It honestly makes me smile to see that people are still keeping my board active.
I was pretty sure it had died and I was going to revive it.
I love you people.
I do.
Edit: & in my opinion, I enjoy the customization. I always choose a female avatar, simply because they are more appealing to me.
As far as the Pokemon go...
I love them all.
Although, the Lizard slightly reminds me of Scraggy...
They are not EXACTLY similar, but have a slight similarity.
The bird, I always love the birds. Especially the final evolutions.
The panda? Who doesn't love a panda?
and the Goat? Oh. I love it. Honestly. I love it.
I'm kinda a die hard fan, and nothing done by GameFreak can actually upset me.
As far as the MewTwo form goes, I'm excited for it.