evil Dave's Big Day Out
Tai Bwo Wannai Trie (Hero's Welcome) (boss fight)
Barbarian Training
Hero's Welcome (Boss Fight)
Bolt Switch (with elite Seers diary and range cape)
Ruby Bakriminel Bolts (e) Huge hits
Hydrix Bakriminel Bolts (e) Adrenaline
Dragonstone Bakriminel Bolts (e) cheaper option
Onyx Bakriminel Bolts (e) Heals
Diamond Bakriminel Bolts (e) Armour Piercing
Totem of Intimidation
Level 90 Slayer
Farm Abomination (Hero's Welcome Quest Boss) for Abomination Cape
Horror from the Deep (god books)
Essence of Finality
Limitless Sigil
Fury of the Small
Berserker's Fury
Sprit Cape
Asylum Surgeon's Ring
Ring of Death
Fight Kiln Capes
Reaper Crew Buff (All bosses)
Xp capacitor
Guthix Staff
Mage Arena Mini Game
Chamber Gaurdian
Defeat Kolodion in all forms
Statius Warhammer
DONESalve Amulet (e) (haunted mine)
Sunspear (river of blood) (planted feet switch)
Lord of Vampyrium
Level 76 Hunter
Branches of Darkmeyer
Kalphite Defender (Turtling 4)
Kalphite King (Use Keris)
Off-Hand Drygore Mace/Rapier/Longsword + Perfect Chitin
Level 106 herblore
Elder overload
Dominion Mines
Adrenaline Urn
Undead Slayer ability
Dragon slayer ability
Crystal Hatchet w/ Honed 6/Refined 4
Livid Farm Spell Unlocks
Shattered worlds abilities
Double surge
Greater dazing shot
Greater Concentrated Blast codex
Mazcab ability codex
Corruption blast
Greater Death's Swiftness codex
Greater Sunshine codex
Greater Fury codex
Greater Flurry codex
Greater Barge codex
Greater Ricochet codex
Greater Chain codex
Divert codex
Magna Tempest codex
94 thieving for Amlodd workers for porters
<h3>Arch Training</h3>
*70 Stormgaurd citadel
*70-72 outside citadel codean memorials (codine garege)
*inside for boots of flight (add to toolbelt)
*ledges of north complete mysterdy leep of faith
*exials bra page (atturnment)
*72-74 everlight okio studio debree (pages for later)
*74-76 kharid et chemple debree (cultist warprist mystery diary pages)
*76 warforge (goblin remains)
*upgraded wingsuit (pick up broken and repair and upgrade)
*wings out mystery
*81 (four new, do all and get all artifacts) then kharid et for batteries
*83 warforge barricade at bottom of crucibal (out of crucibal mystery, in tunnels, into the forge mystery)
*goblin dorm debree pile (last two to farm green goblin collection log)
*all keys, door, pull lever, stuff for incanto pickaxe
85 storm wine citadel weapon research (journal pages for asudian mystery five pages)
86 kharid-et ors alter pontifect signet ring exenguate spell scroll for fault of shadows mystery
infernal source dis overskill to 89
warforge big high war god piles (forge war mystery) 91
91-92 stormgaurd citadel gravitron research debree
92-93 everlight acropolis debree (eppic of etta mystery)
93 kharid armariour debree
94 warforge ubios cannbile pen piles
95-97 stormgaurd citadell essics tower debree
(stormgaurd of barage, howls workshop mystery for ancient invention)
97 warfodge goblin training remains
98 stormgaurd or infernal source (which collection logs I need)
after 99, best location is highest for your level
Nice! What's the focus for DXP?
Nice! What's the focus for DXP?
Hold on! I gotta list for that!
99 dung
99 rc
99 fm
99 fishing
about 15k total fish for 99 cooking from swarm
99 cooking
99 hunter
DONE 75 for bgh to 88
Black salamanders to 80
charming moths 88-99
99 farming
snape grass
fly trap
dwarf weed
limpwurt to 88
butterfly flower
I was saying I was gonna buy seeds but I got distracted flipping shit. I think I'm gonna use that profit right now and buy some seeds!
I didn't do any math. Just bought a nice size offer in the ge for several thousand of each. *shrugs* just kinda winging it.
Still looking good :)
How did the DXP go? :)
woot! Updated and back on my list!
How did the DXP go? :)
I ended up only getting one 99. But I went away for the weekend too so.... *shrugs* I'm happy with it. Would have been happier of I got dungeoneering AND runecrafting.
Next time :)
Alpha vs Omega DONE!
Now it's time to hang out with Rasial!
Good job, and good luck! (fingers crossed)
I'm after a zuk cape now.... so I got my necromancy cape from the fight kiln (TokHaar-Kal-Mor) so....
After I smack 99 Necromancy, I'm gonna continue my mission to get that cape. Once I get that cape, I'm gonna nail down my necro rotations and get better at killing shit!
Battle of the Monolith DONE
City of Senntisten DONE
Eye of Het I DONE
Eye of Het II DONE
Great job! Keep smashing it! :Cheer:
Extinction DONE
Holy shit... that was the best quest I've ever done! Mind BLOWN!
Good to see this is active again, good luck xxx
Extinction DONE
Holy shit... that was the best quest I've ever done! Mind BLOWN!
Did you not space bar through it? :P
I feel that someone worked extra hard to write that story. Plus I enjoy getting involved with what's going on. At least for the duration of the quest.
Not specifically into the lore, but I enjoy reading about it when it comes through the quests.
Maybe someday I'll get caught up with the Gieliner's current events!
I find it extremely interesting how the different characters are intertwined with each other through the quests.
Extinction DONE
Holy shit... that was the best quest I've ever done! Mind BLOWN!
Did you not space bar through it? :P
Updated List of Shist
Pickaxe of Life and Death
Mysterious black stone fragment (mined from slab on Mos Le'Harmless)
Attuned moonstone (rock)
Pickaxe of Earth and Song
Imcando Pickaxe
Four Imcando Pickaxe Fragments (from Lava Flow mine)
DONE Birthright of the Dwarves
DONE King of the Dwarves
DONE Forgiveness of a Chaos dwarf
DONE Forgettable tail of a Drunken Dwarf
DONE Between a Rock...
DONE My Arm's Big Adventure
DONE Rescue Mad Edgar from the Troll Stronghold Area
Redberry Pie
Blast Fusion Hammer
While Guthix Sleeps
Dream Mentor
The Hunt For Surok (miniquest)
DONE Crystal Pickaxe
DONE Dragon Pickaxe
DONE 4000 Harmonic Dust
1: Spirit Moonstone
100: Argonite ore
100: Bathus ore
100: Fractite ore
100: Gorgonite ore
100: Katagon ore
100: Kratonium ore
100: Marmaros ore
100: Novite ore
100: Promethium ore
100: Zephyrium ore
Metallic meteorite fragment
Wilderness Sword (1, 2, 3, respectively)
Easy Wilderness Tasks
Medium Wilderness Tasks
Hard Wilderness Tasks
Complete Kiln with:
DONE Necromancy
Kill zuk (no deaths/banking) for igneous stone (4x)
Use igneous stone on each cape
Flawless hm Zuk to combine capes (no benifit)
Requiem for a Dragon [Zorgoth's (necromancy) ring]
Battle of Forinthry (Zemouregal & Vorkath)
Ancient Awakening
Botanist's Workbench T1
Ancient Awakening (Active)
Totem of Auras
Recipe for Disaster: Sir Amik Varze
Look into Dream of Iaia
Light Within (Spell/Prayer Unlocks)
Fate of the Gods
Nomad's Elegy (Urn Enhancer/Soul-in-a-box blueprints)
Dishonour among Thieves (Safe unlock)
Nomad's Requiem (Bloodwood Tree)
Heart of Stone
Carnillean Rising
The Mighty Fall
The Chosen Commander
The Void Stares Back
A Void Dance
Quiet Before the Swarm
The Branches of Darkmeyer (Bloodwood Tree)
Ritual of the Mahjarrat (Armadyl Runes, Bloodwood Tree, safe unlock)
While Guthix Sleeps
Dream Mentor (Spell Unlocks)
The Hand in the Sand
The Hunt for Surok (miniquest)
Enakhra's Lament
Rocking Out
The Great Brain Robbery
Cabin Fever
Rum Deal
A Tail of Two Cats
Fight Arena
'Phite Club (Soul Runes)
Our Man in the North
Do No Evil
Dealing with Scabaras
10 Gold Artifacts from Pyramid Plunder
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
Crocodile Tears
DONE Level 73 Hunter
Spirits of the Elid
Dealing with Scabaras
10 Gold Artifacts from Pyramid Plunder
Achieve rank 3 overall Menaphos reputation
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
Achieve rank 9 overall Menaphos reputation
Dagon Bye (Ripper Demon Binding Contracts)
Contract Claws
Embrace the Chaos
4 Cultist Diary Pages
Evil Dave's Big Day Out
Tai Bwo Wannai Trie (Hero's Welcome) (boss fight)
Barbarian Training
Hero's Welcome (Boss Fight)
Master Runecrafting Hat
Bolt Switch (with elite Seers diary and range cape)
Ruby Bakriminel Bolts (e) Huge hits
Hydrix Bakriminel Bolts (e) Adrenaline
Dragonstone Bakriminel Bolts (e) cheaper option
Onyx Bakriminel Bolts (e) Heals
Diamond Bakriminel Bolts (e) Armour Piercing
Totem of Intimidation
Level 90 Slayer
Farm Abomination (Hero's Welcome Quest Boss) for Abomination Cape
Horror from the Deep (god books)
Essence of Finality
Limitless Sigil
Fury of the Small
Berserker's Fury
Sprit Cape
Asylum Surgeon's Ring
Ring of Death
Fight Kiln Capes
Reaper Crew Buff (All bosses)
Xp capacitor
Guthix Staff
Mage Arena Mini Game
Chamber Gaurdian
Defeat Kolodion in all forms
Statius Warhammer
DONESalve Amulet (e) (haunted mine)
Sunspear (river of blood) (planted feet switch)
Lord of Vampyrium
Level 76 Hunter
Branches of Darkmeyer
Kalphite Defender (Turtling 4)
Kalphite King (Use Keris)
Off-Hand Drygore Mace/Rapier/Longsword + Perfect Chitin
Level 106 herblore
Elder overload
Dominion Mines
Adrenaline Urn
Undead Slayer ability
Dragon slayer ability
Crystal Hatchet w/ Honed 6/Refined 4
Livid Farm Spell Unlocks
Shattered worlds abilities
Double surge
Greater dazing shot
Greater Concentrated Blast codex
Mazcab ability codex
Corruption blast
Greater Death's Swiftness codex
Greater Sunshine codex
Greater Fury codex
Greater Flurry codex
Greater Barge codex
Greater Ricochet codex
Greater Chain codex
Divert codex
Magna Tempest codex
94 thieving for Amlodd workers for porters
<h3>Arch Training</h3>
*70 Stormgaurd citadel
*70-72 outside citadel codean memorials (codine garege)
*inside for boots of flight (add to toolbelt)
*ledges of north complete mysterdy leep of faith
*exials bra page (atturnment)
*72-74 everlight okio studio debree (pages for later)
*74-76 kharid et chemple debree (cultist warprist mystery diary pages)
*76 warforge (goblin remains)
*upgraded wingsuit (pick up broken and repair and upgrade)
*wings out mystery
*81 (four new, do all and get all artifacts) then kharid et for batteries
*83 warforge barricade at bottom of crucibal (out of crucibal mystery, in tunnels, into the forge mystery)
*goblin dorm debree pile (last two to farm green goblin collection log)
*all keys, door, pull lever, stuff for incanto pickaxe
85 storm wine citadel weapon research (journal pages for asudian mystery five pages)
86 kharid-et ors alter pontifect signet ring exenguate spell scroll for fault of shadows mystery
infernal source dis overskill to 89
warforge big high war god piles (forge war mystery) 91
91-92 stormgaurd citadel gravitron research debree
92-93 everlight acropolis debree (eppic of etta mystery)
93 kharid armariour debree
94 warforge ubios cannbile pen piles
95-97 stormgaurd citadell essics tower debree
(stormgaurd of barage, howls workshop mystery for ancient invention)
97 warfodge goblin training remains
98 stormgaurd or infernal source (which collection logs I need)
after 99, best location is highest for your level
Looks scarey xxx
With every rewrite, I think it becomes less scary, because I cross off 15 lines, but then I end up adding 20 more so... *shrugs*
Looks scarey xxx
With every rewrite, I think it becomes less scary, because I cross off 15 lines, but then I end up adding 20 more so... *shrugs*
That's the PanicAddict way..
It wouldn't be my never endling list of shist any other way! :-p
With every rewrite, I think it becomes less scary, because I cross off 15 lines, but then I end up adding 20 more so... *shrugs*
That's the PanicAddict way..
I just keep finding shit I want.... and keep adding shit to the list of shists.... *facepalm* oh Panic
Doric's Task I DONE
I figure to get myself into questing, I'm'a get all the little short ones out the way. Sort them by length and just goin to town! It's a nice little premade list :-p
Doric's Task II DONE
Doric's Task III DONE
Doric's Task IV DONE
Doric's Task V DONE
Doric's Task VI DONE
Doric's Tast VII DONE
Lots of things nticked off
Keep up the good work xxx
Good job, keep the progress coming!
99 Firemaking
99 hunter
99 thieving
99 fishing
Got a few 100 something's but idgaf about those until I get content.
Finishing up dxp. Have less than 20 minutes left. I might just sit here and watch it run out...
That's exactly what I did.
Hoorah :)
yeah I got hunter thieving and fishing within 10 minutes. It was one hell of a rush!
8/17 10:05 am (edit)
I added the new pickaxe requirements on the list (the top). I think it's as right as it's gonna get for right now. I suppose I'll find any errors while I go through it getting it done!
Woot! I got my list reorganized right, and I'm off to do quests!
My Arm's Big Adventure DONE!!!
Look at that! I am now a Veteran Member! Although I still feel pretty Legendary haha
Between a Rock... DONE!!!
Forgettable Tale of a Drunken Dwarf DONE!!!
300 Quest Points!!!
Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf DONE!!!
King of the Dwarves DONE!!!
I'm killin it yo! Getting shit done! oh yeah!
Birthright of the Dwarves DONE!!!
Great job - keep going!
Great job - keep going!
I feel like I'm taking a break as I'm mining the lava flow going for the imcando pickaxe. Just a short break before more questing!
Updated List of Shist
Combat Achievements
Summer's End (Corporeal Beast)
Spirit of Summer
DONEPickaxe of Life and Death
DONE Mysterious black stone fragment (mined from slab on Mos Le'Harmless)
DONE Attuned moonstone (rock)
DONE Pickaxe of Earth and Song
DONE Imcando Pickaxe
DONE Four Imcando Pickaxe Fragments (from Lava Flow mine)
DONE Gilded Dragon Pickaxe
DONE Birthright of the Dwarves
DONE King of the Dwarves
DONE Forgiveness of a Chaos dwarf
DONE Forgettable tail of a Drunken Dwarf
DONE Between a Rock...
DONE My Arm's Big Adventure
DONE Rescue Mad Edgar from the Troll Stronghold Area
DONE Redberry Pie
DONE Blast Fusion Hammer
DONE While Guthix Sleeps
DONE Dream Mentor
DONE The Hunt For Surok (miniquest)
DONE Crystal Pickaxe
DONE Dragon Pickaxe
DONE 4000 Harmonic Dust
DONE 1: Spirit Moonstone
DONE 100: Argonite ore
DONE 100: Bathus ore
DONE 100: Fractite ore
DONE 100: Gorgonite ore
DONE 100: Katagon ore
DONE 100: Kratonium ore
DONE 100: Marmaros ore
DONE 100: Novite ore
DONE 100: Promethium ore
DONE 100: Zephyrium ore
DONE Metallic meteorite fragment
Wilderness Sword (1, 2, 3, respectively)
Easy Wilderness Tasks
Medium Wilderness Tasks
Hard Wilderness Tasks
Complete Kiln with:
DONE Necromancy
Kill zuk (no deaths/banking) for igneous stone (4x)
Use igneous stone on each cape
Flawless hm Zuk to combine capes (no benifit)
Requiem for a Dragon [Zorgoth's (necromancy) ring]
Battle of Forinthry (Zemouregal & Vorkath)
Ancient Awakening
Botanist's Workbench T1
Ancient Awakening (Active)
Totem of Auras
Recipe for Disaster: Sir Amik Varze
Look into Dream of Iaia
Light Within (Spell/Prayer Unlocks)
Fate of the Gods
Nomad's Elegy (Urn Enhancer/Soul-in-a-box blueprints)
Dishonour among Thieves (Safe unlock)
Nomad's Requiem (Bloodwood Tree)
Heart of Stone
Carnillean Rising
The Mighty Fall
The Chosen Commander
The Void Stares Back
A Void Dance
Quiet Before the Swarm
The Branches of Darkmeyer (Bloodwood Tree)
Ritual of the Mahjarrat (Armadyl Runes, Bloodwood Tree, safe unlock)
DONE While Guthix Sleeps
DONE Dream Mentor (Spell Unlocks)
The Hand in the Sand
DONE The Hunt for Surok (miniquest)
Enakhra's Lament
Rocking Out
The Great Brain Robbery
DONE Cabin Fever
DONE Rum Deal
A Tail of Two Cats
Fight Arena
'Phite Club (Soul Runes)
Our Man in the North
Do No Evil
Dealing with Scabaras
10 Gold Artifacts from Pyramid Plunder
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
Crocodile Tears
DONE Level 73 Hunter
Spirits of the Elid
Dealing with Scabaras
10 Gold Artifacts from Pyramid Plunder
Achieve rank 3 overall Menaphos reputation
Bring Leela to Senliten's tomb
Achieve rank 9 overall Menaphos reputation
Dagon Bye (Ripper Demon Binding Contracts)
Contract Claws
Embrace the Chaos
4 Cultist Diary Pages
Evil Dave's Big Day Out
Tai Bwo Wannai Trie (Hero's Welcome) (boss fight)
Barbarian Training
Hero's Welcome (Boss Fight)
Master Runecrafting Hat
Bolt Switch (with elite Seers diary and range cape)
Ruby Bakriminel Bolts (e) Huge hits
Hydrix Bakriminel Bolts (e) Adrenaline
Dragonstone Bakriminel Bolts (e) cheaper option
Onyx Bakriminel Bolts (e) Heals
Diamond Bakriminel Bolts (e) Armour Piercing
Totem of Intimidation
Level 90 Slayer
Farm Abomination (Hero's Welcome Quest Boss) for Abomination Cape
Horror from the Deep (god books)
Essence of Finality
Limitless Sigil
Fury of the Small
Berserker's Fury
Sprit Cape
Asylum Surgeon's Ring
Ring of Death
Fight Kiln Capes
Reaper Crew Buff (All bosses)
Xp capacitor
Guthix Staff
Mage Arena Mini Game
Chamber Gaurdian
Defeat Kolodion in all forms
Statius Warhammer
DONESalve Amulet (e) (haunted mine)
Sunspear (river of blood) (planted feet switch)
Lord of Vampyrium
Level 76 Hunter
Branches of Darkmeyer
Kalphite Defender (Turtling 4)
Kalphite King (Use Keris)
Off-Hand Drygore Mace/Rapier/Longsword + Perfect Chitin
Level 106 herblore
Elder overload
Dominion Mines
Adrenaline Urn
Undead Slayer ability
Dragon slayer ability
Crystal Hatchet w/ Honed 6/Refined 4
Livid Farm Spell Unlocks
Shattered worlds abilities
Double surge
Greater dazing shot
Greater Concentrated Blast codex
Mazcab ability codex
Corruption blast
Greater Death's Swiftness codex
Greater Sunshine codex
Greater Fury codex
Greater Flurry codex
Greater Barge codex
Greater Ricochet codex
Greater Chain codex
Divert codex
Magna Tempest codex
94 thieving for Amlodd workers for porters
<h3>Arch Training</h3>
*70 Stormgaurd citadel
*70-72 outside citadel codean memorials (codine garege)
*inside for boots of flight (add to toolbelt)
*ledges of north complete mysterdy leep of faith
*exials bra page (atturnment)
*72-74 everlight okio studio debree (pages for later)
*74-76 kharid et chemple debree (cultist warprist mystery diary pages)
*76 warforge (goblin remains)
*upgraded wingsuit (pick up broken and repair and upgrade)
*wings out mystery
*81 (four new, do all and get all artifacts) then kharid et for batteries
*83 warforge barricade at bottom of crucibal (out of crucibal mystery, in tunnels, into the forge mystery)
*goblin dorm debree pile (last two to farm green goblin collection log)
*all keys, door, pull lever, stuff for incanto pickaxe
85 storm wine citadel weapon research (journal pages for asudian mystery five pages)
86 kharid-et ors alter pontifect signet ring exenguate spell scroll for fault of shadows mystery
infernal source dis overskill to 89
warforge big high war god piles (forge war mystery) 91
91-92 stormgaurd citadel gravitron research debree
92-93 everlight acropolis debree (eppic of etta mystery)
93 kharid armariour debree
94 warforge ubios cannbile pen piles
95-97 stormgaurd citadell essics tower debree
(stormgaurd of barage, howls workshop mystery for ancient invention)
97 warfodge goblin training remains
98 stormgaurd or infernal source (which collection logs I need)
after 99, best location is highest for your level
Gilded Dragon Pickaxe DONE
1, 2, 3, 4 Imcando Pieces DONE
Redberry Pie COOKED
Imcando Pickaxe DONE
More things ticked off
Nicely done!
The Hunt For Surok (miniquest) DONE!!!
Dream mentor DONE!!!
While Guthix Sleeps DONE!!!
that was a great quest!
Pickaxe of Earth and Song!!!
Rum Deal DONE!!!
Cabin Fever DONE!!!
busy busy
The grind never stops
maybe someday soon I'll pick back up on it
Pickaxe of Life and Death DONE
Great job - good luck with the gains this year!
construction 99
crafting 99
only farming 84 and arch 86 left
I'm thinking after dxp, I'm probably going to do some pvm and work on those new combat things. Either that or star chipping away on my list....